Words and phrases that have a meaning related to sour: (275 results)
dulcify, dulcorate, edulcorate, sweet, sweeten
Often used in the same context:
frosty, bitter, rancid, bad, curdled, rosy, testy, ugly, sweet, nasty, tart, messy, dicey, stale, rocky, glum, stinky, peachy, rotten, lukewarm, shaky, unpleasant, salty, acrimonious, gloomy, dismal, disastrous, bleak, savory, tanked, stormy, dour, strained, rancorous, lousy, flavourless, prickly, lackluster, puckery, winey, unsavory, bumpy, overripe, skunky, acidic, dyspeptic, nose dive, jittery, unappetizing, tepid, pungent, sticky, grim, frothy, muddled, cooled, unpalatable, smelly, tempestuous, resiny, pessimistic, acrid, syrupy, tense, caustic, uneasy, dreary, yucky, sluggish, poisonous, spicy, depressed, nutty, rough sledding, miserable, grapey, iffy, sweetish, dried, stemmy, unsweet, harsh, citric, unrequited, unhappy, sulfurous, piquant, worcestershire sauce, mushy, clouded, nightmarish, chippy, gushy, lemony, malodorous, snappish, unconsummated, dim, treacly, wobbly, fishy, unfriendly, go, rum, soda, apricot, beans, bitters, brandy, brier, cabbage, cautery, cider, comin, distilled, gin, ginger, ley, lookin, molasses, onion, onions, tangy, soured, spiced, flavoured, luscious, tasting, sweeter, acidulous, flavored, delicious, fermented, sugared, vinegary, sugary
More specific:
acerbity, acidity, acidulousness, brew, tartness, vinegariness, vinegarishness, whiskey sour, whisky sour
Appears in the definition of:
., acerb, acerbate, acerbic, acerbity, acetify, acetum, acid, acidic, acidify, acidulate, acidulent, acidulous, amarelle, astringent, barbecue sauce, beef stroganoff, bigarade, bilberry, bitok, bitter orange, bitter orange tree, black cherry, black cherry tree, blini, bliny, breath, buttermilk, chicken paprika, chicken paprikash, citrus aurantium, common sorrel, crabapple, crab apple, cumquat, curacao, curacoa, curdle, eugenia corynantha, evergreen huckleberry, false, family nyssaceae, ferment, haoma, kumquat, kumquat tree, lactic, lactic acid, lemonlike, lemony, marmalade orange, morello, mountain blue berry, note, nyssaceae, oxydendrum arboreum, pieplant, pigswill, pigwash, pork-and-veal goulash, prunus cerasus austera, prunus cerasus caproniana, prunus serotina, rhubarb, rum cherry, sarcostemma acidum, seville orange, sharp, sloe, slop, slops, smitane, soma, sorrel, sorrel tree, sour-gum family, souring, sourish, sourly, sourwood, sour cherry, sour mash, sour mash whiskey, sour orange, subacid, swill, tangy, tart, tartness, thin-leaved bilberry, titi, tupelo family, turn, vaccinium ovatum, viccinium membranaceum, vinegar, whiskey sour, whisky sour, work
More general:
change state, change taste, cocktail, gustatory perception, gustatory sensation, taste, taste perception, taste property, taste sensation
Also try:acetose, acetous, acidulated, dark, glowering, ill-natured, inharmonious, moody, morose, off, off-key, saturnine, sourness, sullen, tasteful, turned, unharmonious
— Nouns for sour: cream, milk, taste, grapes, smell, wine, face, note, look, cherries, expression, more...
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