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Words and phrases that almost rhyme :  (559 results)
4 syllables:
aerology, agrology, agronomy, algometry, allometry, allotropy, androgeny, anomaly, anthology, apogamy, apology, apostrophe, arthrography, arthroscopy, astrolatry, astrology, astrometry, astronomy, atrocity, autocracy, autogeny, autonomy, bardolatry, biogeny, biography, biology, bureaucracy, cacography, cacophony, calabash tree, callosity, cartography, child prodigy, chronology, commodity, conchology, cosmography, cosmolatry, cytology, democracy, demography, demonstrably, despondency, despondently, dichotomy, dishonesty, doxology, ecology, economy, enology, equality, ethnography, ethnology, ethology, exogamy, farce comedy, ferocity, fluoroscopy, frivolity, gastronomy, geodesy, geography, geology, geometry, globosity, glyptography, gymnosophy, high quality, histology, homogeny, homology, horology, hydrography, hydrology, hydrometry, hypocrisy, idolatry, immodestly, immodesty, impossibly, improbably, inconstancy, insolvency, isogamy, isometry, limnology, lithography, lithotomy, lordolatry, low comedy, low quality, mahogany, mammalogy, mammography, monocracy, monogamy, monopoly, monopsony, monotony, monstrosity, morphology, mycology, mythology, naprapathy, neology, neurology, nosology, obnoxiously, old colony, oncology, ontogeny, ontology, optometry, orthography, otology, pathology, penology, petrology, philology, philosophy, phonology, photography, phrenology, phylogeny, phytology, planography, plutocracy, pomology, pornography, porosity, precocity, prime quantity, proctology, psephology, psychology, psychometry, pyrolatry, responsibly, seismology, self-consciously, serology, shape constancy, sinology, size constancy, sonography, spectrometry, spectroscopy, symbolatry, tautology, tax policy, technology, tetralogy, theocracy, theology, theosophy, thermometry, tocology, top-quality, topography, topolatry, trade policy, tuatha de, typography, unconsciously, urology, velocity, venography, verbolatry, verbosity, virology, viscometry, viscosity, with modesty, zoolatry, zoology
5 syllables:
aetiology, anemography, anemometry, angiology, animosity, anorthography, anthropolatry, anthropology, anthropometry, arborolatry, archaeology, archeology, aristocracy, audiology, audiometry, axiology, bibliography, bibliolatry, brightness constancy, cardiography, cardiology, celioscopy, child psychology, choreography, chromatography, climatology, color constancy, complex quantity, constant quantity, criminology, crystallography, curiosity, defence policy, defense policy, demonolatry, densitometry, depth psychology, dermatology, diabolatry, disconsolately, egyptology, embryology, entomology, eschatology, etiology, etymology, fiscal policy, floating policy, foreign policy, genealogy, generosity, gerontology, glutinosity, grandiosity, greek mythology, gynaecology, gynaeolatry, gynecology, gyneolatry, haematology, hagiography, hagiolatry, hagiology, heliolatry, hematology, high technology, iconolatry, ideography, ideology, idiolatry, immunology, inequality, irresponsibly, laparoscopy, laparotomy, lexicography, lexicology, mass spectroscopy, mediocrity, methodology, mineralogy, news photography, norse mythology, numerosity, oceanography, oenology, ophthalmology, ornithology, palaeology, paleography, paleology, passamaquody, pharmacology, physiography, physiology, plane geometry, poenology, preciosity, primatology, radiography, radiology, radioscopy, rail technology, rheumatology, roentgenography, scientology, social policy, sociology, sociometry, spelaeology, speleology, sumerology, symbololatry, terminology, thaumatolatry, toxicology, tragicomedy, trigonometry, true anomaly, true mahogany, tuberosity, unknown quantity, unselfconsciously, uranology, without modesty, xerography
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