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Words and phrases whose definition contains blood:   (1227 results)

1 letter:

2 letters:
ab, fe, hb, mi, rh

3 letters:
adh, cbc, cpr, crp, cva, ecf, esr, hdl, igd, igm, kin, ldl, psa, rbc, red, res, sib, tia, tnf, wbc

4 letters:
aids, arca, cabg, clan, cleg, clot, cold, come, conk, diet, draw, flea, flow, fmri, fume, gore, gory, gout, gush, iron, kinp, lung, pack, pool, pump, reek, rete, ruby, show, thin, tick, tied, vein, vena, vldl, ymir

5 letters:
akinp, algid, aorta, arava, bayer, black, bleed, clegg, count, donor, faint, grume, heart, hemal, hemic, hemin, humor, lamia, leech, liver, livid, lopid, louse, lymph, lynch, lysis, plasm, punky, renin, ruddy, serum, shock, shunt, sinus, smear, spasm, spill, stent, swoon, thick, trail, tribe, urine, varix, zocor

6 letters:
anemia, anoxia, artery, baycol, bedbug, bloody, cancer, carrel, cerise, cherry, chinch, crenel, curdle, derive, donate, drench, favism, fibrin, foster, gentle, globin, haemal, haemic, harvey, hytrin, jigger, kidney, liquid, lochia, melena, menses, period, perutz, plasma, plavix, plexus, portal, punkey, punkie, pyuria, redbug, screen, sepsis, stanch, stasis, statin, stroke, tampon, thrash, ticker, tsetse, turgor, type a, type b, type o, tzetze, uremia, watery

7 letters:
acapnia, aerated, aldomet, anaemia, angioma, arteria, aspirin, bed bug, carmine, carotid, cautery, chigger, clotted, cognate, crimson, cupping, descend, embolus, empirin, filaria, flushed, group a, group b, group o, grumous, hematal, hematic, heparin, hormone, hypoxia, icterus, infarct, jugular, kalemia, kendrew, ketosis, kindred, kinship, lipemia, melaena, mevacor, natural, opsonin, pegasus, plasmin, precava, pressor, profile, purpura, reddish, redness, reeking, release, rosacea, sandfly, scallop, scarlet, shedder, spiller, sprites, staunch, stypsis, styptic, syncope, systole, toxemia, trental, type ab, uraemia, urinate, vampire, viremia

8 letters:
achromia, acidemia, acidosis, activase, adoption, affinity, angiitis, anoxemia, anoxemic, apoplexy, atheroma, azotemia, blackfly, bleeding, coronary, crenelle, cyanosis, diastole, dripping, embolism, engorged, erectile, erythema, factor i, gangrene, globulin, glossina, glucagon, group ab, haematal, haematic, hematoma, hemostat, hookworm, horn fly, horsefly, hydremia, hygroton, jaundice, leukemia, ligation, ligature, lipaemia, mesoderm, mosquito, narrowed, necrosis, oximeter, pass out, peliosis, petechia, pheresis, platelet, postcava, reddened, reduviid, relation, relative, ruby-red, sand fly, sapremia, scraping, sed rate, serology, sinusoid, specimen, stagnate, stickily, thirster, thrombin, thrombus, tomentum, toxaemia, trandate, uratemia, venation, viraemia, wytensin

9 letters:
alkalemia, alkalosis, angiogram, angiology, antiserum, apheresis, arbovirus, atromid-s, avascular, azotaemia, bilirubin, blackened, black fly, blood-red, bloodless, bloodshed, bloodshot, cannulate, capillary, catamenia, cavernous, cimicidae, circulate, coagulate, cognation, congested, crenation, crenature, cymograph, cytopenia, cytosmear, deliquium, drip feed, endocrine, exudation, factor ii, factor iv, fetoscopy, fibrinase, guanabenz, haematoma, haemostat, hematinic, hematuria, hemolysin, histamine, horse fly, hyperemia, ketonemia, kin group, kymograph, labetalol, leucaemia, leucocyte, leukaemia, leukocyte, lifeblood, lipidemia, liquaemin, louse fly, macrocyte, menorrhea, menstruum, mesoblast, microcyte, mishpocha, nephrosis, no-see-um, normodyne, nourished, occlusion, oxygenate, perfusion, piroplasm, pitressin, polygraph, pravachol, red-faced, reticulum, rh factor, sapraemia, spattered, sphacelus, stabilize, stem cell, surrogate, terazosin, thalidone, thrombose, transfuse, unaerated, uric acid, vasomotor, vena cava, ventricle, vitamin k, wheel bug, xanthemia

