Words and phrases that rhyme with amorphous: (43 results)
4 syllables:
andromorphous, cystomorphous, delomorphous, homomorphous, isomorphous, metamorphous, monomorphous, necromorphous, paramorphous, perimorphous, pleomorphous, plesiomorphous, polymorphous, protomorphous, pseudomorphous, pyromorphous, rhizomorphous, teramorphous, zygomorphous
andromorphous, cystomorphous, delomorphous, homomorphous, isomorphous, metamorphous, monomorphous, necromorphous, paramorphous, perimorphous, pleomorphous, plesiomorphous, polymorphous, protomorphous, pseudomorphous, pyromorphous, rhizomorphous, teramorphous, zygomorphous
5 syllables:
actinomorphous, adelomorphous, anthropomorphous, gynandromorphous, heteromorphous, homeomorphous, hystricomorphous, ichthyomorphous, idiomorphous, isodimorphous, ophiomorphous, peristeromorphous
actinomorphous, adelomorphous, anthropomorphous, gynandromorphous, heteromorphous, homeomorphous, hystricomorphous, ichthyomorphous, idiomorphous, isodimorphous, ophiomorphous, peristeromorphous
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (71 results)
2 syllables:
service, versus, corvus, ursus, tarsus, nervus, surface, cervus, nervous, nerthus, sericeous
service, versus, corvus, ursus, tarsus, nervus, surface, cervus, nervous, nerthus, sericeous
3 syllables:
lip service, excursus, tea service, resurface, catharsis, disservice, armed service, bus service, change surface, church service, earth's surface, gas service, hard surface, ill service, katharsis, knight's service, melursus, paved surface, phone service, prayer service, road surface, self-service, transversus, work surface
lip service, excursus, tea service, resurface, catharsis, disservice, armed service, bus service, change surface, church service, earth's surface, gas service, hard surface, ill service, katharsis, knight's service, melursus, paved surface, phone service, prayer service, road surface, self-service, transversus, work surface
4 syllables:
social service, civil service, secret service, undersurface, public service, control surface, wire service, postal service, air-to-surface, chapel service, dinner service, divine service, genus corvus, genus ursus, length of service, metatarsus, out of service, power service, saul of tarsus, table service, upper surface
social service, civil service, secret service, undersurface, public service, control surface, wire service, postal service, air-to-surface, chapel service, dinner service, divine service, genus corvus, genus ursus, length of service, metatarsus, out of service, power service, saul of tarsus, table service, upper surface
5 syllables:
psychoneurosis, selective service, child welfare service, extension service, religious service, telephone service, vertical surface
psychoneurosis, selective service, child welfare service, extension service, religious service, telephone service, vertical surface
10 syllables:
electronic information service
electronic information service
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