Words and phrases that rhyme with artefacts: (56 results)
2 syllables:
attracts, compacts, contacts, contract's, contracts, detracts, didacts, diffracts, distracts, enacts, entractes, epacts, exacts, extracts, impacts, impact tz, infracts, medfacts, play-acts, protracts, reacts, redactes, redacts, refracts, retracts, songfacts, subtracts, transacts
attracts, compacts, contacts, contract's, contracts, detracts, didacts, diffracts, distracts, enacts, entractes, epacts, exacts, extracts, impacts, impact tz, infracts, medfacts, play-acts, protracts, reacts, redactes, redacts, refracts, retracts, songfacts, subtracts, transacts
3 syllables:
abreacts, artifacts, autofacts, book of facts, cataphracts, cataracts, cateracts, counteracts, interacts, munifacts, overacts, reenacts, subcontracts, underacts, usafacts, ventifacts
abreacts, artifacts, autofacts, book of facts, cataphracts, cataracts, cateracts, counteracts, interacts, munifacts, overacts, reenacts, subcontracts, underacts, usafacts, ventifacts
7 syllables:
creating by mental acts
creating by mental acts
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (113 results)
1 syllable:
ax, axe, backs, blacks, capps, caps, cracks, craps, fax, flaps, flax, gaps, jack's, jacks, lacks, lapse, lax, maps, max, packs, pacs, pax, sachs, sacks, sax, saxe, schnapps, schnaps, scraps, slacks, snacks, stacks, straps, taps, tax, tracks, traps, wax, wraps
ax, axe, backs, blacks, capps, caps, cracks, craps, fax, flaps, flax, gaps, jack's, jacks, lacks, lapse, lax, maps, max, packs, pacs, pax, sachs, sacks, sax, saxe, schnapps, schnaps, scraps, slacks, snacks, stacks, straps, taps, tax, tracks, traps, wax, wraps
2 syllables:
attacks, breakaxe, broadaxe, collapse, death tax, earth wax, elapse, fig wax, floor wax, gift tax, ice ax, ice axe, lac wax, land tax, perhaps, pickaxe, poll tax, prolapse, relapse, relax, sales tax, scale wax, shoot craps, ski wax, stamp tax, tay-sachs, toadflax
attacks, breakaxe, broadaxe, collapse, death tax, earth wax, elapse, fig wax, floor wax, gift tax, ice ax, ice axe, lac wax, land tax, perhaps, pickaxe, poll tax, prolapse, relapse, relax, sales tax, scale wax, shoot craps, ski wax, stamp tax, tay-sachs, toadflax
3 syllables:
ader wax, battle-axe, book of maps, common ax, common axe, dayton ax, dayton axe, devil's flax, direct tax, estate tax, excise tax, fireman's ax, fireman's axe, franchise tax, give the axe, glycine max, hidden tax, income tax, japan wax, license tax, pezophaps, sealing wax, single tax, transfer tax, western ax, western axe
ader wax, battle-axe, book of maps, common ax, common axe, dayton ax, dayton axe, devil's flax, direct tax, estate tax, excise tax, fireman's ax, fireman's axe, franchise tax, give the axe, glycine max, hidden tax, income tax, japan wax, license tax, pezophaps, sealing wax, single tax, transfer tax, western ax, western axe
4 syllables:
anticlimax, aspidelaps, carnauba wax, dendrocolaptes, gasoline tax, hylophylax, indirect tax, mineral wax, paraffin wax, progressive tax, property tax, rhynchoelaps, vegetable wax, withholding tax
anticlimax, aspidelaps, carnauba wax, dendrocolaptes, gasoline tax, hylophylax, indirect tax, mineral wax, paraffin wax, progressive tax, property tax, rhynchoelaps, vegetable wax, withholding tax
5 syllables:
capital gains tax, caterpillar tracks, estimated tax, hermann maurice saxe, inheritance tax, value-added tax
capital gains tax, caterpillar tracks, estimated tax, hermann maurice saxe, inheritance tax, value-added tax
10 syllables:
declaration of estimated tax
declaration of estimated tax
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