Words and phrases that rhyme with uremic: (68 results)
3 syllables:
anemic, aphemic, archchemic, bulemic, eschemic, glycaemic, graphemic, ischaemic, ischemic, leukaemic, leukemic, morphemic, phonemic, proxemic, pyemic, racemic, sachemic, sapremic, spanaemic, taxemic, tonemic, toxaemic, toxemic, uraemic, viremic
anemic, aphemic, archchemic, bulemic, eschemic, glycaemic, graphemic, ischaemic, ischemic, leukaemic, leukemic, morphemic, phonemic, proxemic, pyemic, racemic, sachemic, sapremic, spanaemic, taxemic, tonemic, toxaemic, toxemic, uraemic, viremic
4 syllables:
anoxaemic, anoxemic, bimorphemic, chernozemic, emphysemic, empyemic, erythemic, hyperaemic, hyperemic, monoschemic, oligaemic, platycnemic, polysemic, septicaemic, septicemic, theoremic, tularemic
anoxaemic, anoxemic, bimorphemic, chernozemic, emphysemic, empyemic, erythemic, hyperaemic, hyperemic, monoschemic, oligaemic, platycnemic, polysemic, septicaemic, septicemic, theoremic, tularemic
5 syllables:
antianemic, archiphonemic, dolichocnemic, hyperglycemic, hyperkalemic, hyperlipemic, hypocalcemic, hypoglycaemic, hypoglycemic, hypokalemic, hypovolaemic, monomorphemic, morphophonemic, polycythemic, polymorphemic, stereo-chemic
antianemic, archiphonemic, dolichocnemic, hyperglycemic, hyperkalemic, hyperlipemic, hypocalcemic, hypoglycaemic, hypoglycemic, hypokalemic, hypovolaemic, monomorphemic, morphophonemic, polycythemic, polymorphemic, stereo-chemic
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (22 results)
4 syllables:
hebephrenic, ecumenic, schizophrenic, autogenic, endogenic, pathogenic, philhellenic, pyrogenic, inauthentic, neurasthenic
hebephrenic, ecumenic, schizophrenic, autogenic, endogenic, pathogenic, philhellenic, pyrogenic, inauthentic, neurasthenic
5 syllables:
6 syllables:
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