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Words and phrases whose definition contains containing:   (1042 results)

ark, balm, bath, blank, bleu, block, board, borsch, borscht, borsh, borshch, borsht, bortsch, brine, bronze, bulb, chert, class, closed, core, corked, cream, cubeb, cum, cyst, dorm, duff, fat, flip, frame, frappe, fresh, full, hall, hearts, hold, ice, job, join, kit, lean, list, live, lymph, mole, orb, parve, pea, phrase, pill, pop, punch, rich, salt, salve, seed, shell, short, smoke, sod, soft, soup, split, sum, sward, sweet, take, turf, us, void, year, yeast

acid, actifed, algae, alloy, archive, archives, argyle, argyll, augite, auric, aurous, azide, balkans, balsam, baric, basic, bathhouse, bathroom, bee house, birch beer, black whale, bladder, blank shell, blistered, blood cyst, blue cheese, blue gum, bony, book lung, boric, breather, bromic, calcic, capsule, carbon, carob, cartridge, ceric, cerous, chalky, challah, cherty, chloride, chondrite, chunky, cistern, clayey, comfit, contain, corky, corrupt, cotton, cracker, cross bun, cruet-stand, cupric, cuprous, cysteine, dashboard, date bar, date bread, dorm room, dossier, dryness, dry cell, dummy, earthnut, empty, eyeball, fasces, fatty, ferric, ferrous, floor wax, foamy, formic, framework, framing, fritter, frothy, fruitcake, fruit bar, gasbag, genus, gnomic, goober, greasy, greensand, greensward, groundnut, haemic, hallah, heavy, hemic, histone, humid, hydrous, hymnal, hymnbook, ice cream, ice fog, icy, jukebox, lead-free, lead glass, lead ore, lead sheet, lightbulb, light bulb, listing, lithic, long bone, lumpy, massive, meaty, mensa, menthol, mess kit, metal, midden, mince pie, mine field, missal, mixed bag, mixture, molal, molar, motley, nitrate, nitric, nitride, nitrile, nitrite, nitrous, nonsweet, notice, nut bread, ocher, ochre, oily, ointment, open, orbit, order, oxime, paintbox, panel, pareve, parvo, pastis, peanut, pearler, pea plant, pentose, phonebook, phone book, phrase book, pinite, pipra, plasm, plasma, plastid, playbook, prayer book, prune cake, purine, pustule, pyrrhic, quartile, rocket, romans, root beer, sachet, saline, salty, sandlike, sandy, schnorchel, schnorkel, section, semen, septic, serous, sheep dip, sherbert, sherbet, shrapnel, sinus, six-pack, sketchbook, sketch pad, skimpy, slatey, slaty, smart card, smokeless, smoking, snapper, snorkel, soap pad, soda, songbook, sorbet, soymilk, spackle, sperm whale, spiegel, spore case, spore sac, stannic, stannous, starchy, starter, star shell, sweetness, tenfold, tetrose, titus, toner, tonic, triose, twelvemonth, unction, unguent, union, unsound, verbose, west end, wetness, white lead, white noise, windy, woody, wordbook, wordy, workbook, yearbook

