Words and phrases that have a meaning related to permanent:  (255 results)
Often used in the same context:
temporary, semipermanent, longterm, lasting, partial denture, tenable, rotating, transitory, perpetual, interim, new, moveable, workable, unborrowed, parttime, movable, rotatory, transitional, immediate, irreversible, term, suitable, viable, current, partial, definite, supernumerary, reciprocal, freestanding, ex officio, irreparable, reversible, inhabitable, vacant, lifelong, visitable, ambassadorial, visible, fully fledged, desirable, possible, provisional, ad litem, amenable, sole, commutable, gradual, transitionary, untenable, formal, noncontributory, feasible, artificial, regularized, unlivable, durable, enforceable, sufficient, fixed, pensionable, locum tenens, transient, habitable, probational, revocable, impermanent, de facto, bona fide, equitable, unbridged, domiciliary, unfilled, everlasting, unprovided, hunterian, modular, regular, additional, roving, structural, stopgap, employable, fait accompli, unilateral, yearlong, livable, revolving door, negotiable, subacute, severe, involuntary, reparable, graving dock, irrevocable, remediable, flexible, untransferable, undesirable, adequate, removable, meaningful, temporary worker, insider, literates, nationalization, popular, scientific, urban, auto, chicago, cia, civil, colonial, compare, dalton, dominants, electric, episcopal, fascist, feudal, global, imperial, nent, enduring, manent, ble, substantial, nonpermanent, signif1cant, consistent, tial, disadvantageous, discernible, unsatisfactory, accumulative, impressive, lar
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— Nouns for permanent: settlement, damage, teeth, residence, home, record, basis, residents, members, magnet, value, more...

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