Words and phrases that rhyme with ascribed: (26 results)
2 syllables:
described, escribed, imbibed, inscribed, prescribed, proscribed, subscribed, transcribed, unbribed
described, escribed, imbibed, inscribed, prescribed, proscribed, subscribed, transcribed, unbribed
3 syllables:
circumscribed, interscribed, self-described, superscribed, undescribed, uninscribed, unprescribed, unsubscribed
circumscribed, interscribed, self-described, superscribed, undescribed, uninscribed, unprescribed, unsubscribed
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— Nouns for ascribed: status, characteristics, identity, roles, statuses, role, value, position, membership, cause, rank, more...
— People also search for: attributed, equated, manifested, reflected, discerned, characterized, blamed, notwithstanding, impute, attested, adduces, more...
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