Words and phrases that have a meaning related to permanent: (255 results)
impermanent, temporary
Often used in the same context:
temporary, semipermanent, longterm, lasting, partial denture, tenable, rotating, transitory, perpetual, interim, new, moveable, workable, unborrowed, parttime, movable, rotatory, transitional, immediate, irreversible, term, suitable, viable, current, partial, definite, supernumerary, reciprocal, freestanding, ex officio, irreparable, reversible, inhabitable, vacant, lifelong, visitable, ambassadorial, visible, fully fledged, desirable, possible, provisional, ad litem, amenable, sole, commutable, gradual, transitionary, untenable, formal, noncontributory, feasible, artificial, regularized, unlivable, durable, enforceable, sufficient, fixed, pensionable, locum tenens, transient, habitable, probational, revocable, impermanent, de facto, bona fide, equitable, unbridged, domiciliary, unfilled, everlasting, unprovided, hunterian, modular, regular, additional, roving, structural, stopgap, employable, fait accompli, unilateral, yearlong, livable, revolving door, negotiable, subacute, severe, involuntary, reparable, graving dock, irrevocable, remediable, flexible, untransferable, undesirable, adequate, removable, meaningful, temporary worker, insider, literates, nationalization, popular, scientific, urban, auto, chicago, cia, civil, colonial, compare, dalton, dominants, electric, episcopal, fascist, feudal, global, imperial, nent, enduring, manent, ble, substantial, nonpermanent, signif1cant, consistent, tial, disadvantageous, discernible, unsatisfactory, accumulative, impressive, lar
Appears in the definition of:
., alnico, anxiety, anxiousness, aridity, aridness, army, autotype, autotypy, benchmark, bench mark, bent, biodegradable pollution, building site, cerebral palsy, contracture, correctable, death, department of local government, dipole molecule, discontinuance, discontinuation, domicile, economic and social council, ecosoc, endowment, enter, enterostomy, enterotomy, fescue, fescue grass, festuca elatior, flat, flatbed, flatcar, flux, foreign mission, green card, ground forces, herb, herbaceous plant, maim, high, impermanent, impression, insanity, jamestown, lastingly, legal residence, legation, lightship, loadstone, local department, lodestone, madame tussaud, magnetic field, magnetic flux, main file, manufactured home, marie grosholtz, marie tussaud, marquee, marquise, master file, meadow fescue, mobile home, modus vivendi, nac, nomad, nonresident, north atlantic council, olm, operating budget, pavis, pavise, perm, praesidium, presidium, proteus anguinus, put down, record, recorded, regular army, sc, secondary dentition, security council, set, siren, snowfield, spastic paralysis, standing, standing army, standing committee, stud finder, suspense account, tc, temporary, trusteeship council, tussaud, u. s. code, united states code, unpermed, vacant lot, vagrancy, ways and means committee, wisdom tooth, writing ink
More general:
Also try:abiding, ageless, eternal, imperishable, indissoluble, permanent wave, unceasing, unending
— Nouns for permanent: settlement, damage, teeth, residence, home, record, basis, residents, members, magnet, value, more...
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