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Words and phrases whose definition contains form:   (2225 results)

ag, arc, arch, arched, bag, ball, base, bat, be, bead, bed, bend, bilge, bind, blende, blob, blurred, bolt, bop, boule, boulle, bound, braid, branch, bridge, bug, buhl, build, bulge, bump, bunch, cake, call, carve, cash, cast, cell, chalk, changed, cheek, chip, christ, cinch, clawed, cloud, coat, coign, coigne, coin, cole, crack, crank, crown, crust, cup, curl, curve, cut, dance, deal, fast, fe, filled, film, fizz, flake, flex, flick, flint, flute, foam, fork, formed, froth, fugue, full, funds, gauge, gel, germ, get, gin, glass, gloss, glute, glyph, go, good, grain, groove, group, grow, guess, gum, h-bomb, h-shaped, head, hearts, heat, hill, how, hump, hung, ice, ill, jet, joss, judge, jut, k-lor, kail, kale, kink, l-shaped, lace, league, least, lens, lense, less, liked, line, lisp, mak, make, mass, meld, meth, mint, mold, more, most, mould, mound, mouth, ms, nan, net, niddm, old, paint, pair, pic, pill, pit, pitched, plan, pleach, plow, plume, pool, press, pulse, quartz, queue, quoin, read, ret, rib, ridge, rise, roll, rolled, root, rough, run, rung, rut, s-shaped, salt, say, scab, scheme, school, score, scram, scum, self, set, shape, shroud, skirt, smell, snake, snow, soul, spaced, spell, spin, splice, spoke, sprite, stamp, staph, stem, stool, strand, strike, strip, stuff, stump, swage, tab, take, team, theme, thick, three-d, thumb, tie, touch, tract, trained, trash, treat, trent, turn, twine, twist, v-shaped, vein, verse, versed, vice, voice, void, w-shaped, walk, wash, web, well, whist, wind, work, wreathe, write

3-d, 3d, aa, acid, actin, action, ada, address, adopt, affix, agate, aggroup, aided, airlike, altered, arise, art form, asia, aspirin, assume, atlas, badly, bad check, balance, ballast, bandlet, bar soap, basic, bayer, bebop, beetle, bennie, bicorn, bicorne, blackjack, black death, black plague, blanket, blowfish, blue nile, blue stone, bodied, bog moss, bone black, bone char, border, borecole, boron, boytrose, break dance, brick cheese, bridge whist, brigade, bromide, brother, bubble, build up, bunch up, buster, buttock, buzz off, callus, cancroid, canfield, capsule, carpet, castile, cerriped, chabad, chainlike, chainsaw, chain saw, changeless, change form, change shape, chasid, chassid, cheering, chelate, chilly, chlorite, choose up, circle, citrate, claim form, clark cell, clinker, clock golf, closed-chain, closed-ring, clouded, cloudy, cocked hat, cockle, cohere, cold cash, colewort, collage, color, colour, column, columned, combine, compact, compare, compel, complete, compose, compound, comprise, concrete, conflict, connive, consist, contour, converge, coosa, coquille, corral, couple, cover, covered, crown glass, cudweed, cut out, cysteine, deckle, define, deform, dendroid, derive, design, destined, diarchy, digit, display, dissolved, distort, djinni, djinny, downfall, drawnwork, draw up, dripstone, dual, dummy, earthstar, eightvo, emerald, encrust, endless, enter, entwine, extrude, factor, faerie, faery, faintly, fairy, fake book, fardel, fellow, festoon, figure, filler, fill in, fill out, flogging, formal, formless, free thought, friedcake, frost-weed, frostweed, frostwort, fully, furcate, furrow, fusion, gantlet, gas jet, gauntlet, gene chip, genie, genre, gerund, ghost word, globefish, go-slow, gold leaf, good form, gooseneck, graceful, grantor, graphic, grassland, greenhood, guard hair, gyro, hacker, haiku, hakka, handle, handsome, hanging, hardened, hard cash, hasid, hassid, haydn, hedjaz, hejaz, highway, hijaz, human, ideal, image, incrust, inflect, intrigue, iron, jack oak, jadeite, jasper, jesus, jinnee, jinni, jogging, k-lyte, kaffir, kafir corn, kelpie, kelpy, kernite, kibble, klondike, klorvess, kunzite, kyanite, l-dopa, large white, larva, lashing, lather, launcher, lava, layer, lead sheet, leavened, leda, life belt, life form, life ring, line score, line up, lipstick, long whist, lozenge, macro, mainframe, main road, make out, make up, mangrove, marlowe, massif, mass noun, mesmer, microbe, milk pox, mister, miter, mitre, model, molten, montage, moonshell, moon shell, mortice, mortise, motile, movie, mr, mrs, music, nafcil, nail down, native, neo, nephrite, nervure, noduled, nonstop, north