10 letters:
acetonemia, alveolitis, anastomose, angiopathy, angiotonin, apresoline, arborvirus, autologous, bacteremia, biological, blackwater, bloodstain, bloodstone, blood agar, blood bank, blood clot, blood cyst, blood meal, blood test, blood type, calcitonin, cherry-red, clofibrate, coagulated, complement, congestion, congestive, diapedesis, dry socket, ecchymosis, ergotamine, exsanguine, factor iii, factor xii, fibrinogen, filariasis, foetoscopy, gammopathy, genus arca, glomerulus, haemanthus, haematinic, haematuria, haemolysin, heliotrope, hemal arch, hemangioma, hematocele, hematocrit, hematocyst, hematoidin, hematology, hemoglobin, hemoptysis, hemorrhage, hemostasia, hemostasis, hemostatic, hemothorax, hyperaemia, hypocapnia, hypostasis, infarction, leucopenia, leukopenia, leuwenhoek, lipidaemia, lipo-hepin, lipoidemia, lovastatin, lymphocyte, lymph cell, lyophilise, lyophilize, macrophage, max perutz, megalocyte, mesenchyme, methyldopa, mishpachah, osteolysis, oxygenated, parenchyma, periosteum, plasmacyte, probenecid, protohemin, red marrow, root canal, sanguinary, shed blood, shoot-down, siderocyte, spherocyte, stool test, swammerdam, thrombosed, thrombosis, tolazoline, tourniquet, tsetse fly, tumescence, tzetze fly, vasculitis, vena genus, wassermann, white cell

11 letters:
acanthocyte, agglutinate, agranulosis, angiography, angioplasty, angiotensin, antecubital, arterialise, arterialize, astringency, bacteriemia, biofeedback, bloodlessly, bloodmobile, bloodstream, blood count, blood donor, blood fluke, blood group, blood serum, breathalyse, breathalyze, calcium ion, cardiograph, carotenemia, chylomicron, circulation, circulatory, clot buster, consanguine, constricted, decoagulant, dragon tree, engorgement, eosinopenia, erythrocyte, factor xiii, gemfibrozil, granulation, haemal arch, haemangioma, haematocele, haematocrit, haematoidin, haematology, haemoglobin, haemoptysis, haemorrhage, haemostasia, haemostasis, haemothorax, heart valve, hematemesis, hematocoele, hematogenic, hemogenesis, hemopoiesis, hemopoietic, hepatitis a, hepatitis b, hepatitis c, hippoboscid, hospitalize, hydralazine, hypercapnia, hypercarbia, hyperpiesia, hyperpiesis, hypertensin, hypokalemia, hypotension, hypotensive, hypovolemia, hypovolemic, impregnably, ketone body, landsteiner, leeuwenhoek, leflunomide, left atrium, lipoidaemia, lipoprotein, lymphopenia, lyophilised, lyophilized, megaloblast, monocytosis, oxygenation, parasitemia, perithelial, perithelium, phlebotomus, plasma cell, portal vein, pravastatin, prothrombin, red sprites, regurgitate, replacement, respiration, rh-negative, rh-positive, rh negative, rh positive, schistosoma, schistosome, scleroderma, sickle cell, simvastatin, statin drug, strangulate, target cell, thrombocyte, transferrin, transfusion, urarthritis, vampire bat, vasodilator, vasopressin, vasopressor, vena portae, whole blood

