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Words and phrases whose definition contains strong:   (674 results)

2 letters:
be, ti, zr

3 letters:
ash, dry, ect, gin, gut, ire, isi, lye, qcd, red, rue

4 letters:
able, arak, bast, beam, bear, beat, bike, bite, bitt, blow, bock, bomb, bond, bull, burn, cane, deep, elan, farc, firm, flap, gale, gash, glow, grip, gust, hail, hale, hard, hate, itch, kick, lech, love, lust, pull, rant, rich, rico, rock, root, rope, ruby, ruta, sack, shag, side, spot, stab, tame, teak, tied, tilt, turn, urge, warm, zeal

5 letters:
acrid, anger, ardor, balsa, beard, bench, blast, blaze, brine, cable, catch, choke, claim, color, coral, ctene, decry, drive, eagle, epoxy, faith, ganja, gluon, gusty, hooks, jacob, juicy, kiaat, kraft, latte, lemon, letch, lisle, maize, ninon, opepe, ozone, retie, rings, ruddy, satyr, score, shear, shine, slash, spoil, staff, stout, surge, taste, throb, trunk, valse, waltz, whelk, withe, withy, worry

6 letters:
abkhaz, accent, amazon, ardent, ardour, arrack, attack, backed, badger, baryon, bitter, bodied, briard, burton, byssus, catgut, cerise, cherry, choler, cleome, colour, cooper, dimity, flimsy, garlic, grudge, gusher, hatred, hoenir, hunger, impact, jerker, jupati, jupaty, kowhai, lecher, limbed, longer, macula, madder, manila, nausea, numbat, papist, pecker, potent, rappee, robust, rugged, samson, severe, shears, shrike, spruce, thirst, tousle, toxoid, virago, wallop, yarrow

7 letters:
absinth, acquire, acrilan, arguing, banging, beef up, blazing, blessed, bollard, bruiser, bulldog, captive, carmine, catfish, caustic, chagrin, charger, climber, concern, condemn, cordial, crimson, deplore, diluted, disgust, drawbar, emotion, erosive, fancier, foglamp, fortify, fustian, gamboge, harpoon, hircine, hypoxia, ice tea, ironman, liqueur, manilla, measure, milfoil, mistral, parsnip, passion, phasmid, pilsner, pointer, potency, protest, radiate, ranting, red-hot, reddish, reeking, riptide, scarlet, schnaps, scrumpy, scunner, shallow, smolder, spicily, sunspot, telling, ticking, torpedo, trouble, updraft, upsurge, webbing

8 letters:
abkhazia, absinthe, afflatus, ambition, anteater, argument, aromatic, blizzard, blow off, calmness, caryocar, concrete, conjunct, emphatic, endorser, espresso, foulness, harangue, iced tea, indorser, iron man, knockout, lifeboat, lovesick, luscious, moderate, numbfish, obsessed, palisade, penchant, peroxide, physique, pilsener, pounding, powerful, pungency, rankness, ratifier, redolent, reignite, religion, reliving, richweed, ruby-red, rutaceae, saltwort, schnapps, silkworm, smoulder, stinkpot, stirring, strapper, strength, strongly, teakwood, theropod, thirster, titanium, tolerate, vigorous, what for, whipcord, wolffish

9 letters:
addiction, ambitious, anaclisis, anaclitic, armadillo, asafetida, automatic, backed up, backpedal, barracuda, battering, bee eater, beryllium, birch oil, block out, blood-red, bock beer, cafe noir, collocate, convinced, corrosive, crampfish, deadlight, demitasse, deprecate, disgusted, downdraft, drunkenly, effectual, ethnicity, excoriate, firewater, glucinium, grievance, hardiness, hard drug, hezbollah, horseweed, hortative, hortatory, huskiness, juxtapose, limburger, lustiness, magnetize, marihuana, marijuana, marseille, obedience, objurgate, onionskin, pentothal, phosphine, piquantly, polyester, reprehend, reprobate, roosevelt, sailcloth, santa ana, sash cord, sash line, sforzando, sharpness, snowstorm, sociality, spotlight, stoneroot, stoutness, swamp oak, tangerine, testament, throbbing, tone down, toughness, vitriolic, water bed, wolf fish, workbench, zirconium

