Words and phrases whose definition contains attention: (330 results)
all, bid, braced, bring, care, catch, charge, cry, drink, ear, eye, foil, full, give, glare, grab, ground, hear, heed, hit, hold, look, mind, note, pay, perched, perked, please, point, pore, press, schtick, schtik, seize, share, shtick, shtik, slack, slight, spoiled, spoilt, spot, stray, stunt, think, tight, toast, turn, want, watch, whole
bear down, behold, bookworm, bring out, brush off, captious, cared-for, careful, careless, catchy, center, centre, clamant, confuse, crying, deflect, demand, digress, discount, dismiss, display, distract, distrait, drink in, drowsy, engaged, figure, fixate, focus, gripping, halloo, heedful, heedless, ho-hum, hotdog, hot dog, ignore, instant, limelight, listen, look on, loudly, mention, neglect, noted, notice, obscure, observe, offstage, outshine, pedant, perked up, peruse, pressure, recall, rivet, scrabble, scribble, set off, show-off, soldier, special, spellbound, spotlight, strictness, striking, stringent, stunning, take heed, take note, take stage, teaser, think of, thoughtful, thoughtless, transfixed, turn to, uncrowned, upstage, wander, zoom in
absorbing, absorption, advertent, advertise, advertised, advertize, alertness, amusement, appealing, arresting, attend to, attentive, autism, brush aside, carefully, casual, centering, clock-watching, cold-shoulder, concentrate, critical, cursory, cynosure, deflection, deflexion, determined, digression, diligence, direction, disregard, distracted, distraction, divagate, diversion, dominance, egotrip, ego trip, embarrassed, engrossing, engrossment, enhancer, exclusive, exigent, eye-catcher, eye-catching, faultfinding, focusing, focussing, get a load, have a look, heedfulness, high profile, hypnotised, hypnotized, immersion, insistence, insistent, instancy, intently, interesting, lay eyes on, lightning rod, mental note, mesmerised, mesmerized, mindfulness, neglecter, neglectful, negligent, now and then, observance, observant, occupied, oscitant, outstanding, prominent, pro forma, publicise, publicize, public eye, push aside, redirect, red herring, reference, remember, represent, reticent, rigorous, ritalin, riveting, salient, scene-stealer, scholastic, scrupulous, stringency, take a look, take notice, take the stage, take to heart, tutelage, underline, underscore, unheeding, untended, unwatchful, vigilance, watchfulness
advertising, ad agency, assiduity, assiduousness, attentional, attentiveness, cause celebre, clamorously, concentration, deviation, divagation, entertainment, fascinated, fascinating, fastidious, fudge together, guardianship, immodesty, imperative, inattention, inattentive, indicator, insistency, keep one's eyes peeled, keep one's eyes skinned, microscopic, misdirection, nota bene, noticeable, observation, occupation, perfunctorily, perfunctory, pernickety, persnickety, preoccupy, prosaically, publicizing, punctilious, scrupulousness, self-effacing, sensational, spectacular, spit and polish, throw together, unappealing, unawareness, uncared-for, uncritical, uninteresting, unknowingness, unobservant, unvigilant
absentmindedness, attention-getting, ballyhoo artist, conspicuously, exhibitionist, imperativeness, inconspicuously, indirect request, keep one's eyes open, methylphenidate, meticulousness, microscopically, nazification, obstreperously, preoccupation, punctiliousness, self-aggrandisement, self-aggrandizement, sensationalist, uninitiate, unnoticeable
armillariella, as a formality, center of attention, exhibitionism, exhibitionistic, inconsiderable, meticulosity
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