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Words and phrases whose definition contains flower:   (545 results)

3 letters:
bud, hoe, lei

4 letters:
corn, cyme, teff

5 letters:
calyx, caper, carve, clove, daisy, ovary, scape, sepal, spade, spray, tansy, tulip, umbel, wheat

6 letters:
abloom, corona, corymb, cymose, dahlia, filago, floret, osmund, oxalis, paigle, pistil, protea, sorrel, stamen, sunray, teasel, teasle, teazel, thyrse, toetoe, wreath, zinnia

7 letters:
bicolor, bloomer, boneset, calypso, chaplet, chicory, chlamys, connate, corolla, coronal, cowherb, cowslip, cudweed, develop, enlarge, festoon, garland, gosmore, lobelia, mayweed, nodding, packera, pedicel, pedicle, pogonia, puccoon, redroot, succory, thyrsus, toe toe, wolffia

8 letters:
achillea, agueweed, artistic, broccoli, brodiaea, capeweed, cernuous, drooping, eryngium, exogamic, feverfew, milkweed, muskwood, old maid, owlclaws, parterre, peduncle, perianth, perigone, petaloid, ratibida, richweed, rose bed, spraguea, tidytips, tithonia, trillium, unfading

9 letters:
artichoke, bloodroot, cat's-ear, clearweed, edelweiss, endogamic, exogamous, flowering, hortensia, matchbush, matchweed, parnassia, pendulous, potpourri, pyrethrum, represent, rhodanthe, rudbeckia, safflower, santolina, snakehead, snakeroot, snakeweed, sunflower, tidy tips, vegetable, waxflower, wood lily

10 letters:
arnica bud, aztec lily, bitterroot, brachycome, chatterbox, clove tree, cow cockle, crownbeard, cypripedia, dog fennel, effloresce, endogamous, estivation, flower bud, gayfeather, ghost weed, goldfields, goldilocks, helianthus, hypanthium, incomplete, metroxylon, perigonium, pollinator, poppy seed, rabbitweed, ram's-head, ray floret, ray flower, scorzonera, teff grass, tetterwort, texas star, tragopogon, turtlehead, wake-robin

11 letters:
acroclinium, aestivation, agglomerate, alpine gold, amaranthine, arrangement, beach aster, boutonniere, burst forth, bushy aster, cauliflower, cotton rose, coyote bush, crown beard, daisy chain, dead nettle, double gold, dwarf daisy, flameflower, floral leaf, flower head, golden glow, heath aster, indian pipe, kidney wort, leopardbane, mexican hat, monoclinous, musa ensete, pedunculate, primulaceae, rue anemone, running pop, scutellaria, shellflower, showy daisy, strawflower, wood sorrel, wood spurge, xeranthemum, zygophyllum

12 letters:
agglomerated, bed of roses, big marigold, blazing star, common caper, common madia, coyote brush, easter daisy, efflorescent, flame flower, flower stalk, garden plant, golden aster, holy thistle, joe-pye weed, milk thistle, mojave aster, musk thistle, paper flower, scented fern, shasta daisy, sticky aster, tahoka daisy, thoroughwort, venus's shoe, white zinnia, woolly daisy

13 letters:
alpine hulsea, aster dumosus, basket flower, black salsify, bougainvillea, brass buttons, broccoli raab, broccoli rabe, cacalia lutea, chicory plant, chrysanthemum, common teasel, cottage tulip, fairy-slipper, false saffron, field thistle, genus mutisia, genus packera, genus wolffia, golden yarrow, hemp agrimony, hulsea algida, jacobean lily, madia elegans, pilea pumilla, plume thistle, primula veris, ragged orchid, ragged orchis, seaside daisy, stream orchid, tassel flower, viper's grass, white sanicle

14 letters:
arnica montana, aster arenosus, aztec marigold, blanket flower, carduus nutans, chelone glabra, common tarweed, crimson clover, dahlia pinnata, emilia flammea, eragrostis tef, fall dandelion, flowering fern, fountain grass, foxtail barley, gazania rigens, genus eryngium, genus ratibida, genus spraguea, golden buttons, golden thistle, great knapweed, indian blanket, italian clover, jumping orchid, lady's thistle, leopard's-bane, love-in-a-mist, mournful widow, plumed thistle, plumed tussock, snow-in-summer, stemless daisy, sweet scabious, tagetes erecta, tagetes patula, venus' slipper, welted thistle, wild hydrangea, yellow salsify, zinnia acerosa

15 letters:
anthemis cotula, artichoke plant, aster linosyris, barberton daisy, blackfoot daisy, blessed thistle, broom snakeroot, broom snakeweed, calypso bulbosa, carduus crispus, chaparral broom, creeping zinnia, cynara scolymus, emilia coccinea, emilia javanica, floral envelope, french marigold, genus commelina, genus hydrangea, genus rudbeckia, genus santolina, gerea canescens, giant coreopsis, globe artichoke, grammatophyllum, hordeum jubatum, nodding thistle, old maid flower, olearia haastii, orange hawkweed, primrose family, pyrola uniflora, rudbeckia hirta, showy sunflower, transvaal daisy, treasure flower, turpentine weed, venus's slipper, white snakeroot

