Words and phrases that have a meaning related to forecasted: (116 results)
Often used in the same context:
Also try:projected, predicted, expected, anticipated, projections, estimates, predictions, meteorol, gross margin, estimations, outturn, prognosticated, breakeven, quarter, adjusted, outlook, expectations, ests, flattish, positioned, plowable, budgeted, seasonality, pegged, precipitation, guesstimate, gwh, weather forecast, prognostications, mbd, revenues, overspreading, seasonable, foreseen, unseasonably, growth, factoring, pro forma, guestimate, richen, cyclogenesis, snowier, capital expenditure, windchill factor, altocumulus, totals, atoi, decelerating, sequentially, stormier, likely, exceed, meur, earning per share, refracture, sigmatron, prognoses, decine, penetration, approximated, contributable, ceteris paribus, average, sulfanilic acid, cdt, sawlog, auguring, millibar, edible bean, gross, summerlike, planned, uncertainties, chier, climatological, trends, guidance, quarterly, qtrs, colder, foretelling, accumulations, incremental, deps, hydrograph, double digit, meteorologists, convective, penciled, weather, optimistic, temperatures, fiscal, analysts, macroeconomic, due, rask, earnings, weatherwise, arrs, indicators, inconvertibility, pretax, forecast, estimated, aggregate, net, annualized, capita, annual, cumulated, current, peak, actual, yearly, increasing
— Nouns for forecasted: sales, values, value, transaction, demand, transactions, growth, results, earnings, requirements, rate, more...
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