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Words and phrases whose definition contains like:   (1702 results)

act, awned, bad, bag, barb, bead, beard, beat, board, boom, bowl, branch, cape, cat, champ, claw, clear, clown, comb, coy, crab, croak, cronk, cuffed, cusk, dance, das, deck, dig, din, ding, disc, dish, dished, disk, do, dong, dot, earth, feel, felt, fez, fin, fins, fish, flail, flue, fluke, fly, foil, fold, force, fork, fuss, fuzzed, gar, gate, ghost, gibe, gilt, glans, glass, glaze, gleam, glide, gnu, god, gouge, grain, grave, grille, grunt, hare, haunt, hawk, heights, herd, hewn, high, hive, hog, honk, hooked, house, ice, ilk, jibe, kat, keeled, khat, kite, knock, krill, last, light, lisp, look, looped, make, mat, mate, matte, mew, midge, nan, new, north, notched, owl, pad, peck, pig, ping, pink, plash, play, pole, pop, pouch, prank, prawn, pump, pun, ribbed, ride, ridged, ringed, roar, rock, rue, salt, scat, schlep, screw, sculpt, sell, shad, shaft, share, sheep, shlep, shot, shroud, sigh, sin, slam, slap, slave, smack, smelt, snake, spat, spear, splash, sponge, spork, sprat, squeeze, stick, stone, straw, stream, string, strut, stud, sweet, tart, taste, tench, thing, thresh, tick, tide, toothed, trapped, valve, wave, wedge, whelk, whorled, wrapped, yoke

a-bomb, abstract, abuzz, act as, ahead, airbrush, alewife, alike, aloe, always, anile, antic, antique, ardent, ark shell, aster, author, aye-aye, babble, backward, baked goods, basal, batwing, bauxite, beach flea, beacon, beadlike, beady, bearded, bearnaise, bear cat, behave, bellbird, bellow, bell toad, bilby, bilgy, billfish, billyo, bitter, bizarre, bladelike, blanket, blenny, blower, boat bug, bombshell, bonxie, borage, bovine, box kite, boylike, brace wrench, breadfruit, breaker, brisling, broad-leafed, broad-leaved, broadleaf, brush cut, buffer, bulbous, bulwark, bulwarks, bushbuck, buzzing, caaba, cackly, caecal, caiman, carpet, cartwheel, cascade, catfish, cat bear, cayman, cecal, celtuce, cestode, chela, chervil, chicle, chipper, chunky, civil, clamshell, claret, cleansing, clevis, clinking, cloche, clowning, clownish, coatdress, coccoid, compton, conduct, coney, coon cat, cordate, corgi, costate, coucal, coupling, courser, courtelle, crawdad, crawfish, crayfish, creamy, croaking, croaky, crotchet, crowding, crow step, cube-shaped, cubelike, cuboid, cuckoo, cup-shaped, curet, curette, cuscus, dagga, dassie, davit, demon, dingdong, diptych, discount, dish-shaped, dogtrot, dog wrench, dormouse, downlike, downy, dredger, droning, egg-shaped, either, elkwood, ending, explode, falcate, falcon, fancy, fanlight, feel like, felt fern, felt up, fender, filefish, flatbrod, flathead, flavin, flipper, flippers, flossy, fluffy, foliage, fondness, fondu, fondue, frisky, frogfish, frogmouth, fury, gallfly, gall gnat, gall midge, garfish, garpike, gaywings, genip, geyser, ghostlike, ghostly, gilding, glimmer, glowworm, goldbrick, golden, gooseneck, gothic, graining, grapey, grapple, grapy, griffin, grindstone, groundfish, ground sloth, growler, gryphon, guggle, ha-ha, halter, haltere, hand-hewn, hastate, haw-haw, hawkbill, hawksbill, hawk nose, hawk owl, headfish, heart-shaped, hee-haw, herb tea, hissing, hobble, holla, holler, hollo, hoop snake, hooter, hopple, house snake, hyrax, immense, inner, jackknife, jackson, jangly, jingly, jujube, kaaba, keyboard, king crab, lac dye, lamblike, lancelike, lancet, lattice, lectin, lentil, lidless, lightship, ligule, likewise, like hell, like sin, loiter, lovage, lumpy, lunette, mallet, mammee, mantle, mantra, mara, marble, martyr, mat up, meaty, medlar, mental, mentum, meow, micelle, milk snake, mirrored, mola, mother, mouse deer, muntjac, mushroom, muskrat, musk hog, musquash, neo, neutral, nipper, nothing, obsess, oval, ovate, ovoid, ox-eyed, paddle, panda, pattern, pecker, peck at, pelvis, pen up, phosgene, pick at, pick up, piddock, pig it, pike perch, pincer, pipe vine, pitted, plantain, poncho, pouch-shaped, prefer, pretend, prolate, prongbuck, pronghorn, psylla, psyllid, pulpy, pursued, putrid, putty, quaking, quiet, raining, ratel, redpoll, red flag, reecho, renew, rhomboid, rhonchus, ribbed toad, ricebird, ring-shaped, ringtail, roaring, rocket, rod-shaped, romper, rustle, rustling, saclike, saddle, saiga, sailfish, salty, salute, sandgrouse, sand flea, sand grouse, sand leek, sapote, saucer, saw-toothed, sawfly, scaphoid, schism, screech owl, screw pine, sculpture, seal limbs, sea cow, sea hare, sea snake, seed shrimp, serrate, shaking, shaky, shallot, sheepish, sheeplike, sheet web, shepherd, shiny, shipworm, shirtdress, shoebill, shoebird, shortly, sigmoid, siren, sizzle, skimmer, skipjack, snail bean, snakefish, snowshoe, snuggled, sour, sow bug, spadefoot, sparkling, spear up, spectral, spheroid, spinous, splint bone, spongy, spoonbill, squareness, squawky, squirming, star-shaped, starless, star grass, stellate, stylet, success, suety, sunfish, surfbird, sword-shaped, swordlike, tailed frog, tailed toad, tailwort, tangy, tantra, tapeworm, tarboosh, teardrop, tee hinge, telex, temper, termite, the like, thrasher, threadfin, ticktack, ticktock, tinkly, title, tongue fern, tooth shell, tortoise, trumpet, turtle, tusk shell, twisting, t hinge, unknown, unlearn, unlike, unrhymed, valvelet, valvule, venter, verbal, vernix, vesture, walleye, walleyed pike, weaver, wedge-shaped, whining, whirring, whisper, whitefish, white ant, whiting, whizbang, whizzbang, wicket, wild pea, wild sage, wilton, wind tee, wolffish, woody, writer, writhing, yautia, yoghourt, yoghurt, yogurt, zany

