Words and phrases that rhyme with biennially: (10 results)
5 syllables:
centennially, decennially, perennially, quadrennially, quinquennially, septennially, triennially
centennially, decennially, perennially, quadrennially, quinquennially, septennially, triennially
6 syllables:
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (244 results)
2 syllables:
3 syllables:
severally, splendidly, pleasantly, messily, tendency, ebony, pedigree, credibly, gemini, venally, leprosy, prelacy, lengthily, elegy, readily, tenantry, weaponry, helplessly, equity, zestfully, remedy, breathlessly, brevity, revelry, flexibly, melody, steadily, entity, jealousy, restfully, enemy, seventy, entropy, tensity, peasantry, clemency, velvety, threnody, sensibly, devilry, chemistry, pedantry, pregnancy, legacy, bestially, cecity, necropsy, sesame, zealotry, mentally, density, dreadfully, helpfully, testily, specially, embassy, tenancy, pleasantry, centrally, kennedy, deputy, secondly, enmity, legatee, felony, preciously, recipe, ecstasy, especially, debauchee, specialty, presently, destiny, heavily, heavenly, medically, endlessly, empathy, jealously, chemically, penalty
severally, splendidly, pleasantly, messily, tendency, ebony, pedigree, credibly, gemini, venally, leprosy, prelacy, lengthily, elegy, readily, tenantry, weaponry, helplessly, equity, zestfully, remedy, breathlessly, brevity, revelry, flexibly, melody, steadily, entity, jealousy, restfully, enemy, seventy, entropy, tensity, peasantry, clemency, velvety, threnody, sensibly, devilry, chemistry, pedantry, pregnancy, legacy, bestially, cecity, necropsy, sesame, zealotry, mentally, density, dreadfully, helpfully, testily, specially, embassy, tenancy, pleasantry, centrally, kennedy, deputy, secondly, enmity, legatee, felony, preciously, recipe, ecstasy, especially, debauchee, specialty, presently, destiny, heavily, heavenly, medically, endlessly, empathy, jealously, chemically, penalty
4 syllables:
theosophy, incessantly, rebelliously, transcendency, detestably, acceptably, resplendently, extremity, ascendancy, nonentity, mastectomy, expectancy, identity, necessity, dependably, lamentably, successfully, inequity, discrepancy, sequentially, unsteadily, lobectomy, ascendency, preferably, serenity, fidelity, unpleasantly, nephrectomy, potentially, death penalty, tremendously, essentially, flux density, desperately, schenectady, lumpectomy, intrepidly, ostensibly, sententiously, complexity, splenectomy, insensibly, telemetry, respectfully, respectably, hegemony, generally, inflexibly, dependency, supremacy, anemone, longevity, repentantly, ineffably, perplexity, vasectomy, resplendency, solemnity, contemptuously, amenity, federally, intensity, heredity, perceptibly, convexity, incredibly, integrity, allegedly, indemnity, incessancy, separately, telepathy, licentiously, low density, regrettably, thrombectomy, tentatively, infectiously, penelope, enviously, plenteously
theosophy, incessantly, rebelliously, transcendency, detestably, acceptably, resplendently, extremity, ascendancy, nonentity, mastectomy, expectancy, identity, necessity, dependably, lamentably, successfully, inequity, discrepancy, sequentially, unsteadily, lobectomy, ascendency, preferably, serenity, fidelity, unpleasantly, nephrectomy, potentially, death penalty, tremendously, essentially, flux density, desperately, schenectady, lumpectomy, intrepidly, ostensibly, sententiously, complexity, splenectomy, insensibly, telemetry, respectfully, respectably, hegemony, generally, inflexibly, dependency, supremacy, anemone, longevity, repentantly, ineffably, perplexity, vasectomy, resplendency, solemnity, contemptuously, amenity, federally, intensity, heredity, perceptibly, convexity, incredibly, integrity, allegedly, indemnity, incessancy, separately, telepathy, licentiously, low density, regrettably, thrombectomy, tentatively, infectiously, penelope, enviously, plenteously
5 syllables:
tonsillectomy, orchidectomy, geochemistry, mask of pregnancy, hysterectomy, eventually, sympathectomy, life expectancy, sentimentally, exceptionally, consequentially, confederacy, biochemistry, accidentally, mastoidectomy, independently, tubal pregnancy, reverentially, oophorectomy, white supremacy, professionally, stapedectomy, orchiectomy, pneumonectomy, salpingectomy, thyroidectomy, disrespectfully, appendectomy, penitentially, irreverently, macrencephaly, abstemiously, rhytidectomy, incidentally, intemperately, open sesame, providentially, high fidelity, prostatectomy, unacceptably, deferentially, photochemistry, independency, conscientiously, embolectomy, microcephaly, fundamentally, vapor density, anencephaly, reprehensibly, unsuccessfully
tonsillectomy, orchidectomy, geochemistry, mask of pregnancy, hysterectomy, eventually, sympathectomy, life expectancy, sentimentally, exceptionally, consequentially, confederacy, biochemistry, accidentally, mastoidectomy, independently, tubal pregnancy, reverentially, oophorectomy, white supremacy, professionally, stapedectomy, orchiectomy, pneumonectomy, salpingectomy, thyroidectomy, disrespectfully, appendectomy, penitentially, irreverently, macrencephaly, abstemiously, rhytidectomy, incidentally, intemperately, open sesame, providentially, high fidelity, prostatectomy, unacceptably, deferentially, photochemistry, independency, conscientiously, embolectomy, microcephaly, fundamentally, vapor density, anencephaly, reprehensibly, unsuccessfully
6 syllables:
cholecystectomy, unconventionally, coincidentally, biogeography, unintentionally, environmentally, radiochemistry, physical chemistry, simple mastectomy, impetuosity, manifest destiny, interdependency, electrochemistry, organic chemistry, cercopithecidae, experimentally, cosmetic dentistry, inconsequentially, adrenalectomy, immunochemistry, relative density
cholecystectomy, unconventionally, coincidentally, biogeography, unintentionally, environmentally, radiochemistry, physical chemistry, simple mastectomy, impetuosity, manifest destiny, interdependency, electrochemistry, organic chemistry, cercopithecidae, experimentally, cosmetic dentistry, inconsequentially, adrenalectomy, immunochemistry, relative density
7 syllables:
ovarian pregnancy, radical mastectomy, inorganic chemistry, magnetic flux density, paleogeography, abdominal pregnancy, total hysterectomy
ovarian pregnancy, radical mastectomy, inorganic chemistry, magnetic flux density, paleogeography, abdominal pregnancy, total hysterectomy
8 syllables:
radical hysterectomy
radical hysterectomy
10 syllables:
modified radical mastectomy
modified radical mastectomy
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