Words and phrases that have a meaning related to bluetongue: (121 results)
Often used in the same context:
swine fever, coccidiosis, scrapie, vesicular stomatitis, myxomatosis, ragwort, pigmeat, anaplasmosis, mad cow disease, lungworm, rift valley fever, swine influenza, poultry, epizootic, brucellosis, badgers, livestock, midge, swine flu, rinderpest, bvd, trichinella, outbreak, clubroot, zoonosis, lapwing, lambing, equine encephalitis, metaldehyde, disease, influenza, parvovirus, flu, potato blight, contagious disease, zoonotic disease, ruminants, wildfowl, rabies, fowl cholera, mastitis, cerebrospinal meningitis, trichinosis, potato wart, hog cholera, virus, ebola fever, haemorrhagic fever, biting midge, whooping cough, blackleg, lymphogranuloma venereum, crofters, chronic wasting disease, cattle, suckler, mumps, capercaillie, pasteurella, phoma, arboviruses, hogget, hydatid disease, whooper swan, canine distemper, mycotoxin, coxsackie virus, serotype, foxes, itch mite, measles, superbug, mute swan, powys, fusarium, fox hunting, quarantine, pandemic, meningitis, marburg hemorrhagic fever, late blight, chough, arbovirus, dairy cattle, stone curlew, flocks, legionella, blowfly, hen harrier, salmonella, coccidia, sclerotinia, ringed plover, gray squirrel, hayfever, armyworm, rspca, poult, marburg, hoggs, phylloxera, weaner, hepatitis, avian, dengue, heterologous, lytic, meningococcal, nonbacterial, pneumococcal, syncytial, vesicular, adenovirus, associated, bloodborne, borne, bovine, cytolytic, cytomegalic, encephalitic
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Also try:catarrhal
— Nouns for bluetongue: virus, disease, vaccination, infection, serotype, serotypes, type, isolations, proteins, viruses, ns3more...
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