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Words and phrases that have a meaning related to skin:   (1069 results)

blackhead, comedo, corium, crease, crinkle, cuticle, derma, dermis, epidermis, freckle, furrow, line, liver spot, macula, macule, milium, pore, scab, seam, sebaceous gland, skin cell, sudoriferous gland, sweat gland, whitehead, wrinkle

Often used in the same context:
epidermis, cuticles, hair, pigmentation, blackhead, underarms, melasma, dermis, moisturise, redness, hyperpigmentation, mucous membrane, complexions, gums, cornea, seborrhea, moisturizing, discolorations, acne, astringents, glycolic, collagen, pimples, keratosis, toenails, striae, hypopigmentation, undercoat, eyelashes, glycolic acid, vernix, folliculitis, keloid, foreskin, cheeks, acne rosacea, scalp, ingrown hair, sunburn, gingiva, petrolatum, creams, dentine, wrinkles, derma, creaseless, cellulite, humectants, verruca, sclera, sebaceous glands, lotion, retina, fatty tissue, glans, tissue, comedones, armpits, emollients, dermabrasion, callouses, puffiness, granulation tissue, dermal, pigment, bronzer, keratin, stratum corneum, thighs, eyelids, periorbital, tummy, rind, seborrheic keratosis, leukoplakia, serums, fontanelle, uvea, relaxer, bleaches, weals, windburn, exfoliant, vagina, vulva, hair dye, dermatologist, anal canal, depilatory, telangiectasia, tooth enamel, chancre, zits, calluses, pterygium, pores, itchiness, varnish, exfoliation, exudates, papilloma, sodium lauryl sulphate, skins, integument, flesh, hide, complexion, cuticle, husks, enamel, husk, coats, dirt, glaze, wrap, bark, cheek, coat, quilted, waterproof, embroidered, leathern, tattered, chamois, patched, rumpled, beaded, buttoned, fringed, knitted, pleated, sequined, beige, brown, leather, soiled, striped, black

More specific:
agnail, buff, dewlap, flay, foreskin, hangnail, investment, peel off, prepuce, scalp, skin graft, thick skin, waterskin, water skin, wineskin

