Words and phrases that rhyme with interception: (68 results)
3 syllables:
abreption, acception, adeption, conception, correption, deception, direption, ekseption, ereption, exception, inception, obreption, perception, preception, proception, proreption, reception, subception, subreption, susception
abreption, acception, adeption, conception, correption, deception, direption, ekseption, ereption, exception, inception, obreption, perception, preception, proception, proreption, reception, subception, subreption, susception
4 syllables:
apperception, contaception, contraception, imperception, misconception, misperception, nociception, preconception, reperception, self-conception, self-deception, self-perception, sound perception, speech perception, take exception, taste perception, thermoception, touch perception
apperception, contaception, contraception, imperception, misconception, misperception, nociception, preconception, reperception, self-conception, self-deception, self-perception, sound perception, speech perception, take exception, taste perception, thermoception, touch perception
5 syllables:
anticonception, chemoreception, cordial reception, exteroception, interoception, introreception, introsusception, intussusception, phonoreception, photoreception, proprioception, superconception, wedding reception
anticonception, chemoreception, cordial reception, exteroception, interoception, introreception, introsusception, intussusception, phonoreception, photoreception, proprioception, superconception, wedding reception
6 syllables:
antinociception, electroreception, magnetoreception, mechanoreception, musical perception, visual perception
antinociception, electroreception, magnetoreception, mechanoreception, musical perception, visual perception
7 syllables:
auditory perception, electronic deception, equilibrioception, favorable reception, immaculate conception, olfactory perception
auditory perception, electronic deception, equilibrioception, favorable reception, immaculate conception, olfactory perception
8 syllables:
extrasensory perception
extrasensory perception
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (134 results)
3 syllables:
connexion, advection, reflection, dissection, election, protection, injection, collection, inflection, rejection, direction, refection, perfection, infection, dejection, subjection, affection, convection, defection, inspection, abjection, correction, erection, confection, complexion, bisection, cross section, selection, objection, ejection, projection, connection, deflection, detection, brass section, c-section, complection, cross-section, deflexion, inflexion, plane section, reed section, reflexion, sports section, string section
connexion, advection, reflection, dissection, election, protection, injection, collection, inflection, rejection, direction, refection, perfection, infection, dejection, subjection, affection, convection, defection, inspection, abjection, correction, erection, confection, complexion, bisection, cross section, selection, objection, ejection, projection, connection, deflection, detection, brass section, c-section, complection, cross-section, deflexion, inflexion, plane section, reed section, reflexion, sports section, string section
4 syllables:
map projection, predilection, insurrection, retroflection, disconnection, venesection, introjection, interjection, retrospection, by election, indirection, intersection, vivisection, resurrection, intellection, reelection, conic section, quarter section, recollection, circumspection, retroflexion, golden section, stage direction, disaffection, rhythm section, disinfection, misdirection, imperfection, introspection, genuflection, art collection, bye election, by selection, coin collection, eye infection, genuflexion, loan collection, map collection, self-direction, self-protection, sound reflection, stamp collection, suprainfection, tax collection, to perfection, trade protection, trash collection, trumpet section
map projection, predilection, insurrection, retroflection, disconnection, venesection, introjection, interjection, retrospection, by election, indirection, intersection, vivisection, resurrection, intellection, reelection, conic section, quarter section, recollection, circumspection, retroflexion, golden section, stage direction, disaffection, rhythm section, disinfection, misdirection, imperfection, introspection, genuflection, art collection, bye election, by selection, coin collection, eye infection, genuflexion, loan collection, map collection, self-direction, self-protection, sound reflection, stamp collection, suprainfection, tax collection, to perfection, trade protection, trash collection, trumpet section
5 syllables:
interconnection, vincent's infection, garbage collection, house of correction, fungal infection, conic projection, caesarean section, focal infection, superinfection, bottle collection, change of direction, clarinet section, giving protection, mental rejection, overprotection, rental collection, right of election, sense of direction, signal detection, vertical section, violin section, writ of election
interconnection, vincent's infection, garbage collection, house of correction, fungal infection, conic projection, caesarean section, focal infection, superinfection, bottle collection, change of direction, clarinet section, giving protection, mental rejection, overprotection, rental collection, right of election, sense of direction, signal detection, vertical section, violin section, writ of election
6 syllables:
natural selection, mercator projection, angle of reflection, primary election, general election, conical projection, horizontal section, mutual affection, offering protection, point of intersection
natural selection, mercator projection, angle of reflection, primary election, general election, conical projection, horizontal section, mutual affection, offering protection, point of intersection
7 syllables:
intravenous injection
intravenous injection
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