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Things meatal often describes (“meatal ________”)
stenosis, wall, line, skin, flap, antrostomy, opening, atresia, stricture, advancement, ulcer, care, plug, foramen, ulceration, orifice, plane, entrance, canal, colonization, segment, plate, portion, area, floor, side, strictures, obstruction, spine, dura, cartilage, roof, loop, erythema, cleansing, triangle, fundus, regimens, flaps, incision, lip, tube, irritation, lips, polyp, ulcers, complex, region, narrowing, inflammation, retraction, packing, margin, obturator, exostoses, junction, catheter, edge, window, chancre, involvement, location, suture, dilation, introitus, mucosa, reconstruction, cleft, tenderness, warts, bone, defect, calibration, dilator, cavity, ring, epithelium, lining, aperture, groove, itching, erosion, rim, specimen, occlusion, cell, infection, graft, segments

How meatal often is described (“________ meatal”)
inferior, middle, plastic, urethral

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