abdomen, accusing, accusive, acetic, acidic, acid rain, alcohol, alkalic, alkaline, alkaloid, almanac, amide, aminic, amino, aneroid, antiknock, aphanite, apple pie, aqueous, aspergill, asphaltic, assortment, augitic, azido, azimuth, azotic, azo dye, bacillar, bagnio, ball bearing, balsamic, balsamy, barytic, basaltic, belemnite, benzoic, bichloride, bilious, bismuthic, black pudding, bleach liquor, blister pack, blood agar, blood blister, blood pudding, blood sausage, boracic, bran muffin, bubble pack, buttery, cachalot, calycle, camphoric, carbonate, carbonyl, carboxyl, carob bean, cartridge brass, cast iron, catalog, catalogue, cathedral, cellular, ceylonite, champagne cup, china tree, chloramine, chloramine-t, chloroplast, chocolate cake, chromoplast, cinder pig, cisterna, city block, clam chowder, clerihew, cocoanut, coconut, cola nut, collection, condemning, conjugate, conodont, containment, control board, copybook, corn chowder, corn fritter, corrupted, cotton plant, crystalline, cyanide, dead sea scrolls, denary, dermoid cyst, detail file, diamine, diazo, dichloride, dioxide, dirtiness, double cream, dynamite, egg foo yong, egg fu yung, eitchen midden, elastic, elixir, elliptic, emptiness, enamine, engine block, envelope, escadrille, essential, extension, eye socket, ezekiel, fallacious, false dogwood, family, fattiness, ferritin, fever tree, fish chowder, follicle, formica, fovea, fractionate, fruit custard, galatians, germinal, gold-bearing, goober pea, goora nut, gray matter, gray substance, grey matter, grey substance, gymnogyps, haematic, hall of fame, hematic, hematin, hot cross bun, hydrated, hydroxide, hydroxy, hymnary, interval, ionic, iridic, jumping bean, jumping seed, kola nut, lanolin, lateran, lexicon, ligneous, liquid bleach, liverwurst, locust bean, locust pod, long-winded, macaroon, malachi, manganate, marrowbone, maxzide, meiosis, melaena, melena, melodic, mercuric, mercurous, metallic, milky way, mimosa, mineral, miosis, mitosis, monazite, monkey nut, monoxide, mountainous, mucinous, musical, myxoma, natural, naval brass, neon lamp, neon tube, nickel bronze, nickel steel, nitta tree, nonleaded, nonmetal, no man's land, nucleus, office block, onion bread, operon, osseous, osteal, os longum, palma christ, pearl diver, pentoxide, perchloride, perisperm, peroxide, philemon, phosphoric, phosphorous, phosphor bronze, physic nut, picris, pleonaste, pogonip, pork sausage, porterhouse, potpourri, pouched mammal, proof spirit, pseudocarp, purulence, questionnaire, raisin bread, ready-mix, resinoid, responsive, rhubarb pie, right-angled, salad nicoise, saltiness, saltwater, sciatic, seawater, sebaceous, self-propelled, seminal, senega, shotgun shell, sienna, siliceous, silicious, singleton, smorgasbord, soda pop, sour fig, soybean milk, spiritous, spirituous, spotted dick, spring-loaded, spring mattress, stainless steel, sugarless, sugary, sulfuric, sulphuric, t-bone steak, table wine, taconite, tape cartridge, tedious, tefillin, telluric, thesaurus, tobin bronze, tourmaline, trichloride, trioxide, triple cream, triple creme, tucana, tungsten steel, twilight zone, tyramine, uracil, usa, vacuolate, vanadate, vesica, vesicle, video, vitreous, vocalic, water hole, water ice, witch hazel, wolfram steel, writing desk, wych hazel, x-ray tube, zeolite, zinc ointment, zinnwaldite

accusative, adiposeness, albuminous, alcoholic, aldehydic, algarroba, allegoric, alloy iron, almond cookie, almond crescent, aluminous, america, ammoniac, ammoniacal, amphibole group, antiphonal, antiserum, aphoristic, apiary, applesauce cake, apple fritter, appointment book, apricot bar, aquiculture, arenaceous, argillaceous, aromatic, arsenical, astrocytic, auriferous, automotive, bacillary, banana bread, basic iron, bathing machine, bentonitic, bicarbonate, biliary, bilocular, biloculate, binary file, birth control pill, bituminous, black maria, bleu cheese dressing, blue-green algae, blueberry pie, blue cheese dressing, bodice ripper, boric acid, butter cookie, butyraceous, caffeinism, calcareous, calciferous, calcimine, caliculus, calyculus, carbolated, carbonylic, carbon paper, carbon process, carboxylic, carpellary, castor-oil plant, castor bean plant, cell nucleus, certified check, certified cheque, chalybeate, chest cavity, chinaberry, chlorophyllose, chlorophyllous, chondriosome, chromium steel, cinerary, cinnamon bread, coconut cake, collimator, colossians, compendium, conditional, conjugated, consonantal, control panel, cracker bonbon, cyanine dye, cylinder block, dictionary, differential, dormitory, ejaculate, electric light, elliptical, ephemeris, ephesians, erroneous, ethereal, fatty tissue, fibrous tissue, formulary, fortune cookie, genus picris, genus pipra, german silver, hair follicle, heavy water, heliosphere, hematocyst, heterodon, homocyclic, horse cassia, hydrocarbon, hydroponics, hymenium, inaccurate, indian red, inebriant, intoxicant, invidious, iridosmine, isocyclic, jaboncillo, jeremiah, katharevusa, ketosteroid, kitchen midden, kola nut tree, lead carbonate, lemon meringue pie, liver pudding, liver sausage, low-fat diet, macaronic, marsupial, medullary, melodious, mentholated, mercurial, methionine, mineralized, miscellany, monoamine, monovalent, muciferous, mustard plaster, needle bearing, nickel silver, nitrogenous, nonmetallic, oatmeal cookie, office building, ossiferous, palma christi, panel heating, parvovirus, peanut brittle, pellitory, philippians, phosphoprotein, phylactery, pictorial, polar body, polyamide, polypeptide, polyvalent, porphyritic, porterhouse steak, power series, pulp cavity, purulency, pycnidium, quinine water, raisin cookie, renal cortex, residence hall, rochelle powder, rocket engine, roller bearing, roquefort dressing, sabin vaccine, saliferous, salmagundi, sarcorhamphus, seidlitz powder, seidlitz powders, self-propelling, siderocyte, sinapism, skillet corn bread, smelling bottle, snorkel breather, soda water, spiegeleisen, spiegel iron, spirogyra, sporangium, superoxide, syconium, syncytium, telephone book, tetrahalide, toll house cookie, tonic water, transaction file, triclinium, tuberculin, tutti-frutti, united states, vacuolated, variety, variorum, venous sinus, vinyl resin, waterlessness, water blister, wild china tree