acanthoid, acanthous, accentor, acetose, acetous, acidic, acinar, acinus, allantoid, all get out, almond-shaped, alula, ameboid, amoeboid, anchovy, animate, animize, annular, annulate, antler moth, apodeme, aquiline, arborise, arborize, arcella, argentine, arrow-shaped, arthromere, artichoke, ascendant, assassin, assuming, asteroid, atom bomb, baby-like, baby-wise, baccilar, balancer, bandicoot, barking deer, barking frog, basket fish, basket star, bassarisk, bee killer, bellowing, bell magpie, bestialise, bestialize, bird-on-the-wing, bird of night, bitchery, boomerang, bottleneck, bottom fish, boulder fern, bowery, box kodak, boyishly, breadfruit tree, break one's back, broad arrow, brotherhood, brotherlike, brotherly, brussels sprout, brussels sprouts, buccaneer, buckle down, buffoonish, bullethead, bursiform, bustard quail, butcherbird, butterfly, buttonlike, buttony, button quail, cabbage palm, cabinet, cacomixle, caddice fly, caddis fly, calypter, cancerous, candy kiss, canopy, cape dagga, capped macaque, cardamom, cardamon, cardamum, carinate, carrier, cascade down, cavetto, cavitied, cellophane, ceriman, cetacean, chain lightning, chapati, chapatti, chartaceous, chevrotain, chicle gum, childishly, chimeral, chimeric, chinese date, chondritic, cicada, cicala, cilantro, cingulum, circinate, circular, civet cat, clavichord, clothes hanger, clown around, clypeus, coat hanger, cobbler's last, cohune nut, comb jelly, complaisant, constellate, continent, contrastive, coquettish, corbel step, corbie-step, corbiestep, cordiform, cousinly, crenelate, crenellate, crowfoot grass, crown monkey, crown of thorns, cruciate, cruciform, cubical, cubiform, cuboidal, cuckoo clock, cuneal, cupular, cupulate, cup of tea, currawong, dandify, daphnia, dart thrower, deify, deltoid leaf, dewberry, different, disciform, dna, dress hanger, durian, ear fungus, ebonize, echoic, echolike, ecrevisse, egotrip, elliptic, embattled, ensiform, escolar, eurypterid, faithfully, falciform, fan vaulting, fatherlike, fatherly, federal, fiery, fission bomb, fistular, fistulate, fistulous, flagellum, flirtatious, fluctuate, following, forcipate, forest goat, forked lightning, formalized, fraternal, fungible, fungus gnat, galea, ganoidei, gas giant, girlishly, glass over, glaze over, globular, gooseberry, granular, great maple, groundbreaking, guttural, hadrosaur, harpoon gun, harvestman, hastate leaf, hay-scented, hedge garlic, hemipode, herbal tea, hog badger, hollering, holloa, holly fern, honeycomb, honeycombed, horselaugh, horseshoe crab, however, husbandly, hydrolith, hygienic, ice-cream cake, icebox cake, idea, igneous, imitate, impishness, indented, in a sense, jack salmon, jaggedness, jangling, java finch, jellylike, jingling, jumentous, kai apple, kidney pie, killifish, kittenish, knuckle down, lancetfish, lancet arch, lancet fish, lantern fly, laurel oak, leatherette, lemonlike, lemony, lemon mint, lentil plant, leucaena, life saver, lignified, likable, likeable, like crazy, like thunder, lingulate, literal, lizardfish, loverlike, loverly, lovesick, machinelike, make believe, malanga, marbleize, marmoreal, martyrize, mastodon, mastodont, mealybug, mealy bug, meerkat, megathere, menhaden, miaou, miaow, mierkat, milk adder, miner's cat, mirrorlike, mocking thrush, monkey bread, mortally, moss agate, mountainous, mouse-eared bat, mulberry, murmuring, mushroom cloud, music box, mussel shrimp, mysidae, nacreous, natal plum, nephoscope, nonverbal, nuclear, oblongness, onion dome, on paper, opalesce, opaline, organ stop, ormolu, ostracod, oviform, palatal, palatial, pandanus, papaya, paperlike, papery, paper wasp, passionless, pearlescent, pearl millet, pearl sago, peccary, pectinate, penny bank, perkily, petrify, phalarope, phantasmal, phenotype, piggy bank, pistol grip, plant hormone, plasmacyte, plasma cell, plum pudding, polyphone, ponytail, popinjay, psammoma, pseudoryx, puckishness, pull along, put on airs, quivering, raccoon dog, raccoon fox, radial, radical, ramify, rat-tail file, reaction, red bordeaux, red cedar, red dagga, red panda, register, remodeled, resemble, resilient, rhomboidal, ribbonfish, ricotta, ring-tailed cat, robber fly, robber frog, robotlike, rocambole, roguishly, rotifer, sabayon, saddleback, sagittate, sandhopper, sand badger, sand hopper, sand tumor, sauce-alone, savagely, scat singing, scented fern, sea spider, self-contained, semitrance, serrated, serrate leaf, shingle oak, shivering, shuttlecock, sibilant, sickle-shaped, silhouette, sisterlike, sisterly, skyrocket, sleeping bag, snailflower, snail flower, solmizate, sororal, sourish, sour gourd, spanish lime, spearhead-shaped, spear thrower, specular, spinal cord, spindle horn, spiral spring, spirit world, spoonflower, squamous cell, squirrelfish, star earthball, star tulip, stinging hair, stone parsley, straightjacket, straitjacket, surnia, susurrous, swallow-tailed, sycamore, tabular, tangible, tannia, tantrism, tentacle, the likes of, throwing board, throwing stick, thunderer, thundering, tiara, tinkling, toroidal, tracheal, tree creeper, trembling, turban squash, unable, unchristlike, urbanise, urbanize, valvula, vegetate, vervain sage, vitrify, warble fly, warmhearted, water flea, water mint, waxmallow, wax mallow, weaverbird, weaver finch, welsh corgi, whirligig, whispering, wiggling, wiggly, wildebeest, wilde dagga, wild clary, windmill grass, window seat, wistfully, woodcreeper, woodgraining, woodhewer, woodpecker, wren warbler, wriggling, wriggly, zebra finch

