Words and phrases that rhyme with pathetic:  (390 results)
5 syllables:
aeromagnetic, agonothetic, amphigenetic, anagenetic, analphabetic, androgenetic, anti-emetic, antiemetic, antimagnetic, antipathetic, antipoetic, antisplenetic, apogametic, apologetic, asynartetic, autogenetic, autokinetic, bathylimnetic, biogenetic, biomagnetic, biomimetic, biosynthetic, blastogenetic, bradykinetic, catagenetic, cataphoretic, cenogenetic, chemokinetic, chemosynthetic, chylopoetic, cladogenetic, cytogenetic, cytokinetic, diagenetic, diakinetic, diamagnetic, dianoetic, diaphoretic, ectogenetic, endogenetic, epexegetic, epigenetic, epithumetic, ethopoetic, exogenetic, ferrimagnetic, ferromagnetic, game-theoretic, gamogenetic, geomagnetic, geosynthetic, glycogenetic, gynogenetic, gyromagnetic, helionetic, hemiparetic, histogenetic, homogametic, homogenetic, hydrokinetic, hydromagnetic, hyperaesthetic, hyperemetic, hyperesthetic, hyperkinetic, hypnogenetic, hypogenetic, hypokinetic, intermagnetic, isogametic, isokinetic, isomagnetic, kaliuretic, kenogenetic, logarithmetic, metagenetic, mitogenetic, monogenetic, monophyletic, morphogenetic, mythopoetic, natriuretic, neogenetic, neurogenetic, neuromimetic, nondiabetic, nosopoetic, ontogenetic, optokinetic, orogenetic, orthogenetic, oxyacetic, paedogenetic, palingenetic, paragenetic, paramagnetic, paraparetic, paraphyletic, parasynthetic, pathogenetic, pedogenetic, perigenetic, peripatetic, petrogenetic, pharmakinetic, photokinetic, photomagnetic, photosynthetic, phylogenetic, polygenetic, polyphyletic, polysyndetic, polysynthetic, prediabetic, psychogenetic, psychokinetic, psychomimetic, pyroacetic, pyrogenetic, pyromagnetic, schizogenetic, schizomycetic, semi-synthetic, semisynthetic, set-theoretic, tartar emetic, telekinetic, telepathetic, theopathetic, thermogenetic, thermomagnetic, unenergetic, unsympathetic, uropoetic, xenogenetic
Words and phrases that almost rhyme :  (7 results)
2 syllables:
medic, epic, medick
3 syllables:
samoyedic, amebic
4 syllables:
paraplegic, paramedic
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