Words and phrases whose definition contains much: (533 results)
air, ask, bad, beat, beau, bhang, blight, brim, charge, chat, cloy, con, craft, dahl, dark, dude, dull, dulled, far, fat, fault, field, fop, full, fuss, good, grant, heaps, jaw, kill, make, milk, more, mouse, owe, pay, pearl, play, polk, prise, prize, put, rain, reach, shade, sheik, spiked, spoon, strain, strive, swell, talk, tall, tank, toast, twist, vexed, way, whelk
abkhaz, adjust, afford, aggro, amount, arab, badly, behind, belike, bigmouthed, blabby, bottom, busy, chaffer, chatter, chewy, chitchat, claver, clotheshorse, cobnut, concise, confab, damage, dandy, date plum, dazedly, detail, disa, dissolve, durrell, eclat, eider, enough, esteem, excess, filbert, finished, flashback, fractious, fremont, gallant, getting, gift horse, gossip, gray sage, greasewood, guayule, harmful, hatful, heavy, highly, horse-trade, horse trade, hostile, infest, informed, interest, jackson, james polk, king nut, leaky, liao, likely, lion, little, loop gain, matter, measure, molto, myanmar, natter, nero, observe, packed cells, passive, payslip, person, plenty, practiced, practised, presume, ragweed, red gram, relict, render, respect, retain, rewrite, righteous, right smart, risky, sappho, scrabble, scribble, servo, shimmy, snail mail, so much, sparerib, spearfish, spoonful, stupid, subject, suffer, surcharge, surplus, take home, tankful, teacup, teaspoon, tenfold, that much, thimble, too much, transfer, twisting, unbend, unglazed, unnerved, value, visit, vomit, warhorse, well-worn, widely, wide screen, wild peach, yardie
abkhazia, abnormal, agincourt, air travel, ambrosia, amharic, balsam fir, big shagbark, big shellbark, bitterweed, blabbermouthed, black greasewood, black hemlock, black tree fern, button pink, by and large, cajan pea, canticles, cape aloe, cast iron, catjang pea, cereus, chew the fat, coral gem, dessertspoon, destructive, difficult, disturbance, double gold, drunkenly, eider duck, exclaiming, exclusive, existing, expression, extremely, false ragweed, fashion plate, furniture, gas giant, goat willow, goldenbush, golden glow, golf widow, grogginess, hagberry, hairy spurge, hairy tare, hairy vetch, heartburning, heatedly, heath aster, heavily, heralded, high profile, horsefly weed, horse trading, inclusive, indulgence, ironwork, islamize, jamaica, james k. polk, james knox polk, laughable, let alone, london plane, maleberry, male berry, mental strain, mirasol, modulus, mouse-ear cress, noisily, notably, nubia, nymphalid, okapi, overbear, overcharge, overcome, overcrowd, overload, overpay, overrun, overspill, overstrain, overstuff, overwork, pain threshold, pied lemming, pigeon pea, pretty much, prickleback, probably, pseudocarp, public debt, quantity, rattle weed, readily, redoubled, red alder, resemble, rhubarb pie, rock maple, sago fern, shadiness, shoot the breeze, silver sage, song of songs, stickleback, strenuous, sugary, surplusage, tablespoon, talkative, teacupful, teaspoonful, thimbleful, tinbergen, very much, wapiti, well-wishing, white cockle, wide-ranging, worshiper, worshipper
abstemious, accuracy, acknowledgement, alnus rubra, aloe ferox, anise hyssop, arabian, balm of gilead, butter cookie, case-hardened steel, climbing onion, cogitation, confabulate, couch potato, dessertspoonful, dundathu pine, dusty miller, enigmatic, evening lychnis, factually, fiddler crab, fudge together, genus sphagnum, golden aster, honey-flower, honeyflower, hortensia, indigo broom, intermingle, intervening, in a big way, in evidence, italian rye, john c. fremont, john charles fremont, lawrence durrell, lumpectomy, lychnis alba, mahogany, millennium, moment of truth, mountain devil, mountain hemlock, nimiety, not to mention, numerically, out of focus, over-refine, overburden, overexpose, overpayment, overrefine, overworking, palladian, palladio, paraleipsis, paralepsis, paralipsis, perspicacious, president polk, preterition, pussy willow, quaking aspen, queensland kauri, reality, semidesert, servosystem, silver sagebrush, silver tree fern, skeleton key, smooth bark kauri, social lion, sugar maple, superoxide, tablespoonful, throw together, to what degree, to what extent, triglyceride, valuation, white campion, with much to-do
accessory fruit, account payable, acer saccharum, acute gastritis, alectoria, american elk, apodiform bird, apothegmatic, aster ericoides, bladder campion, burweed marsh elder, cajanus cajan, canada balsam, caucasian walnut, cigar-box cedar, common sunflower, creeping oxalis, creeping wood sorrel, dictyoptera, diospyros lotus, genus calypso, genus cereus, genus erica, he-huckleberry, heavily traveled, incoherently, in all likelihood, italian ryegrass, jovian planet, king nut hickory, labor-intensive, labour-intensive, lawrence george durrell, liao dynasty, many morea, oregon alder, overemphasis, overexertion, overexposure, overproduction, overtolerance, predominantly, preponderantly, recalculation, salix caprea, sentimentalize, socialization, song of solomon, swan river daisy, three-quarter binding, unintelligent, vicia villosa, waste material
abies balsamea, agathis robusta, as much as possible, big shellbark hickory, carya laciniosa, cervus canadensis, delusions of grandeur, discretionary trust, electron microscope, false saber-toothed tiger, four-footed butterfly, interstitial fluid, lambertia formosa, lolium multiflorum, mahalia jackson, nikolaas tinbergen, nymphalid butterfly, overcredulity, overpopulation, polymyositis, populus tremula, privet andromeda, scientific knowledge, servomechanism, short-spurred fragrant orchid, superoxide anion, underdevelopment
agastache foeniculum, andrea palladio, artemisia cana, baptisia tinctoria, byzantine architecture, canticle of canticles, classical mythology, corylus avellana, cyathea medullaris, dermatomyositis, ethiopian language, euphorbia hirsuta, genus alectoria, gymnopilus validipes, helianthus annuus, in all probability, iva xanthifolia, lepromatous leprosy, okapia johnstoni, order dictyoptera, seriphidium canum, silene latifolia, tsuga mertensiana
bowiea volubilis, dianthus latifolius, european quaking aspen, lyonia ligustrina, overcapitalisation, overcapitalization, oxalis corniculata, parthenium argentatum
arabidopsis thaliana, chronoperates paradoxus, cineraria maritima, corylus avellana grandis, kiggelaria africana, platanus acerifolia, pterocarya fraxinifolia, sarcobatus vermiculatus, senecio cineraria
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