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Words and phrases whose definition contains head:   (1016 results)

1 letter:

2 letters:
ax, pm

3 letters:
axe, bob, bow, cos, dci, don, gnu, hat, hip, lid, neb, nod, owl, pop, top, use, van, wig

4 letters:
aura, axis, bald, bang, bean, bent, blow, body, bunt, bust, butt, capo, caul, cole, comb, conk, cosh, coxa, dean, deep, dome, door, duck, face, flip, foot, form, fuzz, gaff, goby, hair, halo, hang, herm, hold, hood, hook, horn, iron, jerk, kail, kale, land, make, name, napa, neck, oslo, pate, peep, pick, plug, poll, pope, rake, rest, seek, suez, tack, tail, take, tell, toss, veil, whiz, wood

5 letters:
abaya, attic, baldy, bared, bonce, bound, bowed, brain, caput, clear, cleek, cloud, clout, corgi, cover, crest, crick, crown, david, divot, dully, fusee, fuzee, glory, harpy, hoary, horse, hydra, inion, janus, lemma, lenin, light, mayor, model, molle, mulla, ogive, paper, perch, prexy, price, prior, queue, quirk, rivet, savoy, scalp, scarf, screw, serve, sever, shake, shank, shawl, skate, skull, smash, snare, snood, snout, stoop, swing, tabor, thick, throb, torso, trunk, twist, whale, woozy

6 letters:
aching, beaner, beetle, behead, bodkin, bowing, butler, butter, camail, casque, cattle, cervix, chadar, chador, collie, cowled, cuffed, curler, damply, dengue, dipper, empire, extend, father, feeler, fuzzed, goujon, hammer, headed, header, helmet, hooter, humbly, infect, ixodid, knight, mallet, mollah, mudcat, mullah, muzzle, nestle, nimbus, noddle, noggin, noodle, pickax, pillow, pinche, plexor, poncho, puppet, quaint, rebozo, remora, salome, sclaff, seraph, soccer, sphinx, stalin, sunray, tabour, thorax, thrust, tomtit, tudung, tufted, turban, wimple, window, wisent, wivern, wyvern

7 letters:
ablated, anaspid, antenna, argasid, aureole, aurochs, ax head, bighead, bollock, boxfish, bulldog, cabinet, carotid, chaddar, chapeau, chimera, chuddar, circlet, clypeus, connect, covered, coxcomb, crested, doorway, face up, feedbag, foretop, general, griffin, gryphon, gudgeon, halberd, head-on, headful, headman, hobnail, hogfish, iceberg, ice bag, incline, jewfish, jugular, kalinin, kingdom, latency, laurels, mohican, monarch, nanomia, nominal, nosebag, nucleus, occiput, ostrich, pe-tsai, peacock, picador, pickaxe, pinhead, plessor, pochard, pontiff, precava, premier, quarrel, rattail, rearing, recline, redhead, romaine, rostrum, severed, soldier, stooper, stylize, swelled, titular, tonsure, torpedo, usurped, ventail, witloof, wryneck

8 letters:
acephaly, affusion, alopecia, anterior, aventail, axe head, baldhead, baldness, baldpate, bandaged, beanball, beheaded, bluehead, blue tit, bodiless, bok choi, bok choy, borecole, bow down, bullhead, cachalot, capitate, capuchin, cephalic, chamfron, chanfron, chimaera, clubhead, colewort, collider, confront, cotyloid, destined, disjunct, doornail, erasable, gloriole, governor, gray jay, hairless, hairline, headache, headband, headgear, headless, headlike, headlock, headlong, headrest, headship, headshot, head off, ice pack, inclined, kerchief, kerensky, kingston, lag bolt, linstock, mantiger, masthead, millpond, minister, minotaur, nailhead, nominate, numbfish, overhead, ponytail, proturan, puffbird, pullover, republic, ringtail, sauropod, scapular, scissors, security, setscrew, shoulder, sinciput, skullcap, sleeping, slipover, submerge, superior, tentacle, testiere, toadfish, tragopan, univalve, vanguard

9 letters:
acephalia, anopheles, arrowhead, artichoke, balaclava, balanitis, beheading, blackburn, blackpoll, caliphate, cap-a-pie, cassowary, checkrein, chieftain, club-head, club head, cockateel, cockatiel, cockscomb, common ax, contained, crampfish, culminate, dayton ax, dolabrate, dormantip, dunce cap, fetometry, gastropod, grenadier, hard tick, headboard, headdress, headfirst, headpiece, headscarf, headshake, headstall, headstand, head ache, head shop, head tone, henry vii, hip joint, hook shot, lag screw, lancelike, leningrad, manticora, manticore, matriarch, monogynic, newspaper, nose cone, obeisance, obliquity, pantryman, patriarch, percussor, peterburg, petrograd, pit viper, placoderm, portfolio, president, rampantip, riflebird, sagittate, scapulary, secretary, seek time, shapeless, side drum, soft tick, sovereign, spearhead, stargazer, tawny owl, throbbing, trunkfish