acerola, acicula, aciculate, acidulent, acidulous, addlepated, aldermanic, aldermanly, alligator, alveolate, ammonium, amygdaloid, aneurism, aneurysm, angelically, anise hyssop, annulated, aphoristic, areolar, areolate, assassinate, atomic bomb, auricular, australian pea, automatic, avuncular, bacillary, bacilliform, baculiform, basilica, bergamot mint, bitumenoid, bituminoid, black caraway, bonnet macaque, bonnet monkey, botuliform, box camera, buffalofish, buffoonery, bulbous iris, bulrush millet, bunya bunya, butyraceous, cacomistle, caiman lizard, camomile tea, campanular, campanulate, candied apple, candy apple, carinated, carissa plum, casuaridae, catapultic, cattail millet, cementitious, charina bottae, checkered adder, chelicera, chimerical, chinese cabbage, chinese jujube, chinese parsley, chocolate pudding, christianly, christmas pudding, circuit breaker, colaptes chrysoides, combining form, companionate, concertina, coquilla nut, coral fungus, coriander, corkscrew flower, coronary, corythosaur, crenelated, crenellated, crepuscular, ctenidium, ctenophore, cucumber tree, cumuliform, cuneiform, daddy longlegs, dendrobium, dickensian, dictyosome, diffidently, dissimilar, dyslogistic, egyptian grass, electroscope, elephant seal, elliptical, elliptic leaf, evanescent, faveolate, ferret badger, floccose chanterelle, fluffy omelet, flying squirrel, foliation, frivolity, garlic mustard, gelatinlike, gelatinous, genus pseudoryx, giant garlic, gilded flicker, globe artichoke, glutinousness, goat antelope, golgi body, golgi complex, hadrosaurus, harlequinade, hawksbill turtle, hay-scented fern, hippocampus, honey badger, hot potato, husk tomato, ichthyosaur, incense cedar, indian cress, infrequently, innovative, insinuate, iridescent, iron maiden, jack-by-the-hedge, java sparrow, jumping plant louse, kangaroo rat, ketembilla, kitambilla, kitembilla, laborsaving, lanceolate, leper lily, lesser panda, like the devil, lord it over, mapinguari, marbleizing, marmalade tree, marmorean, mechanically, megalithic, meretricious, mertensia, meteoric, mischievousness, mistletoe fig, molasses kiss, mormon cricket, musicalness, musical box, navicular, new world sparrow, nutmeg flower, oceanic, ocean sunfish, octagonal, octangular, officiously, opalescent, ophidiidae, opossum shrimp, organiser, organizer, ornithischian, overprotect, papilliform, paraguay tea, peachleaf willow, penelope, pennyroyal oil, pentagonal, pentangular, peristalsis, pheasant cuckoo, phenacomys, phytohormone, plumeria, plumiera, polystyrene, predictably, prostaglandin, protoavis, psychedelic, pulmonata, purifying, pycnogonid, quadrangular, queen it over, quilted bedspread, quotidian, rat kangaroo, regenerate, renal pelvis, restoration, retaliate, rubber boa, rubber cement, runcible spoon, sagittate-leaf, sagittiform, saiga tatarica, sarda sarda, saurischian, scorpion fly, scottish maple, sea elephant, semidesert, semirigid, semivowel, similarly, simple sugar, sirenian, spadefoot toad, spaghetti squash, spanish garlic, spiritual, squatinidae, star sapphire, stiff upper lip, stonewall jackson, stravinskian, stravinskyan, streptocarpus, sympetalous, taffy apple, tardigrada, teleprinter, telex machine, teredinid, tetragonal, therapsida, theridiid, tinca tinca, toffee apple, tomatillo, tow-headed snake, treasonable, tree of heaven, tree of the gods, triangular, tuatara, umbilicate, umbrella tree, undulation, unlikable, unlikeable, upland plover, vanilla bean, variable, vinegary, volcanically, water boatman, welwitschia, woolly aphid, woolly plant louse, zooflagellate, zoomastigote

