Words and phrases that have a meaning related to truthiness: (101 results)
Often used in the same context:
Also try:truthy, falsehood, speciousness, snark, misquotation, gnosticism, logical fallacy, doublespeak, locution, dittohead, neologisms, truthfulness, bloviator, hooey, birther, verb, buncombe, misunderestimate, liberalness, wingnut, tommyrot, journalese, scientism, meme, anchoress, flapdoodle, transitive verb, offensiveness, googol, sensationalism, split infinitive, political incorrectness, baldfaced, civility, plagiarist, vox populi, nastiness, hyperbole, patriotism, nonpartisanship, factuality, fatuousness, sophists, trustworthiness, originalism, inanity, mondegreen, tautology, gore vidal, funniness, truth, pontificator, textualism, phrase, untruth, pharisees, neoconservativism, tu quoque, incivility, antidisestablishmentarianism, ad hominem, newsworthiness, fiction, misspeaks, sanctimoniousness, objectivity, punditry, originalist, textualist, trashiest, gigot, noun, political correctness, foxnews, abstract noun, parody, ex cathedra, subjunctive mood, vapidity, niceness, soundbite, poppycock, synecdoche, sacred trinity, morality, jabberwocky, eschaton, clintonian, cognitive dissonance, misandry, newspeak, wapo, editorializing, blowhards, falsity, nuttiness, bookman, shamelessness, douche bag, unbias, snopes
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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