12 letters:
acetone body, acne rosacea, acrocyanosis, angiogenesis, angiosarcoma, aortic valve, assassin bug, bacteriaemia, biting midge, blood-filled, bloodletting, bloodstained, bloodsucking, blood plasma, blood typing, blood vessel, buffalo gnat, carotid body, cerivastatin, chiropractic, cold-blooded, colic artery, eosinophilia, erythroblast, erythrolysin, exsanguinous, fat embolism, fibrinolysin, fibrinolysis, flying horse, freeze-dried, glycogenesis, haematemesis, haematocoele, haematogenic, haemogenesis, haemopoiesis, haemopoietic, harvest mite, hematochezia, hematocolpos, hematohiston, hematologist, hemodialysis, hemodialyzer, hyperkalemia, hyperlipemia, hypertension, hypertensive, hypervolemia, hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, hypovolaemia, hypovolaemic, iliac artery, intumescence, intumescency, jugular vein, kiss of life, leucocytosis, leukocytosis, lingual vein, lymph vessel, macrocytosis, menstruation, microcytosis, normotensive, packed cells, pancytopenia, parasitaemia, parathormone, phlebotomise, phlebotomize, polycythemia, relationship, reticulocyte, right atrium, siderophilin, spider nevus, sulfonylurea, thermography, thrombectomy, thrombolysis, thrombolytic, thrombopenia, thyroid vein, transudation, unoxygenated, vasa vasorum, vasodilation, vasodilative, vena saphena, venipuncture, venous blood, venous sinus, warm-blooded, wilms' tumor, wilms tumour

13 letters:
agranulocytic, alexis carrel, analbuminemia, anoxic anoxia, anticoagulant, beta globulin, black pudding, blood-related, blood blister, blood brother, blood disease, blood kinship, blood profile, blood pudding, blood sausage, buccal artery, butcher paper, cardiac valve, cauterisation, cauterization, clotting time, consanguinity, cor pulmonale, costal groove, emissary vein, extravasation, false vampire, freeze-drying, haematochezia, haematocolpos, haematohiston, haematologist, haemodialysis, heart failure, hematocyturia, hematogenesis, hematopoiesis, hematopoietic, histiocytosis, hypercalcemia, hyperglycemia, hyperlipaemia, hypernatremia, hypersplenism, hypervolaemia, hypocalcaemia, hypoglycaemia, intravasation, in cold blood, isoagglutinin, kinship group, lienal artery, lymphocytosis, megakaryocyte, mortification, portal system, porta hepatis, prostaglandin, regurgitation, rhesus factor, serum albumin, smooth muscle, strangulation, streptokinase, sucking louse, thrombokinase, urinary organ

14 letters:
acanthocytosis, alpha globulin, arterial blood, arteria colica, arteria iliaca, atrium dextrum, black-and-blue, blood-and-guts, blood clotting, blood disorder, blood platelet, blood pressure, blood relation, blood relative, cardiac output, cardiovascular, cephalhematoma, chlorthalidone, consanguineous, dracaena draco, erythropoiesis, erythropoietic, erythropoietin, fibrinopeptide, free phagocyte, gastric lavage, genicular vein, haematocyturia, haematogenesis, haematopoiesis, haematopoietic, haemosporidian, hageman factor, hemagglutinate, hemoglobinemia, hypercalcaemia, hyperglycaemia, hyperlipidemia, jan swammerdam, kupffer's cell, left ventricle, lyophilisation, lyophilization, menstrual flow, naphthoquinone, nephroblastoma, ovarian artery, pasteurellosis, paternity test, pentoxifylline, plasmapheresis, plasma protein, plethysmograph, psa blood test, pulmonary vein, raynaud's sign, red blood cell, sanguification, saphenous vein, serum globulin, spider angioma, splenic artery, thrombocytosis, thromboplastin, umbilical vein, vaginal artery, vena emissaria, vena jugularis, vena lingualis, vena thyroidea, well-connected, william harvey

