Words and phrases that rhyme with repainting: (24 results)
3 syllables:
acquainting, attainting, depainting, facepainting, house painting, inpainting, nude painting, oil painting, sandpainting, sand painting, spray painting, wall painting, word-painting
acquainting, attainting, depainting, facepainting, house painting, inpainting, nude painting, oil painting, sandpainting, sand painting, spray painting, wall painting, word-painting
4 syllables:
finger-painting, finger painting, genre painting, landscape painting, reacquainting, underpainting
finger-painting, finger painting, genre painting, landscape painting, reacquainting, underpainting
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— Adjectives for repainting: frequent, complete, periodic, much, regular, extensive, constant, subsequent, modern, recent, annual, more...
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