Words and phrases whose definition contains ocean: (279 results)
banks, bed, blase, clam, coast, crash, cruise, deep, fall, gulf, hop, kidd, pearl, sail, sands, sea, sink, sound, sponge, swell, trench, trough, us, waste, wave
abroad, acores, azores, bathyal, beach flea, beard worm, behring, belau, bering, cape ann, cape fear, cape may, ceylon, crossing, durban, ekman, gamma, ground swell, gulf stream, guyot, hadal, hondo, honshu, japan, klamath, lindbergh, loch linnhe, maldives, murray, nares deep, natal, nauru, orange, painted, palau, pee dee, pelew, portsmouth, red sea, ross sea, saint johns, sand flea, sea-coast, seabed, seabird, seaboard, seacoast, seafowl, seamount, seashore, seaside, sea bird, sea spray, seychelles, st. johns, svalbard, swordfish, water, wilkes land, yemen
abyssal, africa, angola, atlantic, atlantis, australia, baffin bay, balboa, barents sea, bearded seal, beaufort sea, bering sea, bering strait, biscayne bay, buzzards bay, captain kidd, charles lindbergh, commanding, davy jones, da gamma, deck tennis, el nino, eureka, genghis khan, golden gate, greenland sea, heavy swell, iles comores, inland sea, japan trench, jenghiz khan, jinghis khan, kara sea, laptev sea, limpopo, litoral, littoral, mazatlan, merrimack, molidae, mombasa, north channel, oceanfront, ocean floor, overseas, pacific, pelagic, saltwater, sandhopper, sand hopper, sea bathing, sea bottom, sea level, subocean, surf casting, surf fishing, tartary, tasman sea, thalassic, timor sea, transit zone, twilight zone, unfathomed, usa, vancouver, william kidd, zambezi, zanzibar
america, arafura sea, atlantic coast, bay of bengal, bay of biscay, beyond the sea, bougainville trench, bristol channel, cape fear river, cape kennedy, caribbean, charles a. lindbergh, corrugated, east china sea, english channel, gulf of aden, humboldt current, indigirka, japan current, klamath river, kuroshio, littoral zone, lucky lindy, madagascar, maldive islands, mauritius, miami beach, mogadishu, monterey bay, murray river, namib desert, nauru island, neritic zone, norfolk island, north atlantic, north pacific, nova zembla, oceanic, ocean bottom, ocean current, orange river, oriented, over the sea, pacific coast, palau islands, parnahiba, parnaiba, pee dee river, pleasant island, plectognathi, queen charlotte sound, saint johns river, sir joseph banks, south atlantic, south china sea, south pacific, south sea islands, st. johns river, transatlantic, trichodesmium, united states, vitus behring, vitus bering, windward passage
arabian sea, atacama trench, atlantic ocean, body of water, cape canaveral, caribbean sea, crocodile river, diastrophism, family molidae, great australian bight, gulf of alaska, gulf of saint lawrence, indian ocean, japanese islands, joao pessoa, kuroshio current, madeira islands, massachusetts bay, merrimack river, mogadiscio, mozambique channel, narragansett bay, novaya zemlya, pacific ocean, pogonophoran, santa barbara, squareflipper square flipper, suboceanic, transoceanic, vagn walfrid ekman, vasco da gamma, volcano islands, zambezi river
bermuda triangle, charles augustus lindbergh, comoro islands, davy jones's locker, gravity gradient, indigirka river, oceanic abyss, peruvian current, redwood national park, republic of palau, republic of yemen, sao tiago island, xiphias gladius
caledonian canal, equatorial current, erignathus barbatus, new siberian islands, order plectognathi, republic of angola
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