16 letters:
african marigold, alpine sunflower, apetalous flower, arundo richardii, black-eyed susan, button snakeroot, cacalia javanica, capparis spinosa, cirsium discolor, desert sunflower, ethiopian banana, genus brachycome, genus erechtites, genus metroxylon, genus tragopogon, goldilocks aster, greater knapweed, habenaria lacera, heartleaf arnica, hottonia inflata, lewisia rediviva, moneses uniflora, ophrys sphegodes, pink paper daisy, self-pollination, silybum marianum, soapwort gentian, stenotus acaulis, stinking mayweed, swan river daisy, tansy leaf aster, wild water lemon

17 letters:
abyssinian banana, arnica cordifolia, cichorium intybus, cross-pollination, dipsacus fullonum, erigeron glaucous, genus acroclinium, genus scutellaria, genus zygophyllum, gerbera jamesonii, giant helleborine, helenium hoopesii, hymenoxys acaulis, layia platyglossa, lazy daisy stitch, mexican sunflower, nodding groundsel, orange sneezeweed, pincushion flower, senecio bigelovii, senecio doublasii, sonchus oleraceus, tanacetum vulgare, tragopogon dubius, water gillyflower

18 letters:
acroclinium roseum, allionia incarnata, centaurea scabiosa, chrysopsis villosa, climbing hydrangea, coreopsis gigantea, ensete ventricosum, epipactis gigantea, erigeron divergens, erigeron speciosus, eugenia aromaticum, eupatorium rugosum, family primulaceae, gentiana saponaria, golden everlasting, grass-of-parnassus, hairy golden aster, lindheimera texana, linosyris vulgaris, monotropa uniflora, olearia argophylla, passiflora foetida, rudbeckia serotina, saponaria vaccaria, spreading fleabane, squirreltail grass, stemless hymenoxys, stinking chamomile, townsendia exscapa, trailing windmills, vaccaria hispanica, yellow paper daisy, yellow spiny daisy, zinnia grandiflora

19 letters:
ageratina altissima, arrowleaf groundsel, baccharis pilularis, centaurea americana, early spider orchid, eriophyllum lanatum, euphorbia marginata, haplopappus acaulis, heterotheca villosa, one-flowered pyrola, pennisetum ruppelii, pennisetum setaceum, ratibida columnaris, rhodanthe manglesii, rudbeckia laciniata, squirreltail barley, syzygium aromaticum, tetraneuris acaulis, vaccaria pyramidata

20 letters:
american featherfoil, antheropeas wallacei, bougainvillea glabra, california dandelion, carthamus tinctorius, cortaderia richardii, cotula coronopifolia, cutleaved coneflower, cypripedium montanum, eriophyllum wallacei, eupatorium maculatum, gaillardia pulchella, green fringed orchis, habenaria orbiculata, helipterum manglesii, hydrangea paniculata, hydrangea petiolaris, hypochaeris radicata, leontodon autumnalis, leontopodium alpinum, little golden zinnia, pilosella aurantiaca, prairie golden aster, scorzonera hispanica, senecio triangularis, snow-on-the-mountain, spotted joe-pye weed, stemless golden weed, tanacetum parthenium, threadleaf groundsel, trifolium incarnatum

21 letters:
amsinckia grandiflora, catasetum macrocarpum, cypripedium arietinum, eragrostic abyssinica, eupatorium cannabinum, genus grammatophyllum, gutierrezia sarothrae, hieracium aurantiacum, hydrangea arborescens, hymenoxys grandiflora, lasthenia chrysostoma, leatherleaf saxifrage, leucanthemum superbum, little-head snakeweed, new zealand daisybush, philadelphia fleabane, ragged-fringed orchid, sanvitalia procumbens, scabiosa atropurpurea, trailing four o'clock, wyethia helianthoides

22 letters:
enceliopsis nudicaulis, eugenia caryophyllatum, eupatorium perfoliatum, euphorbia amygdaloides, haplopappus spinulosus, helianthus laetiflorus, helichrysum bracteatum, melampodium leucanthum, sanguinaria canadensis, strekelia formosissima, swan river everlasting

23 letters:
brachycome iberidifolia, erigeron philadelphicus, fall-blooming hydrangea, leptarrhena pyrolifolia, mountain lady's slipper, old man of the mountain, our lady's mild thistle, tetraneuris grandiflora, white-rayed mule's ears

24 letters:
anemonella thalictroides, chrysanthemum parthenium, gutierrezia microcephala, machaeranthera bigelovii, one-flowered wintergreen, round-leaved rein orchid

25 letters:
brassica oleracea italica, large-flowered fiddleneck, ram's-head lady's slipper

26 letters:
brassica oleracea botrytis, machaeranthera tortifoloia, pink-and-white everlasting

28 letters:
machaeranthera tanacetifolia

29 letters:
chrysanthemum maximum maximum, rudbeckia laciniata hortensia

31 letters:
hydrangea macrophylla hortensis

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