Appears in the definition of:
., abdominoplasty, abraded, abrasion, acanthosis, acanthosis nigricans, achromasia, achromia, acne, acned, acne rosacea, actinic keratosis, acupuncture, addison's disease, addison's syndrome, agnail, aguacate, albinism, albino, aleppo boil, algid, alligator pear, american chameleon, american leishmaniasis, angiosarcoma, anole, anolis carolinensis, anterior crural nerve, antiperspirant, apple, application, araroba, arteria circumflexa ilium, asa dulcis, aspergillosis, aubergine, autumn pumpkin, avocado, avocado pear, baldwin, balsam of peru, banana peel, banana skin, bark, bedsore, benjamin, benzoin, birthmark, bite, black, black-and-blue, blackamoor, blackhead, blackheart, blackheart cherry, black person, blastomycosis, bleb, blister, blistered, blister beetle, blond, blonde, blotchy, blubber, brand, brandy nose, bronzed, bronzed diabetes, browned, bruise, bruised, brunet, brunette, buff, bulla, burn, butterfish, calamine lotion, calf, calfskin, callosity, calloused, callus, cancroid, candida albicans, carotenemia, carpet shark, carry, cataplasm, catawba, caucasian, causalgia, cellulitis, cephalexin, ceratin, chafe, chafed, chafing, chamaeleon, chameleon, chapped, chaulmoogra oil, cheilitis, chemosurgery, cherimolla, cherimoya, chigger, chigoe, chigoe flea, chlamydosaurus kingi, chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile, chlorosis, chromoblastomycosis, chronic eczema, chrysarobin, cicatrice, cicatrix, cicatrize, cipro, ciprofloxacin, circumcise, circumflex iliac artery, clavus, closed fracture, cobra, coccidioidomycosis, coccidiomycosis, cocozelle, coldcream, cold cream, color, colored, colour, coloured, colugo, comedo, complexion, concord grape, contact dermatitis, contused, contusion, contusioned, copper nose, corium, corn, coronet, cosmetic surgery, costiasis, cowpox, cracked, crawl, cream, creepy, creepy-crawly, crest, crookneck, crookneck squash, crow's feet, crow's foot, cryosurgery, cs gas, cubital nerve, cucurbita pepo, cumquat, cup, cupping, cutaneal, cutaneous, cutaneous leishmaniasis, cutaneous sensation, cuticle, cyanosis, dandruff, dapsone, dark, dark-skinned, decubitus ulcer, delhi boil, delicate, demulcent, deodorant, deodourant, depigmentation, depilation, derma, dermabrasion, dermatitis, dermatobia, dermatoglyphic, dermatologist, dermatology, dermatome, dermatomycosis, dermatomyositis, dermatophytosis, dermatosclerosis, dermatosis, dermis, desert rheumatism, desquamate, desquamation, detach, dewlap, diaphoresis, dick test, digital plethysmograph, disciform, discoid lupus erythematosus, disease of the skin, disseminated lupus erythematosus, dle, domestic sheep, dracunculiasis, dracunculus medinensis, drawn, dusky, ecchymosis, eccrine gland, ecdysis, ectoblast, ectoderm, eczema, eczema hypertrophicum, edmontosaurus, eel, efflorescence, eggplant, elastic tissue, elastosis, electrical skin response, electrodermal response, embrocation, emollient, endermatic, endermic, enl, epicanthic fold, epicanthus, epicarp, epicranium, epidermis, epilation, erupt, erysipelas, erythema, erythema nodosum, erythema nodosum leprosum, erythema solare, erythroderma, eschar, etiolate, exanthem, exanthema, excoriate, excoriation, exfoliation, exocarp, exoderm, exuviate, eyelid, facelift, face cream, face lift, face lifting, face pack, fair, fairish, feel, feeling, fell, femoral nerve, fere phenomenon, fibrous dysplasia of bone, filefish, fingerprint, fire salamander, first-degree burn, flare, flay, fleece, flying cat, flying lemur, flying opossum, flying phalanger, flying squirrel, fold, foreskin, formication, frambesia, framboesia, freckle, free nerve ending, frilled lizard, furunculosis, gall, galled, galvanic skin response, gastrophryne olivacea, gelatin, gelatine, genip, genital herpes, genus dermatobia, ginep, glandulae sebaceae, glycerogel, glycerogelatin, goa powder, golden delicious, gooseflesh, goose bump, goose pimple, goose skin, granny smith, granuloma inguinale, granuloma venereum, graze, greensickness, green soap, gsr, guava, guinea worm, guinea worm disease, gum benjamin, gum benzoin, hair shirt, hammer nose, hangnail, hansen's disease, haptic sensation, harmful, hemlock water dropwort, hemochromatosis, hepatoflavin, herpes, herpes genitalis, herpes simplex, herpes simplex virus, herpes virus, hickey, hide, hidrosis, hives, honey berry, hookworm, hookworm disease, horripilation, hot pants, hyalin, hyaline, hydrate, hyperpigmentation, hypertrophic rosacea, hypoadrenalism, hypoadrenocorticism, hypopigmentation, ichthyosis, icteric, icterus, ige, immunoglobulin e, impetigo, ingrown hair, injectant, injection, insect bite, integument, integumentary system, intertrigo, intracutaneous, intradermal, intradermally, intradermal injection, intradermal test, intradermic, iron-storage disease, iron overload, italian vegetable marrow, itch, itch mite, jacket, jaundice, jaundiced, jungle rot, kaposi's sarcoma, keflex, keflin, keftab, keratin, keratoacanthoma, keratoderma, keratoderma blennorrhagica, keratodermia, keratonosis, keratosis, keratosis blennorrhagica, keratosis nigricans, kraurosis, kumquat, kumquat tree, lactoflavin, lambskin, lappet, laugh line, le, leather, leishmaniasis americana, lentigo, leprosy, lesion, leukoderma, lichen, lichtenoid eczema, lid, lidocaine, lift, light-haired, light-skinned, lined, liniment, livedo, liver spot, livid, lividity, lividness, loose, lotion, love bite, lubricious, lukewarmness, lungless salamander, lupus, lupus erythematosus, lupus vulgaris, luridness, macula, macule, mad apple, malignant melanoma, mammal, mamoncillo, mange, marbleized, marmoreal, marrow, marrow squash, medlar, melanin, melanism, melanoderma, melanoma, melanosis, melicocca