accessory fruit, accusatory, acocanthera, acokanthera, adipose tissue, adiposity, adjuratory, admiralty brass, algarroba bean, allegorical, alloy cast iron, amethystine, amino acid, anagrammatic, antimonial, argentiferous, axiomatic, balsamorhiza, beryllium bronze, bombacaceae, boracic acid, buffer solution, calamine lotion, caraway seed bread, chocolate chip cookie, chrysotherapy, cinerarium, circular function, columbarium, comminatory, condemnatory, contraceptive pill, cubeb cigarette, cyclopaedia, cyclopedia, denunciative, detonating fuse, dibasic acid, dormitory room, electric blanket, electrolytic, erectile organ, family circle, flashlight battery, fossiliferous, gamma globulin, genus gymnogyps, hemorrhagic cyst, heterocyclic, incandescent lamp, instrument panel, iodocompound, irish soda bread, jatropha curcus, lepidomelane, lithia water, mentholated salve, microcrystalline, milky way system, miscellanea, mitochondrion, molybdenum steel, monometallic, mucopurulent, multivitamin, neuroblastoma, nickelodeon, nonalcoholic, noncallable bond, oleaginous, originative, osmiridium, peanut gallery, pelvic cavity, pharmacopeia, physeter catodon, polyurethane, protein molecule, pteridophyta, rachycentridae, radiant heating, reduplication, regnellidium, reticulocyte, second balcony, sedimentary, seminal fluid, sentential function, serum globulin, spackling compound, spiral galaxy, spiral nebula, student residence, synonym finder, thyroglobulin, tower of london, tribasic acid, uncamphorated, unsaturated, upper balcony, vinyl polymer, western australia

absolute alcohol, admiralty metal, aluminiferous, anagrammatical, appointment calendar, ark of the covenant, aromatic compound, balkan peninsula, coconut macaroon, cola acuminata, combination salad, denunciatory, deuterium oxide, discriminatory, electrolytic cell, encyclopaedia, encyclopedia, entertainment center, fovea centralis, genus heterodon, genus sarcorhamphus, hematochezia, hydrogen carbonate, mercurial ointment, mexican jumping bean, milky way galaxy, monobasic acid, moreton bay chestnut, neuroepithelium, oral contraceptive, orbital cavity, organic chemistry, osteochondroma, pellitory-of-spain, periodic acid, phytomastigina, polyvinyl resin, purple bacteria, reduction division, reference manual, ricinus communis, substantia grisea, telosporidia, tetrabasic acid, tetrasporangium, thoracic cavity, tobacco industry, video recording, zinc cadmium sulfide

abdominal cavity, acid precipitation, alcoholic beverage, anacyclus pyrethrum, anovulatory drug, caffiene intoxication, carpobrotus edulis, cassia marginata, cassia roxburghii, cyanobacteria, differential equation, eucalyptus globulus, extracellular fluid, family bombacaceae, family rachycentridae, gastrocybe lateritia, genus acocanthera, genus acokanthera, genus balsamorhiza, human gamma globulin, information bulletin, intracellular fluid, mucopolysaccharide, myelomeningocele, oral contraceptive pill, phosphate buffer solution, polymeric amide, sapindus drumondii, subclass telosporidia, telephone directory, trigonometric function, variorum edition

aminoalkanoic acid, contextual definition, division pteridophyta, keratosis follicularis, mesembryanthemum edule, polycystic kidney disease, regnellidium diphyllum, sapindus saponaria, subclass phytomastigina, vestibule of the vagina

oral poliovirus vaccine, united states of america

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