platte, norvasc, nova, novel, oblong, odor, odour, old french, old sledge, pablum, pair off, pamphlet, parterre, pattern, pearl ash, peat moss, peptone, photo, picture, piece goods, pitchblende, pitfall, plasma, plaster, plavix, pleading, plural, pm, poorly, powder, precast, preform, printout, process, profile, progress, pubis, puddle, puffer, pulsate, punched card, punch card, puttee, puttees, put down, quarto, queue up, raster, ratlin, ratline, record, redact, reduce, red eft, red oak, renew, retread, rework, riffle, rigid, ring dance, ripple, rodin, roll up, roman fleuve, rondeau, rondel, rondo, root word, rough in, rough out, roundel, roundish, round dance, ruffle, rugby, rugger, rundle, rutile, sakti, salaam, samba, sampling, savior, saviour, scallop, scanning, schizoid, scollop, scrub oak, sealant, sealer, sector, semblance, sepal, settle, shabu, shakti, shapeless, shingon, shogi, shorthand, short whist, shouldered, shouting, silex, silver, sima, sister, sit-in, slam dance, sliver, sloping, slouchy, smallpox, small cap, small white, smother, snakelike, snaky, snooker, snowfall, sonnet, sounding, sparkle, sphagnum, spiral, spray-dry, spraying, spray gun, spring up, square dance, squarish, squeeze out, stamper, stamp act, stand for, steaming, stickball, stocky, strickle, striptease, strip show, struma, subside, sulfur, sulphur, summate, sumo, t-shaped, tablet, take on, talus, tanka, tanning, tax form, team up, teasing, tenon, thickset, tiller, tonguelike, toothpaste, transfer, transform, transformed, translate, transmute, treasure, tree-shaped, treelike, trefoil, tricorn, tricorne, tube-shaped, tubelike, tungsten, u-shaped, unbrace, unformed, unhewn, unreal, uprise, upset, vat dye, verbal, version, walking, water, wattle, whipping, white nile, white pox, wilton, witloof, wolfram, work on, work up, wrap up, write out, write up, writing, wyatt, y-shaped, yard goods, zinc blende

abstract art, acid rain, acquire, acrostic, actinoid, acyl group, adelgid, adsorption, aeriform, alastrim, alien, alkali, allograph, allotrope, alzheimer's, alzheimers, ameba, amoeba, amorphous, anagrams, anderson, angel dust, anklebone, annulet, aragon, arboresque, arch over, assembly, assisted, astragal, astrolabe, austenite, avatar, bandelet, bandelette, barnacle, barrel vault, bar magnet, bendopa, benzedrine, birth trauma, blackjack oak, black english, blue-blindness, blue copperas, bodily, body forth, book of maps, botryoid, break dancing, brecciate, bugger off, canasta, canonic, capital, capsulise, capsulize, cargo cult, cash in hand, castilla, cattle cake, cat and mouse, cat and rat, cell doctrine, cell theory, centriole, cerripede, cervantes, chain lightning, chalcanthite, chalybite, changeable, channelise, channelize, chiasm, chiasma, chicken feed, childbed fever, cicatrise, classical, cobalt bloom, columnar, columnlike, combining, common salt, compass card, complement, completely, compounding, conceive of, concentrate, concretion, condition, conferva, conformance, connection, connexion, constellate, constitute, construction, container, conversion, converter, convertor, copyhold, cordyline, corolla, corporal, corporate, corporeal, counterpoint, court tennis, creatin, creatine, crocketed, crystalise, crystalised, crystalize, crystallise, crystallised, crystallize, crystallized, cuban itch, culminate, cupola, cyanite, cyberpunk, dalton's law, dark matter, deck tennis, decompress, decussate, deism, demotic, demulcent, dendriform, dendroidal, designing, develop, dialog, dialogue, different, digitise, digitize, dimension, distinguish, double rhyme, dramatise, dramatize, dry socket, dummy whist, durable, dyarchy, ebonics, editing, edition, effervesce, effigy, effloresce, elegant, ellipsoid, elliptic, embodied, embody, empirin, encircle, enlace, entry word, envisage, ergodic, erythrite, estimate, estriol, etymon, example, excavate, excrescence, exposure, expression, extrusion, familiar, fantasia, fastigiate, federal, fibrinase, filmable, finalise, finalize, finances, fine-looking, firedamp, flint river, flocculate, foliate, forked lightning, formation, foundry proof, french endive, fullerene, fusion bomb, gas burner, gas gangrene, gas phlegmon, gatling gun, geminate, generic, gibbousness, gin rummy, gluteus, glycogen, good-looking, good