Words and phrases that have a meaning related to political: (658 results)
Often used in the same context:
ideological, electoral, democratic, sociopolitical, legislative, partisan, socio, factional, politic, constitutional, populist, presidential, republican, electioneering, nationalist, geopolitical, politicized, gubernatorial, policial, leftist, noncandidate, judicial, religious, centrist, diplomatic, unbeholden, economic, governmental, reformist, anticonstitutional, liberal, journalistic, ideational, apolitical, politick, cultural, social, demagogic, divisive, divisionary, unprincipled, particularistic, liberalist, senatorial, parliamentary, prosecutorial, secessionist, rhetorical, moral, societal, establishmentarian, statehouse, demagogical, congressional, intellectual, oppositional, rightist, bureaucratic, leftish, principled, separatist, geostrategic, populist party, sectarian, electorial, body politic, unstatesmanlike, extremist, antitrade, bonapartist, megalomanic, disintegrative, socioeconomic, civic, nonpartisan, budgetary, internecine, literary, reactionary, sociocultural, legal, ethnical, fissiparous, oligarchic, federalist, insurrectionist, leftwing, ideologic, technocratic, petty bourgeois, conservative, nonpolitical, secular, pluralist, consociational, socialist, sociological, theological, uninominal, military, undemocratic, russophile, foreign, geography, hostile, issues, journals, linguistic, concerns, derive, controversies, disputes, periodicals, perspectives, predilections, viewpoint, com, litical, politicoeconomic, socioreligious, cial, nomic, tical, tional, politicaleconomic, ical, agrarian, revolutionary, antidemocratic, religiopolitical, societary
Appears in the definition of:
., aaron burr, academic freedom, activism, act of terrorism, adherence, adhesion, agitator, agitprop, akhbari, al-asifa, al-fatah, aleksandr i. solzhenitsyn, alexander isayevich solzhenitsyn, alexis charles henri maurice de tocqueville, alexis de tocqueville, almoravid, american federalist party, american labor party, american party, anarchism, ancien regime, anti-masonic party, antiestablishmentarianism, antiestablishmentism, antifeminist, apartheid, apostasy, apostate, april 14, arab league, arendt, asean, assassin, assassinated, assassinator, association of orangemen, association of southeast asian nations, attachment, autarchy, authorities, autocracy, autonomous, autonomy, ayatollah, backlash, backstage, barcelona, barnstorm, baron de la brede et de montesquieu, bell ringing, benjamin shahn, ben shahn, big business, black out, black panther, black panthers, blank out, bolt, boss, bossism, bravo, broad, bullyboy, bull moose party, burr, buttonhole, cabal, cadre, camp, canvassing, capital of mexico, catchword, catechism, caucus, caustic, cell, censor, centerpiece, centralism, centrism, centrist, charles louis de secondat, chiang chung-cheng, chiang kai-shek, citizen, ciudad de mexico, civilisation, civilization, civil rights activist, civil rights leader, civil rights worker, clericalism, closed primary, cold war, collectivism, collectivist, color, combination, commonwealth, communism, communist party, concentration camp, confederacy, confederation, conjunctive, conservatism, conservative party, conservativism, conspiracy, constitution, constitutional union party, contract in, contract out, convention, convert, crosscurrent, crossover, crossover voter, dark horse, david low, dealignment, death squad, deep, defection, demarche, democracy, democratic-republican party, democratic party, demonstration, department of energy intelligence, deplore, deserter, directorate for inter-services intelligence, dirty tricks, disband, dissolve, dixiecrats, doei, dogfight, domino theory, dovishness, du bois, eco-warfare, ecological terrorism, ecological warfare, economical, ecoterrorism, ecumenical, egalitarianism, election, electioneer, electioneering, embroilment, enfranchisement, entente, entente cordiale, equalitarianism, espionage, establishmentarianism, establishmentism, estate, estate of the realm, eta, explosively, extremism, extremist, farmer-labor party, fascism, fatah, federalist, federalist party, federal party, federation, ferment, firestorm, floating voter, foe, fomenter, foreign terrorist organization, free soil party, fto, fugleman, fundamental law, gandhi, gesture, girolamo savonarola, gop, government, grass roots, greeley, green, greenback party, green party, ground swell, gulag, guomindang, hack, hamas, hannah arendt, hawkishness, henrik