bijuga, melicocca bijugatus, meloid, milium, mole, molluscum, molluscum contagiosum, molt, molter, molting, monilia albicans, morello, mosquito, moult, moulter, moulting, mucocutaneous, mucocutaneous leishmaniasis, musculospiral nerve, mustard plaster, myxedema, myxoedema, nasopharyngeal leishmaniasis, necrobiosis lipoidica, necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum, negroid, neosporin, nerve agent, nerve gas, nervus femoralis, nervus radialis, nervus ulnaris, nettle, nettle rash, neurofibromatosis, nevoid elephantiasis, nevus, new world leishmaniasis, nictitating membrane, nip and tuck, nonhairy, noninvasive, northern spy, oenanthe crocata, ointment, old world leishmaniasis, onchocerciasis, opsanus tau, orectolobus barbatus, oriental sore, overactivity, ovis aries, ovoflavin, pachyderm, pachyderma, pacinian corpuscle, pack, paleness, pallidness, pallor, palmate, palpebra, pancake turtle, papule, paraesthesia, paraumbilical vein, parchment, pare, paresthesia, paring, patch test, pediculosis corporis, peel, peeling, pemphigus, people of color, people of colour, percutaneous, perspiration, perspire, petechia, petrissage, pheniramine, pigskin, pilar cyst, pilomotor reflex, pimple, pimpled, pimply, pipa americana, pipa pipa, pippin, pityriasis, plague spot, plaster, plectognath, plectognath fish, plethodont, plica, pocked, pockmarked, pore, potato nose, poultice, powderpuff, pox, prepuce, pressure, pressure sore, prickle cell, progeria, propanediol, propylene glycol, prunus cerasus austera, prurigo, pruritus ani, psoriasis, psychogalvanic response, puckered, puckered-up, puff, pumpkin, pumpkin vine, pustulate, pustule, pyrogallic acid, pyrogallol, quick, radial nerve, ranid, rash, ratbite fever, reactive, receptor, redheaded, red delicious, rhagades, rhino, rhinoceros, rhinophyma, rhytidectomy, rhytidoplasty, riboflavin, rickettsialpox, ringworm, river blindness, rosacea, roseola, roughened, roundworm, rubefacient, rum-blossom, rum nose, safety razor, saint anthony's fire, salamandra maculosa, sallowness, salving, sapodilla, sapodilla plum, sapota, sarcoptid, satsuma, scab, scabies, scale, scalp, scar, scarify, schick test, schistosome dermatitis, scleredema, scleroderma, scrape, scraped, scratch, scratch test, scuba diving, scurf, seamed, seamless, sebaceous cyst, sebaceous follicle, sebaceous gland, seborrhea, seborrheic dermatitis, seborrheic eczema, seborrheic keratosis, sebum, second-degree burn, secondary syphilis, sense, sense organ, sensory receptor, shark, shaved, shaven, shed, shedding, sheepskin, shriveled, silky, silurid, silurid fish, simple fracture, sinapism, skin-deep, skincare, skinned, skintight, skin cancer, skin care, skin cell, skin condition, skin disease, skin disorder, skin doctor, skin eruption, skin graft, skin over, skin patch, skin perceptiveness, skin pop, skin problem, skin rash, skin sensation, skin test, slack, sle, slough, sls, smallpox, smooth, snorkeling, snorkel diving, soapfish, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium lauryl sulphate, soft-shelled turtle, softening, soft soap, somaesthesia, somaesthesis, somatatesthesis, somatesthesia, somatic sense, somatic sensory system, somatosensory system, somesthesia, somesthesis, sore, spaghetti squash, spanish lime, spanish lime tree, spirit gum, sporotrichosis, spotted fever, spotted salamander, squamous cell carcinoma, steatocystoma, stigma, sting, stratum lucidum, stretch mark, stylostixis, subcutaneously, subcutaneous injection, subcutaneous test, sudate, sudation, sudoriferous gland, summer crookneck, sunblock, sunburn, sunscreen, suntan, suntanned, sun blocker, surgical spirit, surinam toad, swart, swarthy, sweat, sweating, sweat duct, sweat gland, swimmer's itch, systemic lupus erythematosus, tactile sensation, tactility, tactual sensation, tan, tangelo, tangible, tanned, tanning, tarchanoff phenomenon, tattoo, tepidity, tepidness, thickened, thick skin, third eyelid, tinea, tinea corporis, tine test, toadfish, toner, toper's nose, topical anaesthesia, topical anesthesia, topognosia, topognosis, touch, touch perception, touch sensation, transcutaneous, transdermal, transdermal patch, transdermic, transfuse, transpiration, transpire, triggerfish, tropical sore, true frog, true toad, tuberculin skin test, tuberculin test, tuberculoid leprosy, tummy tuck, tunga penetrans, typhus, typhus fever, ugli, ugli fruit, ulcer, ulceration, ulnar nerve, underclothes, underclothing, underpants, underwear, unlined, unseamed, urticaria, urtication, vaccinia, valley fever, vanishing cream, variola, variola major, vegetable marrow, vellum, vena paraumbilicalis, venipuncture, vernix, vernix caseosa, verruca, verrucose, vitamin b2, vitamin g, vitiligo, von recklinghausen's disease, vx gas, wale, wanness, warble fly, wart, wartlike, warty, waterhouse-friderichsen syndrome, waterskin, water dropwort, water skin, wattle, weal, webbed, webbed foot, webfoot, welt, wen, western narrow-mouthed toad, wet suit, wheal, white, whitehead, windburn, winesap, wineskin, woolly monkey, wound, xanthemia, xanthoma, xanthosis, xeroderma, xeroderma pigmentosum, xerodermia, xylocaine, yaws, yellow, yellow delicious, yellow squash, zinc ointment

Part of:

More general:
aliveness, animation, bag, body covering, climb, connective tissue, injure, life, living, plant tissue, scrape, scratch, scratch up, strip, surface, wound

abrade, bark, clamber, cutis, hide, pare, peel, pelt, rind, scramble, scrape, shin, shinny, sputter, struggle, stub, tegument

Also try:
— Nouns for skin: contact, cap, coat, graft, bag, distance, rug, color, cloak, robe, jacket, more...

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