shepherd, government, granulate, great millet, greenockite, gyroscope, haematite, halcion, halogen, hand to mouth, heavyset, hematite, heroic, hexagram, hiddenite, hieratic, hoarded wealth, horsecar, however, humulin, idealize, ideate, ilmenite, imagery, imagine, imaging, immersion, impalement, incarnate, inclusive, infinite, inflected, inflection, inflexion, infolding, inhuman, intensive, interlace, intertwine, intrinsic, ionic, isolate, jesus christ, kaffir corn, kaffir pox, kakke disease, kaochlor, king's evil, knock rummy, lamella, landholding, late latin, lay figure, leaf-roller, leaf lettuce, leaf roller, lens system, lifesaver, life buoy, limerick, link trainer, liquefied, liquid soap, liquified, lobe-finned fish, lobefin, lumpy jaw, madrepore, madrigal, make over, mandaean, mandean, manuscript, maoism, marquetry, massicot, mastodon, mastodont, mediate, memory, meniere, mestranol, methedrine, metycaine, milk chocolate, miscreate, miter joint, mitre joint, modified, monistat, monolith, monomer, mound over, mutable, mutation, myosin, myosis, nafcillin, nan river, nazism, nebulose, nebulous, nepheline, nephelite, night letter, nodular, nominal, nonverbal, novelise, novelize, nubian, nucleate, nucleus, octavo, oestriol, one-man rule, open chain, order form, organise, organize, os pubis, ouse river, overarch, ovolo, oxidized, packing box, palatine, particle, partner off, pegmatite, phlogopite, photograph, picture show, pindaric, pineal, placenta, plural form, poesy, poetry, polity, polymorph, prescription, presumption, prismatic, procedure, processor, prominence, protrusion, pubic bone, public press, quarter round, questionnaire, quick assets, radical, ramify, re-create, ready cash, real tennis, recorded, redaction, redactor, redeemer, regiment, rehearsal, represent, republic, restructure, reviser, rewriter, rewrite man, rhyme royal, river trent, rock maple, rondelet, rottenstone, rubbishy, rubella, run along, safety pin, salmacis, saponin, schematic, schematise, schematize, scrofula, separate, serenade, serpentine, seven-up, shareholding, shawnee cake, sheet music, shogunate, sickle cell, siderite, signature, singular, sixth-former, skeleton, slam dancing, sleeping draught, sleeping pill, smart money, smooth muscle, soap powder, sodalite, sodoku, solomons, solvation, spaghetti, sphagnum moss, sphalerite, spheroidal, spirilla, spirillum, splenic vein, spray-dried, spread over, squamous cell, square dancing, star earthball, steel arch bridge, stemmatics, stickball game, stigmatic, stinky squid, stipulate, stratify, stuffing box, subdivide, sugar beet, summary, symbolise, symbolize, symmetry, syndicate, synthesise, synthesize, synthetic, t-junction, table salt, tabular, tabulate, tailorbird, taxiway, taxi strip, template rna, temple tree, tetracaine, thalamus, theorize, the nazarene, tokenish, tombigbee, tontine, toothpowder, tooth powder, tornado, to the full, transducer, transduction, transference, translation, tremolite, trent river, trichina, tridymite, tripoli, typify, tyranny, umbel-like, umbellate, uncompress, underlie, undissolved, undulate, uniform, unionise, unionize, variform, vasiform, vat color, vedism, vine maple, viscera, weathercock, weil's disease, well-favored, well-favoured, wolframite, written word, xenotime

accidental, adaptation, adenosine, aerosolised, aerosolized, agglomerate, alliterate, amphibian, analysis, anastigmat, animalise, animalize, animal black, animal starch, anomaly, anovulant, apoenzyme, approximate, aragonite, arboreal, arboreous, arborescent, arboriform, aspirin powder, astragalus, atomism, auguste rodin, band together, bargaining chip, basic english, basket rummy, belgian endive, better-looking, birth control pill, black maria, blister copper, blue vitriol, bolivia, bornholm disease, botryoidal, breeches buoy, brocadopa, brussels carpet, bryozoa, bubonic plague, bunch together, caesarism, canonical, capriccio, carl anderson, castroism, cataplasia, catenulate, cell division, centromere, cercospora, chattahoochee, chiropteran, chromaesthesia, chromesthesia, chrysoberyl, cicatrize, circular-knit, citation form, civil order, clark standard cell, coalescence, coalition, collective noun, colloidal gel, colonial, colored hearing, columbia, columniform, combination, combining