Words and phrases that rhyme with muffle: (24 results)
2 syllables:
buffel, buffle, duffel, duffell, duffle, kuffel, pr niffl, ruffle, scuffle, shuffle, snuffle, the phil, truffle
buffel, buffle, duffel, duffell, duffle, kuffel, pr niffl, ruffle, scuffle, shuffle, snuffle, the phil, truffle
3 syllables:
bemuffle, carfuffle, curfuffle, enmuffle, false truffle, kerfluffle, kerfuffle, reshuffle, unmuffle, unruffle
bemuffle, carfuffle, curfuffle, enmuffle, false truffle, kerfluffle, kerfuffle, reshuffle, unmuffle, unruffle
4 syllables:
chocolate truffle
chocolate truffle
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (46 results)
1 syllable:
2 syllables:
muzzle, muscle, mussel, russell, hovel, shovel, rustle, guzzle, puzzle, nuzzle, bustle, tussle, hustle
muzzle, muscle, mussel, russell, hovel, shovel, rustle, guzzle, puzzle, nuzzle, bustle, tussle, hustle
3 syllables:
smooth muscle, steam shovel, heart muscle, cheek muscle, coal shovel, earl russell, eye muscle, gun muzzle, hand shovel, scoop shovel
smooth muscle, steam shovel, heart muscle, cheek muscle, coal shovel, earl russell, eye muscle, gun muzzle, hand shovel, scoop shovel
4 syllables:
bertrand russell, monkey puzzle, crossword puzzle, zebra mussel, jigsaw puzzle, chinese puzzle, power shovel, facial muscle, marine mussel
bertrand russell, monkey puzzle, crossword puzzle, zebra mussel, jigsaw puzzle, chinese puzzle, power shovel, facial muscle, marine mussel
5 syllables:
abductor muscle, cardiac muscle, pectoral muscle, skeletal muscle, edible mussel, freshwater mussel
abductor muscle, cardiac muscle, pectoral muscle, skeletal muscle, edible mussel, freshwater mussel
7 syllables:
involuntary muscle, antagonistic muscle, greater pectoral muscle, smaller pectoral muscle
involuntary muscle, antagonistic muscle, greater pectoral muscle, smaller pectoral muscle
8 syllables:
bertrand arthur william russell
bertrand arthur william russell
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