Words and phrases that have a meaning related to be: (301 results)
Often used in the same context:
serve, put, get, hath, anything, believe, ex, none, while, can, dwell, makes, compare, correspond, deserving, doth, holds, tell, think, *, wouldbe, prospective, aspirant, disappointed, disillusioned, impecunious, disgruntled, exiled, frustrated, young, aspiring, reputed, unsuspecting, gullible, obsessed, talented, firsttime, hapless, knowledgeable, minded
More specific:
abound, abound in, accept, account for, add up, adhere, adorn, amount, answer, appear, attend, balance, beat, beautify, bedevil, befuddle, belong, be well, body, body forth, boondoggle, brood, buy, buzz, carpenter, center on, clean, clerk, coexist, come, come in for, come in handy, compose, comprise, confound, confuse, connect, consist, consist in, consist of, constitute, contain, continue, cooper, cost, count, cover, cox, curve, cut across, deck, decorate, define, delimit, delimitate, delineate, depend, deserve, disaccord, disagree, discombobulate, discord, diverge, embellish, embody, encounter, end, endanger, endure, enter, equate, exemplify, extend, extend to, face, fall, fall into, fall under, feel, figure, fill, fit, flow, follow, footle, form, fox, fuddle, gape, go, grace, gravitate, grizzle, hail, hang, hang around, head, head up, hold, hold out, hold up, hoodoo, hum, hurt, impend, imperil, incarnate, incline, inhabit, interlude, intern, interrelate, iridesce, jeopardize, jumble, kick about, kick around, kill, knock about, knock back, lallygag, last, lead, lean, lend, let go, lie, lie in, linger, litter, live, live on, loaf, loiter, lollygag, look, lounge, lurk, make, make sense, matter, measure, menace, merit, mess about, mill about, mill around, mingle, minister, moon about, moon around, mope, need, number, obtain, occupy, outlast, outlive, owe, page, pass, pay, people, peril, personify, point, poke out, populate, pose, preexist, present, press, prevail, pride, promise, prove, pullulate with, put back, rage, range, rank, rate, reach, reach out, relate, remain, represent, require, reside, rest, run, run into, rut, seem, seethe, sell, set back, shack, shine, sit, skipper, sparkle, specialize, specify, squat, stagnate, stand, stand back, stand by, stay, stay away from, stay on, stew, stick by, stick out, stick to, stick with, stink, straddle, stretch, stretch along, strike, subtend, suffer, suit, sulk, survive, take, tarry, teem in, tend, test, threaten, throw, total, touch, turn out, typify, underlie, vet, wait, want, wash, weigh, wind, yaw, yawn
More general:
Also try:metal, metallic element, stand for, symbolize, use up
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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