Words and phrases that have a meaning related to futuristic: (115 results)
Often used in the same context:
retro, dystopian, fantastical, sleek, science fiction, modernistic, trippy, ultramodern, phantasmagorical, stylized, modern, cyborg, cyberpunk, snazzy, robotic, groovy, transformable, minimalist, humanoid, funky, cybernetic, cutting edge, boxy, toylike, wearable, stylish, utopian, kinetic, fanciful, podlike, ungreen, gothic, blockish, art deco, psychedelic, puristic, neoclassic, bionic, soulless, souped, exoskeletal, postmodern, apocalyptic, otherworldly, spiffy, metallic, shiny, antigravity, noirish, alien, avant garde, modish, grandiose, revolutionary, sexy, cinematic, esque, blobby, robotlike, overdecorated, newfangled, wankel rotary engine, gee whiz, angular, cartoony, wankel engine, styled, outer space, miniaturized, solarized, shooting brake, grimy, eldritch, utilitarian, whimsical, flashy, futurist, intergalactic, dreamy, spangly, holographic, tridimensional, surreal, astronautical, hypersonic, teutonic, chic, cubistic, superstruct, classic, artificial intelligence, drabbest, elegant, undesigned, kitschy, lovecraftian, wavey, androgenous, ethereal, surrealistic, nihilistic, spooky, grander, elitist, expressionistic, illusionary, kafkaesque, mythopoeic, neoclassical, realistic, romanticized, anachronistic, ecclesiological, escapist
Appears in the definition of:
Also try:cyberpunk
— Nouns for futuristic: vision, world, city, technology, novel, fiction, design, society, fantasy, look, visions, more...
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