10 letters:
acephalism, acephalous, acetabular, acetabulum, acherontia, appealable, bald eagle, bareheaded, bay wreath, bonnethead, box wrench, bufflehead, bullethead, butterball, canada jay, cephalopod, chancellor, clout nail, common axe, cotyloidal, couchantip, dayton axe, decapitate, doubtfully, ex officio, fire chief, flying fox, foetometry, fool's cap, frontstall, glove doll, guillotine, hammerhead, headcheese, head crash, head louse, head voice, hip socket, hopelessly, horny frog, human face, human head, in-chiefip, lanceolate, loose smut, lyre snake, mantichora, martingale, matriarchy, mercifully, metal wood, monogynous, patriarchy, pichiciago, pichiciego, plesiosaur, positioner, puff adder, ram's-head, red siskin, rubber boa, sand viper, scalp lock, set square, shovelhead, snare drum, somersault, spark plug, spearpoint, stupefying, suckerfish, take a bow, telsontail, topgallant, topknotted, waterpower, western ax, wildebeest

11 letters:
agglomerate, allen screw, alpine gold, amphisbaena, anteriority, asynclitism, back circle, beach aster, black whale, bladdernose, brainworker, broad arrow, burr-headed, camp robber, cauliflower, celery pine, cephalalgia, cephalaspid, chain tongs, chlamyphore, christiania, cos lettuce, dandy fever, decapitated, dolabriform, dunce's cap, enarthrosis, equilibrium, front-stall, glans penis, hand puppet, headshaking, head gasket, henry tudor, hog snapper, holy father, hooded seal, hook wrench, horned toad, inclination, kalon tripa, long-headed, megacephaly, nanocephaly, opsanus tau, pepper tree, phalacrosis, pinus taeda, red cabbage, red snapper, roundheaded, sagittiform, scorpaenoid, screwdriver, showy daisy, spear-point, sperm whale, stick horse, strix aluco, torticollis, unsuspected, welsh corgi, western axe

12 letters:
agglomerated, arrow-shaped, axial muscle, bearing rein, bonnet shark, brace wrench, brachycranic, brain-worker, breaststroke, broad-headed, capriciously, chain wrench, city manager, clinocephaly, common louse, common morel, crash helmet, crowned head, decapitation, dengue fever, echeneididae, electric ray, fireman's ax, fire marshal, fosbury flop, glove puppet, golden eagle, half hatchet, head-to-head, head cabbage, holocephalan, hook spanner, hospital bed, hydrocephaly, jugular vein, king vulture, leading rein, leaf lettuce, machine bolt, macrocephaly, matriarchate, memento mori, microcephaly, nanocephalic, opisthotonos, osteostracan, os capitatum, patriarchate, pectoral fin, plesiosaurus, puppet ruler, purple finch, rattail fish, router plane, scissor grip, scorpionfish, sea scorpion, short-headed, sponge morel, stick figure, sucking fish, tribal chief, whisker jack, william tell

13 letters:
alpine hulsea, axis vertebra, aythya ferina, aythya marila, bird of night, bison bonasus, border collie, brachycranial, bullet-headed, bullock block, capitate bone, catholic pope, dolichocranic, emissary vein, fireman's axe, french endive, glenoid fossa, greater scaup, head covering, head of state, head register, hognose snake, horned lizard, hulsea algida, hydrocephalus, joseph stalin, laurel wreath, loblolly pine, machine screw, macrocephalic, materfamilias, megalocephaly, microcephalic, microcephalus, nikolai lenin, parietal lobe, paterfamilias, puppet leader, running title, savoy cabbage, schinus molle, scissors grip, scissors hold, scorpion fish, seaside daisy, somersaulting, sparking plug, subordination, temporal lobe, war secretary

14 letters:
american eagle, belgian endive, bishop of rome, box end wrench, brachycephalic, carotid artery, celery cabbage, charina bottae, chicken little, chief of state, chinese celery, clinocephalism, cotyloid joint, disapprovingly, dolichocranial, finnbogadottir, french bulldog, glenoid cavity, golf-club head, home secretary, leboyer method, macrocephalous, master bedroom, microcephalous, navy secretary, occipital lobe, phillips screw, prime minister, rooting reflex, sagittate-leaf, sand stargazer, shoulder joint, snake muishond, solitary vireo, spheroid joint, sphyrna tiburo, st. petersburg, treading water, undersecretary, vena emissaria, vena jugularis, vladimir lenin

15 letters:
anglican church, arteria carotis, artichoke plant, balanoposthitis, bird of minerva, breakbone fever, cebus capucinus, chief constable, chief executive, chinese cabbage, cockatoo parrot, cotyloid cavity, cynara scolymus, dendroica fusca, department head, dolichocephalic, english bulldog, fairy armadillo, football helmet, genus anopheles, globe artichoke, head over heels, iceberg lettuce, kitchen cabinet, labor secretary, lanceolate leaf, lord chancellor, mikhail kalinin, mohican haircut, mushroom anchor, parus caeruleus, romaine lettuce, rotary actuator, sponge mushroom, stuffed cabbage, surgeon general, topgallant mast, vasa efferentia, vicar of christ

