Words and phrases that have a meaning related to messages: (184 results)
Often used in the same context:
emails, missives, faxes, tweets, letters, texts, voicemail, mails, postcards, mailings, sender, correspondences, telegrams, signals, calls, greetings, communiques, spams, conversations, sext, responses, answering machine, inbox, fliers, mailers, invitations, postings, memos, emoticons, reminders, leaflets, bulletins, addressees, flyers, attachments, comments, ads, mailboxes, notices, advertisements, valentines, correspondance, images, msg, replies, posters, requests, rants, warnings, phone, junkmail, skyping, salutations, sayings, questionnaires, sermons, queries, diatribes, videos, forwarding, words, pamphlets, callers, communication, harangues, chats, tapes, testimonials, sms, mailbox, chatroom, addresses, speeches, messenger, packets, instructions, telexes, unsubscribe, solicitations, newsletters, passwords, campaigns, telephone, proclamations, chitchats, photos, pictures, interactions, envelopes, updates, dispatches, snippets, pleas, snapshots, adverts, junk mail, alerts, twitter, caller id, endearments, statuses, greeting card, message, triggers, links, rationales, statements, commands, affirmations, announcements, communications, declarations, identifications, utterances, appeals, associations, cues, directives
Appears in the definition of:
Also try:answering machine, bbs, blinker, bulletin board, bulletin board system, card, carrier, carrier pigeon, center, code, coding system, common carrier, conveyed, correspond, decipherer, decoder, delphic oracle, double bind, electronic bulletin board, flasher, flight control, ground control, heliograph, interrupt, language unit, linguistic unit, log, mail, mailing-card, mail service, mcguffey eclectic readers, message pad, oracle of apollo, oracle of delphi, ouija, ouija board, planchette, post, postal card, postal service, postcard, post card, propagandist, queue, radio, radiotelegraph, radiotelegraphy, radio signal, redundancy, runner, semantically, sending, spirit rapper, telecom, telecommunication, telegrapher, telegraphist, telegraph operator, temple of apollo, transcriber, translator, two, typewriter, wireless telegraph, wireless telegraphy, writing pad
— Adjectives for messages: mail, mixed, verbal, important, several, email, secret, negative, nonverbal, incoming, short, more...
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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