Words and phrases that rhyme with trunks: (30 results)
1 syllable:
bunks, chunks, clunks, drunks, dunks, flunks, funks, hunks, junks, monk's, monks, munks, plunks, punks, skunks, sphynx, spunks, strunk's, synchs, thunks, tunks
bunks, chunks, clunks, drunks, dunks, flunks, funks, hunks, junks, monk's, monks, munks, plunks, punks, skunks, sphynx, spunks, strunk's, synchs, thunks, tunks
4 syllables:
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (8 results)
2 syllables:
goose bumps
goose bumps
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— Adjectives for trunks: large, tree, main, old, nerve, sympathetic, huge, larger, several, tall, black, more...
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