Words and phrases that rhyme with dispirited: (11 results)
3 syllables:
4 syllables:
free-spirited, hot-spirited, inspirited, low-spirited, male-spirited, mean-spirited, meanspirited, poor-spirited
free-spirited, hot-spirited, inspirited, low-spirited, male-spirited, mean-spirited, meanspirited, poor-spirited
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (11 results)
6 syllables:
truncated pyramid
truncated pyramid
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— Nouns for dispirited: army, troops, men, people, man, voice, soldiers, state, way, group, mood, more...
— People also search for: demoralized, disillusioned, disenchanted, disheartened, discontented, crestfallen, frustrated, embittered, despairing, alienated, energized, more...
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