15 letters:
adenomyosarcoma, agranulocytosis, angiocardiogram, anticoagulation, arteria cerebri, arteria ovarica, blood dyscrasia, cephalohematoma, cerebral artery, cerebrovascular, clotting factor, coronary artery, coronary bypass, cytologic smear, erectile tissue, estradiol patch, excretory organ, extended family, fixed phagocyte, gouty arthritis, haemagglutinate, haemoglobinemia, haversian canal, hdl cholesterol, heart ventricle, hematocytopenia, heterophil test, homeostatically, hyperlipidaemia, hyperlipoidemia, hypoproteinemia, hypoxic hypoxia, incompatibility, ischemic stroke, ldl cholesterol, lymphocytopenia, menstrual blood, microscopically, nephrosclerosis, parasympathetic, pulmonary trunk, pulmonary valve, red bone marrow, right ventricle, semilunar valve, serum hepatitis, thromboembolism, thyrocalcitonin, tricuspid valve, universal donor, vascular spider, vascular system, vasoconstrictor, vena pulmonalis, venous pressure, wassermann test, white corpuscle

16 letters:
acetoacetic acid, antihypertensive, arilus cristatus, arteria buccalis, arteria laryngea, arteria lienalis, artificial blood, atomic number 26, atrium sinistrum, auricular artery, beta-lipoprotein, capillary vessel, coronary failure, dermatosclerosis, erythroblastosis, erythrocytolysin, external carotid, family cimicidae, genus haemanthus, granulocytopenia, haematocytopenia, hemagglutination, hematocolpometra, hemoglobinopathy, hemorrhagic cyst, hyperlipoidaemia, hypothrombinemia, immunoglobulin d, immunoglobulin m, ischaemic stroke, karl landsteiner, laryngeal artery, lymphatic vessel, nephrocalcinosis, papillary muscle, phlebothrombosis, plateletpheresis, portacaval shunt, pulmonary artery, sphygmomanometer, splanchnic nerve, thrombocytopenia, thrombophlebitis, tomentum cerebri, transubstantiate, true vampire bat, vasoconstriction, vasoconstrictive, vena umbilicalis, white blood cell, wilson's disease

17 letters:
acid-base balance, alpha-lipoprotein, alpha methyl dopa, altitude sickness, arterial pressure, arteria coronaria, arteria subclavia, arteria vaginalis, artificial kidney, blood brotherhood, blood coagulation, blood transfusion, cimex lectularius, consubstantiation, desmodus rotundus, ductus arteriosus, false vampire bat, fecal occult test, fetal circulation, forssman antibody, genus phlebotomus, genus schistosoma, haemagglutination, haematocolpometra, haemoglobinopathy, hypovolemic shock, imperforate hymen, isotonic solution, nitrogen narcosis, obstructive shock, refractory anemia, rh-negative blood, subclavian artery, systolic pressure, venous thrombosis, werlhof's disease, without bloodshed

18 letters:
agammaglobulinemia, agglutination test, arteria pulmonalis, c-reactive protein, circulatory system, coagulation factor, coronary occlusion, diastolic pressure, distributive shock, faecal occult test, foetal circulation, glomerulonephritis, granulation tissue, heart-lung machine, hemorrhagic stroke, hyperbilirubinemia, hypercholesteremia, hypogastric artery, hypoglycemic agent, hypoparathyroidism, inferior vena cava, internal secretion, involuntary muscle, isosmotic solution, metaplastic anemia, monocytic leukemia, myocardial infarct, nephrotic syndrome, open-heart surgery, packed cell volume, pulmonary embolism, refractory anaemia, respiratory center, rh incompatibility, sedimentation rate, sickle-cell anemia, socially connected, superior vena cava, thrombolytic agent, transubstantiation, truncus pulmonalis, vascular structure, vena arcuata renis, wasserman reaction

