Words and phrases that rhyme with closing: (48 results)
3 syllables:
ankylosing, apposing, brown-nosing, brownnosing, bulldozing, composing, deposing, disclosing, disposing, enclosing, exposing, foreclosing, imposing, inclosing, opposing, proposing, reposing, self-closing, still-closing, supposing, transposing, unclosing
ankylosing, apposing, brown-nosing, brownnosing, bulldozing, composing, deposing, disclosing, disposing, enclosing, exposing, foreclosing, imposing, inclosing, opposing, proposing, reposing, self-closing, still-closing, supposing, transposing, unclosing
4 syllables:
anchylosing, counterposing, decomposing, discomposing, indisposing, interposing, juxtaposing, predisposing, presupposing, recomposing, reimposing, repurposing, superposing, unimposing
anchylosing, counterposing, decomposing, discomposing, indisposing, interposing, juxtaposing, predisposing, presupposing, recomposing, reimposing, repurposing, superposing, unimposing
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (11 results)
5 syllables:
civilian clothing
civilian clothing
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