Words and phrases that have a meaning related to pragmatist: (134 results)
Often used in the same context:
Also try:compromiser, realist, ideologue, technocrat, problem solver, thinker, hardliner, idealist, optimist, reformer, maverick, modernizer, risk taker, statesman, dreamer, moralist, dealmaker, roader, politician, doctrinaire, democrat, individualist, peacemaker, idealogue, constitutionalist, fatalist, ditherer, establishmentarian, bargainer, pessimist, backslapper, dogmatist, empiricist, iconoclast, reconciler, appeaser, sentimentalist, zealot, peacenik, visionary, apparatchik, admirer, grafter, textualist, workaholic, autocrat, rationalist, freethinker, battler, maneuverer, cynic, egoist, perfectionist, traditionalist, originalist, taskmaster, fox hunter, brownism, uniter, philosopher, panderer, wheeler dealer, unifier, outsider, theocrat, flatterer, liberalist, wishful thinker, doer, wonk, realpolitik, meddler, purist, tactician, opportunist, schmoozer, centrists, intriguer, kremlinologist, legalist, acolyte, stateswoman, controversialist, firebrand, naysayer, loose cannon, provocateur, troublemaker, dilettante, elder statesman, conservatism, naif, micromanager, centralist, patriot, showman, populist, successor, bluffer, monomaniac, confidant, europhile, pragmatists, pragmatism, anarchist, sceptic, evolutionist, positivist, rationalists, realists, conservative, idealists, pacifist, imperialist, liberal, libertarians, enlightenment, marxist, postmodern, poststructuralist, rationalistic, thomist, structuralist, vedantic, communitarian, contextualist, ecofeminist, existentialist, hegelian, nominalist, postmodernist, theistic, advaitic, associationist
— Adjectives for pragmatist: political, american, good, great, true, ultimate, supreme, anti, radical, pure, more, more...
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