Synonyms, Antonyms, and other words related to referents:

1. referential
  • πŸ”† Of a word or phrase applied to a particular person, place, or thing and not to any other.
  • πŸ”† (linguistics) Of or relating to a referent
  • πŸ”† Of or relating to reference or allusion
  • πŸ”† Serving as a reference.
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2. references
  • πŸ”† (literary or archaic) A relationship or relation (to something).
  • πŸ”† A measurement one can compare (some other measurement) to.
  • πŸ”† Information about a person, provided by someone (a referee) with whom they are well acquainted.
  • πŸ”† (UK, Ireland) A person who provides this information; a referee.
  • πŸ”† (often attributive) A reference work.
  • πŸ”† The act of referring: a submitting for information or decision.
  • πŸ”† (semantics) A relation between objects in which one object designates, or acts as a means by which to connect to or link to, another object.
  • πŸ”† (academic writing) A short written identification of a previously published work which is used as a source for a text.
  • πŸ”† (academic writing) A previously published written work thus indicated; a source.
  • πŸ”† (computing) An object containing information which refers to data stored elsewhere, as opposed to containing the data itself.
  • πŸ”† (programming, character entity) A special sequence used to represent complex characters in markup languages, such as β„’ for the β„’ symbol.
  • πŸ”† (obsolete) Appeal.
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3. reference to
reference to:
  • πŸ”† (usually preceded by `with') relation of delimitation
4. refers
  • πŸ”† (transitive) To direct the attention of (someone toward something)
  • πŸ”† (transitive) To submit to (another person or group) for consideration; to send or direct elsewhere.
  • πŸ”† (transitive) To place in or under by a mental or rational process; to assign to, as a class, a cause, source, a motive, reason, or ground of explanation.
  • πŸ”† (intransitive) To mention (something); to direct attention (to something)
  • πŸ”† (grammar) To be referential to another element in a sentence
  • πŸ”† (intransitive, programming) To point to either a specific location in computer memory or to a specific object. [+ to (object)]
  • πŸ”† (intransitive, education) Required to resit an examination.
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5. refer to6. reference point
reference point:
  • πŸ”† Alternative form of point of reference [A particular location which is used as an endpoint when measuring distances or charting maps.]
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7. referendary
  • πŸ”† (obsolete) One to whose decision a cause is referred; a referee.
  • πŸ”† (historical) An officer who delivered the royal answer to petitions.
  • πŸ”† (obsolete) An officer of state charged with the duty of procuring and dispatching diplomas and decrees.
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8. identifiers
  • πŸ”† Someone who identifies; a person who establishes the identity of someone or something.
  • πŸ”† Something that identifies or uniquely points to something or someone else.
  • πŸ”† One who identifies as a particular type or role; one who says and believes that they are a certain thing.
  • πŸ”† A guidebook that helps determine the specific class of an object (such as a mushroom, herb, fish, bird, drug, or mineral), or its individual identity (such as that of a star).
  • πŸ”† (programming, operating systems) A formal name used in source code to refer to a variable, function, procedure, package, etc. or in an operating system to refer to a process, user, group, etc.
  • πŸ”† (HTML) A code that distinguishes a particular element from all other elements in a document.
  • πŸ”† (databases) A primary key.
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9. equivalents
  • πŸ”† Anything that is virtually equal to something else, or has the same value, force, etc.
  • πŸ”† (chemistry) An equivalent weight.
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10. attributions
  • πŸ”† The act of attributing something
  • πŸ”† An explicit or formal acknowledgment of ownership or authorship.
  • πŸ”† (law) A legal doctrine by which liability is extended to a defendant who did not actually commit the tortious or criminal act.
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11. analogues
  • πŸ”† (mostly Commonwealth) Alternative form of analog [(countable) Something that bears an analogy to something else.]
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12. synonyme13. derivates
  • πŸ”† Something derived; a derivative.
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14. sources
  • πŸ”† The person, place, or thing from which something (information, goods, etc.) comes or is acquired.
  • πŸ”† Spring; fountainhead; wellhead; any collection of water on or under the surface of the ground in which a stream originates.
  • πŸ”† A reporter's informant.
  • πŸ”† (computing) Source code.
  • πŸ”† (electronics) The name of one terminal of a field effect transistor (FET).
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15. referrals
  • πŸ”† The act or process of transferring someone or something to another, of sending by reference, or referring.
  • πŸ”† (slang) A document used by schools detailing some form of a student's misbehavior and listing the actions taken before and after the student's receipt of the referral.
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16. denotations
  • πŸ”† The act of denoting, or something (such as a symbol) that denotes
  • πŸ”† (logic, linguistics, semiotics) The primary, surface, literal, or explicit meaning of a signifier such as a word, phrase, or symbol; that which a word denotes, as contrasted with its connotation; the aggregate or set of objects of which a word may be predicated.
  • πŸ”† (philosophy, logic) The intension and extension of a word
  • πŸ”† (semantics) Something signified or referred to; a particular meaning of a symbol
  • πŸ”† (computer science) Any mathematical object which describes the meanings of expressions from the languages, formalized in the theory of denotational semantics
  • πŸ”† (media studies) A first level of analysis: what the audience can visually see on a page. Denotation often refers to something literal, and avoids being a metaphor.
