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Things shocking often describes (“shocking ________”)
news, thing, state, manner, sight, experience, things, story, event, revelation, condition, scene, spectacle, conditions, events, discovery, example, fact, pink, revelations, truth, contrast, affair, incident, statement, effect, lack, death, stories, scenes, surprise, details, waste, idea, crime, picture, nature, case, images, facts, tragedy, realization, behavior, situation, act, crimes, reality, examples, violence, accident, degree, thought, language, suddenness, blow, piece, loss, experiences, moment, conclusion, account, dose, inefficiency, circumstances, aspect, business, cruelty, cruelties, hat, barbarity, tale, appearance, image, impact, report, barbarities, statistics, announcement, incidents, brutality, display, instance, book, abuses
How shocking often is described (“________ shocking”)
formidable, little, positively
Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare words are dimmed.
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Click on a word above to view its definition.