ibsen, henrik johan ibsen, herbert marcuse, hobbes, honeymoon, horace greeley, hornets' nest, hotspot, hot spot, hot water, hustings, ibsen, iconology, imbroglio, imperialism, implication, incognizant, incurious, indelibly, independent, inescapably, integrated, inter-services intelligence, internment camp, isi, islamic resistance movement, isolate, isolationism, jafar, jafar umar thalib, jaffar, jaffar umar thalib, jealousy, jehad, jihad, kalashnikov culture, kingmaker, kiss of death, know-nothing party, kuomintang, labor, labor party, labour, labour party, lampoon artist, landscape, leakey, left, left-of-center, left-wing, left-winger, leftish, leftism, leftist, left wing, leninism, leveler, leveller, leverage, liberal, liberalism, liberalistic, liberal party, liberty, liberty party, lobby, localized, logroll, low, loya jirga, lunatic fringe, lustrate, machiavellianism, machine, machine politician, magna carta, magna charta, mahatma gandhi, manifestation, manifesto, marcuse, marxism, marxism-leninism, mexican capital, mexico city, middle-of-the-road, middle east, middle of the roader, mideast, midterm, militant tendency, militarism, moderate, moderationist, moderatism, mohandas karamchand gandhi, monarchism, montesquieu, moranzanist patriotic front, motto, muckraker, mudslinger, nac, nast, national debt, national socialist german workers' party, near east, neoliberalism, network army, nominating address, nominating speech, nomination, nonautonomous, noncandidate, nonperson, nonpolitical, nonsovereign, north atlantic council, offstage, off year, oligarchy, opposition, oppress, orange group, orange order, orbit, orchestration, orelanism, organic law, ov, pac, palestine authority, palestine liberation organization, palestine national authority, palestinian national authority, pan american day, party, party-spirited, party boss, party line, party liner, party man, party spirit, patronage, people's party, pericles, picture, plank, platform, playbook, plo, plutocracy, politburo, politically correct, politically incorrect, political action committee, political arena, political boss, political contribution, political dissident, political donation, political hack, political machine, political movement, political party, political platform, political prisoner, political program, political science, political sphere, political sympathies, political unit, politicise, politicize, politick, politics, populism, populist party, pow camp, praetorian, pretorian, priestcraft, prisoner of war camp, prison camp, program, progressive, progressive party, progressivism, prohibition party, promising, pronunciamento, prussia, race problem, radical, radicalism, rand, ratter, reaction, reactionism, recreant, recrudesce, red guard, red hand defenders, reform, reformation, refugee camp, regime, religious right, renegade, renunciation, republic, republicanism, republican party, revolutionary, revolutionary group, revolutionist, rhd, richard erskine leakey, richard leakey, right, right-wing, right-winger, rightish, rightism, rightist, right wing, rousing, running mate, sachem, satyagraha, savonarola, section, self-governing, semipolitical, separateness, shadow cabinet, shahn, shibboleth, sinn fein, sir david alexander cecil low, sir david low, sizzling, slate, slogan, socialism, socialist, socialist labor party, socialist party, social democratic party, soft money, solzhenitsyn, sordid, sovereign, sovietise, sovietize, special branch, spinmeister, spin doctor, standard-bearer, starve, states' rights democratic party, state capital, stockade, strongman, structural, stump, stumping, stump speech, subversive, subverter, superfund, sweetheart, swing voter, syndicalism, t. h. white, tammany, tammany hall, tammany society, terrorism, , terrorist act, terrorist attack, terrorist group, terrorist organization, testament, thatcherism, theocracy, theodore harold white, the great charter, third estate, third party, thomas hobbes, thomas nast, ticket, tocqueville, tory, totalitarian, tumid, turncoat, union, unperson, unread, unseat, unstable, uproot, utopia, utopianism, varied, vehicle, w. e. b. du bois, walk-in, ward-heeler, war chest, war party, war room, watergate, watergate scandal, whig party, whistle-stop tour, white, william edward burghardt du bois, work, youth crusade, youth movement
Also try:policy-making
— Nouns for political: parties, power, system, economy, life, party, leaders, science, institutions, action, situation, more...
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