Words and phrases whose definition contains wings: (301 results)
ant, bat, bate, beat, bird, clap, clipped, clogged, closed, cob, flap, gull, hawk, kite, rail, spread, swept, tern, thrip, thrips, truss, wing, winged
alar, arctiid, barbet, beetle, biplane, blue tit, chopper, copper, coulisse, cuckoo, cushat, daedal, dayfly, deicer, dragon, eagle, emmet, eyelike, eyespot, falcon, filmy, flat pea, forewing, goldfinch, griffon, hairstreak, halter, haltere, hoactzin, hoatzin, lace bug, martin, mayfly, miller, monarch, outspread, peacock, penguin, pennate, pinion, pismire, pitta, plover, redbird, redstart, redwing, ringdove, rock dove, sandgrouse, sand grouse, seagull, sea gull, shadfly, short-winged, stinkbird, sweptback, sweptwing, teaser, thorax, thripid, tomtit, unclipped, unswept, whirring, wing-shaped, winged bean, winged pea, wingless, wingspread, wing case, wing chair, wing flat, wivern, wood hen, wyvern
alary, albatross, aliform, apteral, apterous, arctiid moth, balancer, bald eagle, bird of jove, blood flower, butterfly, caddice-fly, caddice fly, caddis-fly, caddis fly, cicada, cicala, contractile, daedalus, damselfly, defroster, diptera, dipteran, dipteron, division, dragonfly, eggbeater, elytron, emperor, firebird, firedrake, glareole, goa bean, gyroplane, hummingbird, icarus, infuscate, luna moth, lycaena, maori hen, mastiff bat, mollymawk, moth miller, mourning cloak, nymphalid, ocellus, odonate, orthopter, pratincole, pterosaur, red siskin, rock pigeon, silverspot, skeeter hawk, snake doctor, snake feeder, space shuttle, spread eagle, streamer fly, swallowwort, synchronized, tiger moth, tormenter, tormentor, tortricid, underwing, unpowered, whirlybird, wood pigeon
actias luna, aculea, air division, analogous, apterygiformes, arachnida, autogiro, autogyro, banded purple, barbecued wing, bird family, brachypterous, buffalo wing, chiropteran, darning needle, emperor moth, flying reptile, fritillary, garullus garullus, goa bean vine, griffon vulture, helicopter, homopteran, hymenopter, larus marinus, manila bean, mecoptera, mosquito hawk, neuropteran, neuropteron, ornithopter, orthopteran, orthopteron, painted beauty, psychodidae, red admiral, red underwing, sewing needle, tortricid moth, white-headed stilt, white admiral, winged spindle tree, yellowhammer
apodiform bird, atlantic manta, butterfly effect, camberwell beauty, class arachnida, colaptes auratus, dipterous insect, genus lycaena, golden oriole, hairstreak butterfly, hymenopteran, hymenopteron, imperial moth, inachis io, lepidopteran, lepidopteron, manta birostris, milkweed butterfly, monarch butterfly, order diptera, peacock butterfly, polyphemus moth, purple emperor, rudimentary, scarlet tanager, upupa epops
american eagle, american redstart, apatura iris, catocala nupta, colaptes caper collaris, columba livia, columba palumbus, devil's darning needle, euopean hoopoe, family psychodidae, four-footed butterfly, homopterous insect, mourning cloak butterfly, neuropterous insect, nymphalid butterfly, order mecoptera, orthopterous insect, parus caeruleus, psocopterous insect, wandering albatross
begonia cocchinea, california pitcher plant, common european jay, eacles imperialis, euonymous alatus, hymenopterous insect, lepidopterous insect, limenitis arthemis, limenitis camilla, nymphalis antiopa, opisthocomus hoazin, order apterygiformes, vanessa atalanta
agelaius phoeniceus, carduelis carduelis, carduelis cucullata, diomedea exulans, himantopus himantopus, oriolus oriolus, platylobium formosum, saturnia pavonia, setophaga ruticilla
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