Words and phrases that have a meaning related to cute: (115 results)
Often used in the same context:
adorable, cutesy, goofy, girly, sexy, funny, dorky, lovable, cuddly, silly, lovely, chubby, purty, smiley, loveable, cheesy, corny, charming, foxy, creepy, cheeky, kooky, tacky, weird, babyish, huggable, playful, teeny, endearing, nerdy, sassy, gorgeous, freaky, sweety, yummy, lovey, kitschy, naughty, giggly, cuddlesome, snazzy, perky, dopey, funky, quirky, skinny, mussy, winsome, mousey, hott, geeky, homely, frisky, furry, whimsical, flirty, naggy, snaggletooth, eww, spunky, hilarious, annoying, smurfy, fluffy, sweet, flippy, pouchy, dainty, scroungy, stupid, kissy, skanky, frilly, mouthless, goony, kicky, clever, clingy, dumpy, sparkly, puddy, dumb, amusing, airheaded, dinky, uncool, wacky, vampy, wiggly, gawky, scaredy, aww, hoochie, beautiful, twee, whiny, bunny rabbit, prissy, freckly, porny, comical, cutest, pretty, looking, prettiest, nice, ugly, scruffy, sexiest, smartest
Appears in the definition of:
Also try:artful, attractive, cunning, precious
— Nouns for cute: girl, guy, boy, kid, thing, girls, face, baby, things, guys, way, more...
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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