Words and phrases that rhyme with determines: (18 results)
2 syllables:
berman's, bermans, burmans, firmans, german's, germans, germans', germens, herman's, hermans, sermons, sherman's, shermans, sirmans, sirmons, sturmans
berman's, bermans, burmans, firmans, german's, germans, germans', germens, herman's, hermans, sermons, sherman's, shermans, sirmans, sirmons, sturmans
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (3 results)
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— Adjectives for determines: what, false, boolean, optional, logical, visible, indicatoron, true, dropoff, numeric, isanonymous, more...
— People also search for: dictates, assesses, evaluates, depends, calculates, decides, assigns, specifies, computes, varies, more...
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