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17. relative
  • πŸ”† Connected to or depending on something else; comparative.
  • πŸ”† (computing, of a URL, URI, path, or similar) Expressed in relation to another item, rather than in complete form.
  • πŸ”† (grammar) Depending on an antecedent; comparative.
  • πŸ”† (music) Having the same key but differing in being major or minor.
  • πŸ”† Relevant; pertinent; related.
  • πŸ”† Capable to be changed by other beings or circumstance; conditional.
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18. comparables
  • πŸ”† Something suitable for comparison.
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19. citations
  • πŸ”† An official summons or notice given to a person to appear.
  • πŸ”† The paper containing such summons or notice.
  • πŸ”† The act of citing a passage from a text, or from another person, using the exact words of the original text or speech and giving credit to the original by referencing.
  • πŸ”† An entry in a list of sources from which information was taken, typically following a prescribed bibliographical style; a reference.
  • πŸ”† The passage or words quoted; a quotation.
  • πŸ”† (lexicography) A quotation with attached bibliographical details demonstrating the use of a particular lexical item in a dictionary, especially a dictionary on historical principles.
  • πŸ”† Enumeration; mention.
  • πŸ”† A reference to decided cases, or books of authority, to prove a point in law.
  • πŸ”† A commendation in recognition of some achievement, or a formal statement of an achievement.
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20. definitions
  • πŸ”† (semantics, lexicography) A statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol (dictionary definitions).
  • πŸ”† (usually with the definite article the) A clear instance conforming to the dictionary or textbook definition.
  • πŸ”† A statement expressing the essential nature of something; formulation
  • πŸ”† The action or process of defining
  • πŸ”† The act of defining; determination of the limits.
  • πŸ”† A product of defining
  • πŸ”† The action or power of describing, explaining, or making definite and clear.
  • πŸ”† Clarity of visual presentation, distinctness of outline or detail.
  • πŸ”† Clarity, especially of musical sound in reproduction
  • πŸ”† Sharp demarcation of outlines or limits
  • πŸ”† (bodybuilding) The degree to which individual muscles are distinct on the body.
  • πŸ”† (programming) A statement which provides a previous declaration with a value or body of a subroutine (in the case of function).
  • πŸ”† (mathematics) A statement that establishes the referent of a term or notation.
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21. analogs
  • πŸ”† (countable) Something that bears an analogy to something else.
  • πŸ”† (countable, biology) An organ or structure that is similar in function to one in another kind of organism but is of dissimilar evolutionary origin.
  • πŸ”† (chemistry) A structural derivative of a parent compound that differs from it by only one or a few atoms or substituent groups; (usually, especially) such a molecule that retains most of the same chemical properties.
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22. meanings
  • πŸ”† The denotation, referent, or idea connected with a word, expression, or symbol.
  • πŸ”† The connotation associated with a word, expression, or symbol.
  • πŸ”† The purpose, value, or significance (of something) beyond the fact of that thing's existence.
  • πŸ”† (of a person's actions) Intention.
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23. relevance
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24. exemplars
  • πŸ”† Something fit to be imitated; an ideal, a model.
  • πŸ”† A role model.
  • πŸ”† Something typical or representative of a class; an example that typifies.
  • πŸ”† A pattern after which others should be made; an archetype.
  • πŸ”† A well known usage of a scientific theory
  • πŸ”† A handwritten manuscript used by a scribe to make a handwritten copy; the original copy of what gets multiply reproduced in a copy machine.
  • πŸ”† A copy of a book or piece of writing
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25. represents
  • πŸ”† (transitive) To present again or anew; to present by means of something standing in the place of; to exhibit the counterpart or image of; to typify.
  • πŸ”† (transitive) To portray visually; to delineate
  • πŸ”† (transitive) To portray by mimicry or acting; to act the part or character of
  • πŸ”† (transitive) To stand or act in the place of; to perform the duties, exercise the rights, or otherwise act on behalf of
  • πŸ”† (politics, transitive) To act as a representative of (a country, state, district etc.)
  • πŸ”† (transitive) To portray to another using language; to show; to give one's own impressions and judgement of
  • πŸ”† (transitive) To give an account of; to describe.
  • πŸ”† (transitive) To serve as a sign or symbol of
  • πŸ”† (transitive) To bring a certain sensation of into the mind; to cause to be known, felt, or apprehended; to present.
  • πŸ”† (transitive) To form or image again in consciousness, as an object of cognition or apprehension (something presentative, which was originally apprehended by direct presentation).
  • πŸ”† (transitive) To constitute, to make up, to be an example of.
  • πŸ”† (sports, transitive) To participate as a team member
  • πŸ”† (intransitive, African-American Vernacular) To constitute a good example or symbol of a group of people; to acquit oneself well.
  • πŸ”† (medicine) To present again, for instance for medical attention.
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26. relation
  • πŸ”† The manner in which two things may be associated.
