Words and phrases that rhyme with rejection:  (276 results)
4 syllables:
anteflexion, art collection, by-election, bye-election, byelection, bye election, by election, by selection, callisection, circumflection, circumflexion, circumspection, circumvection, codirection, coinfection, coin collection, conic section, cross-infection, deselection, desinfektion, disaffection, discomplexion, disconnection, disinfection, disinsection, dorsiflexion, experrection, extrospection, eye infection, genuflection, genuflexion, golden section, hemisection, hyperflexion, imperfection, inconnection, incorrection, indirection, insubjection, insurrection, intellection, interjection, internection, intersection, introjection, introspection, irreflection, lipofection, loan collection, map collection, map projection, misaffection, misdirection, namcollection, nonelection, postelection, pre-election, precollection, predilection, preelection, preselection, pretervection, quadrisection, quarter section, re-election, recollection, reconnection, redirection, reelection, reinfection, reinjection, reinspection, reselection, ressurection, resubjection, resurection, resurrection, retroflection, retroflexion, retrojection, retrospection, rhythm section, self-correction, self-direction, self-protection, self-reflection, self-selection, semiflexion, sentisection, sound reflection, stage direction, stamp collection, subinfection, suprainfection, t-connection, t-intersection, tax collection, to perfection, trade protection, trash collection, trumpet section, unperfection, vasosection, venesection, venisection, vivisection
Words and phrases that almost rhyme :  (37 results)
2 syllables:
texan, stepson
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