10 letters:
aqua vitae, arrogantly, asafoetida, balsa wood, bast fiber, bee killer, bond paper, cherry-red, china jute, clammyweed, common oak, contention, dust devil, eau de vie, enthusiast, epoxy glue, face guard, federalist, forbearing, genus ruta, horse balm, ice coffee, impressive, ionisation, ionization, john henry, lech after, lust after, matricaria, militarism, motorcycle, mudskipper, nutmeg-yew, oleophilic, packthread, passionate, pogo stick, preference, ribbonwood, robber fly, robustness, rue family, ruggedness, safety net, sou'easter, sou'wester, stinkiness, stone root, strengthen, strong-arm, subscriber, thiopental, trampoline, velvetleaf, velvetweed, voluptuous, wanderlust, water down, willow oak, woodpecker, work bench

11 letters:
able-bodied, acrimonious, apomorphine, association, barbed wire, beach grass, bulimarexia, coach horse, controversy, disputation, douglas fir, english oak, epoxy resin, exclamatory, exhortative, exhortatory, heavy metal, humiliation, hydrophilic, iced coffee, jupati palm, kraft paper, liederkranz, lustfulness, machiavelli, mudspringer, musk turtle, naphthalene, nationalist, oktoberfest, picric acid, raffia palm, ribbon tree, rip current, self-hatred, southeaster, southwester, sweet tooth, tendencious, tendentious

12 letters:
acrocyanosis, bird fancier, bird of jove, black locust, butter-print, cabbage bark, cabbage tree, carrick bitt, chloric acid, condemnation, contestation, electric ray, electroshock, good old boy, harpoon line, indian cress, lemon yellow, manila paper, ommastrephes, overpowering, overwhelming, phototherapy, predilection, protestation, quercus alba, recalcitrate, restrengthen, selenic acid, self-disgust, shopping bag, spiderflower, stalwartness, thunderstorm

13 letters:
ambitiousness, birdcage mask, butcher paper, chinkapin oak, dispassionate, effectiveness, federal party, goncalo alves, herb of grace, indian mallow, lecherousness, manilla paper, mortification, piciform bird, prepossessing, quercus robur, raffia ruffia, rolling paper, soul-stirring, spinelessness, substantially, wild wilkworm

14 letters:
allium sativum, andira inermis, ardent spirits, balm of gilead, batis maritima, blanket stitch, bloodwood tree, bowstring hemp, chinquapin oak, disapprobation, electric storm, genus caryocar, giant silkworm, heavy particle, hooker's onion, hydriodic acid, malodorousness, neutralisation, neutralization, passionateness, phasmid insect, pruning shears, raynaud's sign, self-possessed, snake mackerel, tagetes patula

15 letters:
acquisitiveness, all-or-none law, atomic number 4, banded anteater, brussels carpet, cannabis sativa, cigarette paper, english bulldog, family rutaceae, french marigold, gravitationally, ochroma lagopus, pedunculate oak, phenolphthalein, quercus bicolor, quercus phellos, ruta graveolens, spanish pointer, swamp white oak, sweet-birch oil

16 letters:
atomic number 22, atomic number 40, bomb calorimeter, electrical storm, emotional person, federalist party, gempylus serpens, genus matricaria, hydrobromic acid, pastinaca sativa, raffia taedigera, religious belief, structural steel, tropaeolum majus

17 letters:
allium acuminatum, cabbage-bark tree, california nutmeg, eleanor roosevelt, emotional arousal, garden nasturtium, hydrogen peroxide, methyl salicylate, raffia farinifera, sesbania exaltata, theropod dinosaur, thiopental sodium

18 letters:
american white oak, composite material, federal government, george ellery hale, irrational impulse, mercury-vapor lamp, plagianthus regius, sophora tetraptera, stinking goosefoot

19 letters:
colorado river hemp, industrial-strength, nauclea diderrichii, niccolo machiavelli, torreya californica, trichloracetic acid, yellow chestnut oak

20 letters:
abutilon theophrasti, achillea millefolium, bird-footed dinosaur, chenopodium vulvaria, clear-air turbulence, electroshock therapy, moreton bay chestnut, polanisia dodecandra, polanisia graveolens, trichloroacetic acid, tricholoma aurantium

21 letters:
myrmecobius fasciatus, plagianthus betulinus, quercus muehlenbergii

22 letters:
anna eleanor roosevelt, collinsonia canadensis, commiphora meccanensis, pterocarpus angolensis, quantum chromodynamics

23 letters:
astronium fraxinifolium

24 letters:
thiopentobarbital sodium

25 letters:
american federalist party, electroconvulsive therapy, sarcocephalus diderrichii, staffordshire bullterrier

27 letters:
electromagnetic interaction, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

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