Words and phrases that rhyme with genitive: (10 results)
4 syllables:
6 syllables:
8 syllables:
Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (38 results)
4 syllables:
repetitive, competitive, insensitive, nonsensitive, augmentative, blood relative, commemorative, consecutive, contemplative, executive, gram-negative, light-sensitive, preventative
repetitive, competitive, insensitive, nonsensitive, augmentative, blood relative, commemorative, consecutive, contemplative, executive, gram-negative, light-sensitive, preventative
5 syllables:
hypersensitive, argumentative, chief executive, double negative, noncompetitive, photosensitive, top executive
hypersensitive, argumentative, chief executive, double negative, noncompetitive, photosensitive, top executive
10 syllables:
united states trade representative
united states trade representative
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