  • πŸ”† A member of one's extended family; a relative.
  • πŸ”† The act of relating a story
  • πŸ”† (set theory) A set of ordered tuples
  • πŸ”† (set theory) Specifically, a set of ordered pairs; a binary relation.
  • πŸ”† (databases) A set of ordered tuples retrievable by a relational database; a table.
  • πŸ”† (mathematics) A statement of equality of two products of generators, used in the presentation of a group.
  • πŸ”† (category theory) A subobject of a product of objects
  • πŸ”† (usually collocated: sexual relation) The act of intercourse.
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27. allusions
  • πŸ”† An indirect reference; a hint; a reference to something supposed to be known, but not explicitly mentioned
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28. refereed
  • πŸ”† said of articles or books that have undergone peer review
  • πŸ”† said of a journal whose articles are submitted to peer review
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29. metaphors
  • πŸ”† (uncountable, rhetoric) The use of a word or phrase to refer to something other than its literal meaning, invoking an implicit similarity between the thing described and what is denoted by the word or phrase.
  • πŸ”† (countable, rhetoric) A word or phrase used in such implied comparison.
  • πŸ”† (countable, graphical user interface) The use of an everyday object or concept to represent an underlying facet of the computer and thus aid users in performing tasks.
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30. subjects
  • πŸ”† (grammar) In a clause: the word or word group (usually a noun phrase) about whom the statement is made. In active clauses with verbs denoting an action, the subject and the actor are usually the same.
  • πŸ”† An actor; one who takes action.
  • πŸ”† The main topic of a paper, work of art, discussion, field of study, etc.
  • πŸ”† A particular area of study
  • πŸ”† A citizen in a monarchy
  • πŸ”† A person ruled over by another, especially a monarch or state authority.
  • πŸ”† (music) The main theme or melody, especially in a fugue.
  • πŸ”† A human, animal or an inanimate object that is being examined, treated, analysed, etc.
  • πŸ”† (philosophy) A being that has subjective experiences, subjective consciousness, or a relationship with another entity.
  • πŸ”† (logic) That of which something is stated
  • πŸ”† (mathematics) The variable in terms of which an expression is defined.
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31. descriptors
  • πŸ”† (computing, information science) A name associated with certain data or documents in an information storage and retrieval system; an index term.
  • πŸ”† (linguistics) A word or expression used to describe or identify something.
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32. metonymies
  • πŸ”† a metonym
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33. attributives
  • πŸ”† (grammar) An attributive word or phrase (see above), contrasted with predicative or substantive.
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34. relates
  • πŸ”† (transitive) To tell in a descriptive way
  • πŸ”† (transitive) To bring into a relation, association, or connection (between one thing and another).
  • πŸ”† (intransitive) To have a connection.
  • πŸ”† (intransitive) To interact.
  • πŸ”† (intransitive) To respond through reaction.
  • πŸ”† (intransitive, with to) To identify with; to understand.
  • πŸ”† (obsolete) To bring back; to restore
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35. reliques
  • πŸ”† Obsolete form of relic. [That which remains; that which is left after loss or decay; a remaining portion.]
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36. representations
  • πŸ”† Formal statements made to an authority to express discontent.
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37. examples
  • πŸ”† Something that is representative of all such things in a group.
  • πŸ”† Something that serves to illustrate or explain a rule
  • πŸ”† Something that serves as a pattern of behaviour to be imitated (a good example) or not to be imitated (a bad example).
  • πŸ”† A person punished as a warning to others
  • πŸ”† A parallel or closely similar case, especially when serving as a precedent or model.
  • πŸ”† An instance (as a problem to be solved) serving to illustrate the rule or precept or to act as an exercise in the application of the rule.
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38. symbolisms
  • πŸ”† Representation of a concept through symbols or underlying meanings of objects or qualities.
  • πŸ”† (obsolete) A combining together of parts or ingredients.
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39. referenda
  • πŸ”† (politics) A direct popular vote on a proposed law or constitutional amendment. The adposition on is usually used before the related subject of the vote.
  • πŸ”† An action, choice, etc., which is perceived as passing judgment on another matter.
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40. canonicals
  • πŸ”† The dress prescribed by canon to be worn by a clergyman when officiating.
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41. similitudes
  • πŸ”† (uncountable) Similarity or resemblance to something else.
  • πŸ”† (countable) A way in which two people or things share similitude.
  • πŸ”† (countable) Someone or something that closely resembles another; a duplicate or twin.
  • πŸ”† A parable or allegory.
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42. contexts
  • πŸ”† The surroundings, circumstances, environment, background or settings that determine, specify, or clarify the meaning of an event or other occurrence.
  • πŸ”† (linguistics) The text in which a word or passage appears and which helps ascertain its meaning.
  • πŸ”† (archaeology) The surroundings and environment in which an artifact is found and which may provide important clues about the artifact's function and/or cultural meaning.
  • πŸ”† (mycology) The trama or flesh of a mushroom
  • πŸ”† (logic) For a formula: a finite set of variables, which set contains all the free variables in the given formula.
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