Definitions of orderly:

  • noun:   a male hospital attendant who has general non-medical duties
  • noun:   a soldier who serves as an attendant to a superior officer
    Example: "The orderly laid out the general's uniform"
  • adjective:   devoid of violence or disruption
    Example: "An orderly crowd confronted the president"
  • adjective:   not haphazard
    Example: "A series of orderly actions at regular hours"
  • adjective:   marked by or adhering to method or system
    Example: "A clean orderly man"
  • adjective:   marked by system or regularity or discipline
    Example: "An orderly universe"
  • adjective:   according to custom or rule or natural law
  • adjective:   marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts
    Example: "The orderly presentation"