Words and phrases that rhyme with defunct: (37 results)
1 syllable:
bunked, chunked, clunked, dunked, flunked, funct, funked, junked, plunked, punct, punked, punkt, punkte, skunked, thunked, trunked, unked
bunked, chunked, clunked, dunked, flunked, funct, funked, junked, plunked, punct, punked, punkt, punkte, skunked, thunked, trunked, unked
2 syllables:
adjunct, blaupunkt, compunct, debunked, disjunct, disjunkt, dispunct, drehpunkt, injunct, inunct, schwerpunkt, slam-dunked, spelunked, standpunkt, treffpunkt, untrunked, zeitpunkt
adjunct, blaupunkt, compunct, debunked, disjunct, disjunkt, dispunct, drehpunkt, injunct, inunct, schwerpunkt, slam-dunked, spelunked, standpunkt, treffpunkt, untrunked, zeitpunkt
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (7 results)
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— Nouns for defunct: company, party, empire, economist, league, magazine, bank, union, system, corporation, companies, more...
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