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Things lithic often describes (“lithic ________”)
material, materials, technology, assemblages, assemblage, acid, artifacts, fragments, analysis, tools, industry, industries, debris, artefacts, debitage, types, scatter, scatters, production, reduction, implements, studies, grains, clasts, resources, sandstone, arenites, procurement, sources, sandstones, records, tuff, sites, diathesis, items, record, variability, arenite, manufacture, categories, data, tuffs, traditions, analysts, evidence, deposits, tradition, objects, character, points, inscriptions, complex, collection, typology, strategies, workshop, workshops, technologies, flakes, sequence, waste, sequences, archaeology, wacke, component, units, sample, summary, finds, inventory, specimens, samples, collections, pieces, breccia, complexes, remains, tool, contact, patterns, analyses, density, cultures, distribution, breccias, composition, deposit
How lithic often is described (“________ lithic”)
ceramic, non, small, other, abundant, early, more, late, grained, specific, prehistoric, large, yellow
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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