Words and phrases that have a meaning related to deaden: (155 results)
animate, enliven, invigorate, liven, liven up
Often used in the same context:
muffle, induce, abrade, dulling, amplify, sooth, counteract, soothe, numbs, lessen, deafen, constrict, disorient, wreathing, stupefy, nauseate, desensitize, heighten, relieve, humidify, anaesthetise, attenuate, permeate, evoke, suffuse, minimize, anesthetize, distend, stimulate, debilitate, soften, assuage, exhilarate, irritate, insulate, inhibit, modulate, dampen, startle, alleviate, mimic, coarsen, deflate, stifle, overstride, suppress, squelch, prickling, medicate, blunted, awaken, incapacitate, magnify, accentuate, occludes, elicit, rouse, banish, dissipate, impair, zap, habituate, neutralize, bladder sphincter, diminish, palpitate, engender, coagulate, desensitise, intoxicate, tingled, moistens, hallow, lulling, depress, disorientate, inhale, waken, distort, olfactory nerve, reek, tantalize, simulate, externalize, negate, absorb, clanks, perfuse, gnaw, deodorize, tenderize, narcotized, snuffles, suffocate, paralyze, unburden, pulverize, oversaturate, smother, inject, lubricate, ameliorate, horrible, dreadful, horrendous, horrific, indescribable, mickle, terrible, unbearable, acuter, anguished, annoying, appalling, awful, ceaseless, ceasing, commingled, confused, deadened, deadening, discomforting
Appears in the definition of:
callous, cauterise, cauterize, damp, dampen, dull, muffle, mute, pudendal block, tone down
More general:
Also try:alter, change, convert, hush, hush up, incise, quieten, retard, shut up, silence, still
— Nouns for deaden: suffering, pain, sound, noise, memories
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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