19 letters:
arteria auricularis, ballistocardiograph, blood-brain barrier, blood extravasation, cancer of the blood, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral thrombosis, circulatory failure, compression bandage, coronary thrombosis, drepanocytic anemia, extracellular fluid, family relationship, haematobia irritans, haemorrhagic stroke, hepatic portal vein, heterophil antibody, high blood pressure, hyperparathyroidism, hypoglycaemic agent, hypolipoproteinemia, kinship by marriage, metaplastic anaemia, monocytic leukaemia, myelocytic leukemia, parathyroid hormone, polyunsaturated fat, portal hypertension, serratia marcescens, sickle-cell anaemia, sickle-cell disease, venous blood system, venous blood vessel

20 letters:
abetalipoproteinemia, acetylsalicylic acid, antidiuretic hormone, anton van leuwenhoek, arterial blood gases, cellular respiration, complete blood count, crescent-cell anemia, drepanocytic anaemia, exchange transfusion, heterophile antibody, histiocytic leukemia, hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipoproteinemia, immunochemical assay, infectious hepatitis, internal respiration, lymphocytic leukemia, max ferdinand perutz, megaloblastic anemia, monoblastic leukemia, monoblstic leukaemia, nephroangiosclerosis, postural hypotension, purpura hemorrhagica, respiratory acidosis, systemic circulation, thrombolytic therapy, transfusion reaction

21 letters:
antihypertensive drug, anton van leeuwenhoek, arterial blood vessel, cardiac insufficiency, cardiac resuscitation, cardiovascular system, clopidogrel bisulfate, crescent-cell anaemia, granulocytic leukemia, histiocytic leukaemia, hypogammaglobulinemia, internal iliac artery, megaloblastic anaemia, mitral valve prolapse, myeloblastic leukemia, myocardial infarction, phlebotomus papatasii, pulmonary circulation, tumor necrosis factor, vitelline circulation, white blood corpuscle

22 letters:
angiogenesis inhibitor, antihemorrhagic factor, atrioventricular valve, cardiovascular disease, central veins of liver, coronary insufficiency, digital plethysmograph, embryoma of the kidney, essential hypertension, hemorrhagic septicemia, lymphoblastic leukemia, malignant hypertension, rh-negative blood type, rh-positive blood type, tetanus immunoglobulin, tumour necrosis factor, valvular heart disease

23 letters:
carbon dioxide acidosis, coronary bypass surgery, external carotid artery, hematopoeitic stem cell, inferior pulmonary vein, internal carotid artery, labetalol hydrochloride, lipid-lowering medicine, low-density lipoprotein, orthostatic hypotension, rheumatic heart disease, superior pulmonary vein, tetanus immune globulin, venae centrales hepatis, white-coat hypertension

24 letters:
anticoagulant medication, beta-hydroxybutyric acid, cerebrovascular accident, complement fixation test, congestive heart failure, differential blood count, erythroblastosis fetalis, high-density lipoprotein, left atrium of the heart, sir john cowdery kendrew, thrombocytopenic purpura, vena pulmanalis inferior, vena pulmonalis superior

25 letters:
intermittent claudication, lipid-lowering medication, prostate specific antigen, right atrium of the heart, transient ischemic attack, ventricular septal defect

26 letters:
acute lymphocytic leukemia, arcuate vein of the kidney, congenital afibrinogenemia, reticuloendothelial system, sympathetic nervous system, venae interlobulares renis

27 letters:
arteriosclerosis obliterans, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

28 letters:
acute lymphoblastic leukemia, coronary artery bypass graft, malignant neoplastic disease, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, right atrioventricular valve, tissue plasminogen activator, very low density lipoprotein

29 letters:
cardiopulmonary resuscitation, hepatolenticular degeneration

30 letters:
acute hemorrhagic encephalitis, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, parasympathetic nervous system

35 letters:
acquired immune deficiency syndrome, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, port-access coronary bypass surgery

37 letters:
functional magnetic resonance imaging

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