Words and phrases that have a meaning related to anthropomorphic: (121 results)
Often used in the same context:
humanlike, zoomorphic, whimsical, inanimate, sapient, quadruped, ludic, animatronic, doglike, allegorical, mythological, robotlike, dinosaurian, phallic, fantastical, cloven hoof, humanoid, sentient, mouthless, animated, taxidermic, mouselike, wart hog, hermaphroditic, elvish, apelike, miniature, theropod dinosaur, taxonomical, arboreal, stylized, ratlike, cuddlesome, nonhuman, anthropocentric, diagrammatic, dwarfish, fanciful, bunny rabbit, cartoony, oddball, cuddly, manlike, simian, papier, wormlike, cubistic, sabertooth, exoskeletal, imaginary, blobby, phantasmagoric, cutesy, cebus, elfish, allegoric, mole rat, huggable, hieronymus bosch, reptilian, flatulent, bilaterally symmetrical, insectivore, lifelike, polymorphous, spiderlike, bipedal, humpbacked, domesticated, goofy, furry, eyeless, toucan, fictive, daliesque, mutant, psychokinetic, snuffleupagus, disembodied, arctic fox, toylike, konrad lorenz, kitschy, hooved, coati, infanticidal, wolflike, necromantic, aquatic mammal, canis lupus, cryptid, lovecraftian, noseless, piglike, demonic, typological, lumpish, apparitional, metaphoric, speciesist, teleological, treelike, animistic, stereotypical, anachronistic, stereotyped, abstracted, cliched, docetic, dualistic, oversimplified, personified, theriomorphic, conventionalized, stylised, voluntaristic, abstract, androgynous, conventionalised
Also try:anthropomorphous, human
— Nouns for anthropomorphic: figures, god, form, figure, terms, conception, gods, images, deity, language, figurines, more...
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