Words and phrases whose definition contains much:  (533 results)
abkhazia, abnormal, agincourt, air travel, ambrosia, amharic, balsam fir, big shagbark, big shellbark, bitterweed, blabbermouthed, black greasewood, black hemlock, black tree fern, button pink, by and large, cajan pea, canticles, cape aloe, cast iron, catjang pea, cereus, chew the fat, coral gem, dessertspoon, destructive, difficult, disturbance, double gold, drunkenly, eider duck, exclaiming, exclusive, existing, expression, extremely, false ragweed, fashion plate, furniture, gas giant, goat willow, goldenbush, golden glow, golf widow, grogginess, hagberry, hairy spurge, hairy tare, hairy vetch, heartburning, heatedly, heath aster, heavily, heralded, high profile, horsefly weed, horse trading, inclusive, indulgence, ironwork, islamize, jamaica, james k. polk, james knox polk, laughable, let alone, london plane, maleberry, male berry, mental strain, mirasol, modulus, mouse-ear cress, noisily, notably, nubia, nymphalid, okapi, overbear, overcharge, overcome, overcrowd, overload, overpay, overrun, overspill, overstrain, overstuff, overwork, pain threshold, pied lemming, pigeon pea, pretty much, prickleback, probably, pseudocarp, public debt, quantity, rattle weed, readily, redoubled, red alder, resemble, rhubarb pie, rock maple, sago fern, shadiness, shoot the breeze, silver sage, song of songs, stickleback, strenuous, sugary, surplusage, tablespoon, talkative, teacupful, teaspoonful, thimbleful, tinbergen, very much, wapiti, well-wishing, white cockle, wide-ranging, worshiper, worshipper

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