Words and phrases that rhyme with refocus: (37 results)
2 syllables:
blocus, blokus, cocus, crocus, docus, focus, hocus, locus, lokis, oecus, oecusse, phocus, pocus, rhoecus, rokus, tocus, woke us
blocus, blokus, cocus, crocus, docus, focus, hocus, locus, lokis, oecus, oecusse, phocus, pocus, rhoecus, rokus, tocus, woke us
4 syllables:
auto-focus, autofocus, autumn crocus, diplodocus, genus crocus, hocus-pocus, hocuspocus, hyperfocus, omnifocus, out of focus, saffron crocus
auto-focus, autofocus, autumn crocus, diplodocus, genus crocus, hocus-pocus, hocuspocus, hyperfocus, omnifocus, out of focus, saffron crocus
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (55 results)
3 syllables:
macropus, poetess, colobus, blue lotus, choloepus, contopus, desmodus, etropus, give notice, lagopus, lycopus, mallotus, myopus, pteropus, pygopus, take notice, white lotus
macropus, poetess, colobus, blue lotus, choloepus, contopus, desmodus, etropus, give notice, lagopus, lycopus, mallotus, myopus, pteropus, pygopus, take notice, white lotus
4 syllables:
orthotropous, magnum opus, autologous, isotropous, achoerodus, camponotus, cephalotus, ceratodus, genus kobus, genus lotus, haematopus, himantopus, melilotus, omphalotus, phalaropus, phylloscopus, pomolobus, prairie lotus, sacred lotus, scaphiopus, steganopus, trachinotus
orthotropous, magnum opus, autologous, isotropous, achoerodus, camponotus, cephalotus, ceratodus, genus kobus, genus lotus, haematopus, himantopus, melilotus, omphalotus, phalaropus, phylloscopus, pomolobus, prairie lotus, sacred lotus, scaphiopus, steganopus, trachinotus
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