act superior, ailurus fulgens, amygdaliform, amygdaloidal, anabrus simplex, animatronics, apothegmatic, apparitional, archaeornithes, arctonyx collaris, arundinaceous, ascaphus trui, automatonlike, balaeniceps rex, barbados cherry, bird of minerva, buckler mustard, bunya bunya tree, calcium hydride, campanulated, canalicular, caproic acid, caramel apple, catapultian, celery cabbage, cetacean mammal, ceylon gooseberry, checkered daffodil, chinese celery, chlamydomonas, chloris truncata, class cryptophyceae, class tardigrada, clupea sprattus, compartmentalize, corythosaurus, creeping windmill grass, cryptophyceae, curlew sandpiper, cynodontia, deification, dictyophera, dissimilation, domesticated, domino effect, duck-billed dinosaur, eau de cologne mint, elegant cat's ears, epigrammatic, family mysidae, fibrocartilage, flying opossum, flying phalanger, fringed polygala, gamopetalous, gelatinousness, genus leucaena, genus surnia, glutinosity, growth regulator, guinea-hen flower, hall's honeysuckle, innovational, irresponsible, jaboticaba, jovian planet, ketembilla tree, lanceolate leaf, lasiocampid, mentha citrata, monosaccharide, monosaccharose, mousseline de sole, musicality, napoleonic, nudibranchia, order ganoidei, partiality, pheasant coucal, phocomelia, plutonium bomb, progestational, pronghorn antelope, pseudococcidae, pyramidal tent, rabbit bandicoot, redefinition, retrospectively, sagittiform leaf, silicic acid, siluriform fish, sison amomum, sleeping hibiscus, sulfamethazine, sulfamezathine, surinam cherry, sword of damocles, teletypewriter, teletype machine, tintinnabulate, tortoiseshell turtle, unchristianly, upland sandpiper, vanilla pudding, vermiculation, whimsicality, woolly adelgid, zabaglione