16 letters:
alpine sunflower, attorney general, aythya americana, balaclava helmet, capeline bandage, crested screamer, double-bitted ax, energy secretary, essential tremor, external carotid, flathead catfish, forceps delivery, from head to toe, genus acherontia, hammerhead shark, hooded merganser, hooded sheldrake, lateral thinking, lefteye flounder, mandibular joint, mock turtle soup, pachycephalosaur, physeter catodon, russian roulette, sagittiform leaf, saint petersburg, scorpaenoid fish, secretary of war, sense of balance, sparkplug wrench, superior general, tension headache, tow-headed snake, vena bulbi penis, vestibular sense, vireo solitarius, western kingbird

17 letters:
aquila chrysaetos, arkansas kingbird, articulatio coxae, blue-headed vireo, bucephela albeola, capital of norway, church of england, crisphead lettuce, defense secretary, dendroica striate, double-bitted axe, erigeron glaucous, family echeneidae, frankincense pine, head of household, hymenoxys acaulis, innominate artery, lefteyed flounder, military governor, pediculus capitis, pediculus humanus, ptloris paradisea, rhinoceros beetle, righteye flounder, sauropod dinosaur, security director, spoonbill catfish

18 letters:
anglican communion, articulatio humeri, black-necked stilt, butterhead lettuce, carpenter's mallet, cephalopod mollusk, commerce secretary, embryonic membrane, enarthrodial joint, erigeron divergens, erigeron speciosus, head cabbage plant, interior secretary, labyrinthine sense, laying on of hands, loose-leaf lettuce, overhead projector, pachycephalosaurus, pternohyla fodiens, righteyed flounder, rocky mountain jay, rotational latency, sarcorhamphus papa, secretary of labor, secretary of state, shovelnose catfish, sitta carolinensis, spreading fleabane, stemless hymenoxys, superior vena cava, traumatic epilepsy, treasury secretary

19 letters:
carduelis cucullata, cystophora cristata, education secretary, electric toothbrush, english toy spaniel, family echeneididae, four-tailed bandage, leontocebus oedipus, lutjanus blackfordi, morchella esculenta, mycteroperca bonaci, pylodictus olivaris, roman catholic pope, secretary of energy, sternocleidomastoid, tetraneuris acaulis, wynnea sparassoides

20 letters:
acute brain disorder, association football, blackburnian warbler, carpodacus purpureus, flat tip screwdriver, himantopus mexicanus, lachnolaimus maximus, lord high chancellor, peruvian mastic tree, redheaded woodpecker, secretary of defense, sense of equilibrium, valve-in-head engine, vladimir ilich lenin

21 letters:
agriculture secretary, ball-and-socket joint, cypripedium arietinum, hymenoxys grandiflora, lactuca sativa crispa, lophodytes cucullatus, nymphicus hollandicus, perisoreus canadensis, poecilogale albinucha, secretary of commerce, secretary of the navy, vigdis finnbogadottir, vladimir ilyich lenin

22 letters:
articulatio spheroidea, chlamyphorus truncatus, enceliopsis nudicaulis, posttraumatic epilepsy, secretary of education, thalassoma bifasciatum, vladimir ilich ulyanov

23 letters:
external carotid artery, internal carotid artery, male-patterned baldness, old man of the mountain, sternocleido mastoideus, temporomandibular joint, tetraneuris grandiflora, united states president, vladimir ilyich ulyanov, white-breasted nuthatch

24 letters:
brassica rapa pekinensis, haliaeetus leucocephalus, head and shoulders above, secretary of agriculture, track-to-track seek time, transportation secretary

25 letters:
mikhail ivanovich kalinin, ram's-head lady's slipper, secretary of the interior, secretary of the treasury

26 letters:
brassica oleracea acephala, brassica oleracea botrytis, brassica oleracea capitata, lowland burrowing treefrog, melanerpes erythrocephalus, sternocleidomastoid muscle

27 letters:
northern casque-headed frog, secretary of transportation, soft-coated wheaten terrier, vireo solitarius solitarius

28 letters:
acute organic brain syndrome, leboyer method of childbirth

29 letters:
secretary of veterans affairs

30 letters:
aleksandr feodorovich kerensky, president of the united states

31 letters:
articulatio temporomandibularis, musculus sternocleidomastoideus, perisoreus canadensis capitalis, secretary of commerce and labor

32 letters:
director of central intelligence

33 letters:
iosif vissarionovich dzhugashvili

37 letters:
attorney general of the united states

38 letters:
secretary of health and human services

40 letters:
secretary of health education and welfare, secretary of housing and urban development, secretary of state for the home department

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