ammonium ion, antiprotozoal, aphriza virgata, aplysia punctata, ascidian tadpole, atlantic bonito, bassariscus astutus, brevoortia tyrannis, burmanniaceae, carpinus betulus, cyclophorus lingua, diamagnetism, dipogon lignosus, dolichos lignosus, european hornbeam, family squatinidae, ferromagnetism, ficus deltoidea, flowering wintergreen, garden nasturtium, genus mertensia, genus penelope, genus plumeria, golgi apparatus, hexanoic acid, hierarchical structure, hydrogen cyanide, imitation leather, insinuatingly, lasiocampid moth, lens culinaris, macrotis lagotis, medulla spinalis, mentha aquatica, mistletoe rubber plant, nigella sativa, oligodendria, order pulmonata, order therapsida, padda oryzivora, paramagnetism, paramilitary, parochialism, phallus ravenelii, phaseolus caracalla, pyrrosia lingua, radiolarian, rectangularity, roman coriander, salix amygdaloides, sibilant consonant, sirenian mammal, snake's head fritillary, sodium iodide, sphenodon punctatum, subclass archaeornithes, surnia ulula, terrestrial planet, tragelaphus scriptus, triangularity, tropaeolum majus, umbrella magnolia, unstratified language, vernix caseosa, vigna caracalla, west indian cherry

acanthosis nigricans, acer pseudoplatanus, agastache foeniculum, ailanthus altissima, american antelope, artocarpus communis, bartramian sandpiper, calocedrus decurrens, calochortus elegans, cantharellus floccosus, carduelis flammea, carduelis hornemanni, division cynodontia, dovyalis hebecarpa, elliptic geometry, euterpe oleracea, family casuaridae, family ophidiidae, family pseudococcidae, genus chlamydomonas, genus dictyophera, heterometabolic, heterometabolous, hylactophryne augusti, leonotis leonurus, libocedrus decurrens, limulus polyphemus, macaca radiata, magnolia acuminata, magnolia tripetala, mellivora capensis, mexican husk tomato, oligodendroglia, order nudibranchia, ornithischian dinosaur, poephila castanotis, pouteria zapota, salvia verbenaca, saurischian dinosaur, subordinate conjunction, telocentric chromosome, terminal emulation, ustilaginoidea, wynnea americana

allium scorodoprasum, alosa pseudoharengus, bartramia longicauda, borago officinalis, calidris ferruginea, centropus phasianinus, coordinating conjunction, dennstaedtia punctilobula, dolichotis patagonum, family burmanniaceae, fritillaria meleagris, hierarchical data structure, lampropeltis triangulum, lepisosteus osseus, nyctereutes procyonides, pennisetum americanum, phalangium opilio, riemannian geometry, scleroderma flavidium, stizostedion vitreum, subordinating conjunction, welwitschia mirabilis, xanthosoma atrovirens, xiphosurus polyphemus

antilocapra americana, aristolochia durior, biscutalla laevigata, caprimulgus carolinensis, chronoperates paradoxus, desoxyribonucleic acid, fuscoboletinus paluster, genus ustilaginoidea, personal digital assistant, polygala paucifolia, pomolobus pseudoharengus

acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, alliaria officinalis, aristolochia macrophylla, auricularia auricula, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, dactyloctenium aegypticum, deoxyribonucleic acid, eretmochelys imbricata, xanthosoma sagittifolium

lepidocybium flavobrunneum

cucurbita maxima turbaniformis, lonicera japonica halliana

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