form, comfortingly, communism, comparative, complex number, composition, computer file, concatenate, confederate, conformity, conglobation, consolidate, conventional, convertible, coosa river, correspondence, corticium, cylindrical, decompression, decussation, delineate, deliverer, deoxidise, deoxidize, despotism, dictatorship, digitalise, digitalize, disembody, disk controller, diversified, dna chip, ecchymosis, electric shock, ellipsoidal, embodiment, emolument, emulsify, encapsulate, ephemera, ephemeron, escapism, everlasting, fabrication, fatty acid, fictionalise, fictionalize, financial aid, flagellation, foliolate, formalism, formal logic, fuzzy logic, gelatinise, gelatinize, german measles, gibbosity, glenoid fossa, gluteal muscle, glycolysis, granulation, gregarious, hard currency, headache powder, heat energy, hebephrenic, helmet orchid, heroic verse, hieratic script, hindoostani, hindostani, hindustani, homomorphy, honey mesquite, hydatid mole, hydrogen bomb, hyphenated, ictodosaur, idealise, idealism, immutable, implication, incarnation, incorporate, incorporeal, infinitive, infomercial, informercial, insubstantial, intersectant, intersecting, introversion, ionic bond, isomerase, isomorphy, jeremiad, joseph haydn, jungle fever, kinetochore, labyrinthine, land resources, larodopa, laser printer, ledercillin vk, leninism, levodopa, linearise, linearize, liquid assets, liquid diet, list processing, loose-leaf lettuce, macaroni, magic lantern, magnesium, main entry word, map collection, marqueterie, massicotite, material, matriarchate, matriarchy, messenger rna, metamorphic, metathesis, midazolam, minimal art, mitomycin, monocracy, motion picture, moving picture, musical score, mutamycin, myxobacter, namibia, naziism, neosporin, nitrocalcite, nodulated, non-circular, noncommital, north platte river, operation, originate, orthopnea, oxacillin, ozonium, pagoda tree, palatine bone, parabolic, participle, patriarchate, patriarchy, petrifaction, phencyclidine, piedmont glacier, pieris rapae, pindaric ode, piperocaine, plasminogen, play therapy, polyzoa, powder method, powder technique, power walking, precipitant, preposition, promethium, pronucleus, protuberance, protuberate, pseudosmallpox, purple orchis, pyramiding, pyrrophyta, quietism, radial vein, radiation, ready money, reconstitute, reduplicate, reformation, regenerate, regularly, reincarnate, republican, requisition, reticulate, retrogression, rocket launcher, royal tennis, rugby football, satyagraha, schizophrenic, sclerotium, semirigid, shipping fever, shoestring fungus, showy orchis, sign of the cross, silica gel, simulacrum, singular form, skeleton shrimp, sleeping capsule, sleeping tablet, small capital, solenichthyes, sonata form, soothing syrup, spade casino, spaghetti squash, spiritual, spirit rapper, spirit rapping, square and rabbet, stalinism, stony coral, substantiate, sugar maple, superhighway, superlative, supratrochlear vein, symposium, synthetical, table rapping, table tapping, tabularise, tabularize, tabulation, tallapoosa, tanganyika, technocracy, telegraph form, telocentric, terrietia, terza rima, theravada, transformation, translatable, transmutation, transposition, triangulate, triazolam, tribadism, tributyrin, tritanopia, trotskyism, true vocal cord, true vocal fold, umbelliform, unadapted, uncrystallised, uncrystallized, unitary, united front, unmodified, unsubstantial, unvarying, uraninite, vapor pressure, vapour pressure, variola, vasectomize, velleity, wahabism, wahhabism, washing powder, water vapor, water vapour, wave mechanics, wilton carpet, xeroderma, yellow-blindness, zoanthropy

abbreviation, absolutism, abstractionism, accessory nerve, acer saccharum, acetabulum, acid anhydrides, acyl anhydrides, adhesion contract, agglutination, allomerism, alveolitis, alzheimer's disease, amphibiotic, anastigmatic, animal charcoal, anomalousness, anthrax pneumonia, application form, articulation, aspergillosis, association, ateleiosis, ateliosis, biblical latin, bipedalism, bowdlerism, brooder pneumonia, cadmium sulphide, catatonia, central processor, cercosporella, christopher marlowe, chronic bronchitis, classical music, coalescency, colored audition, communist party, complex quantity, conglomeration, conglutination, constitutional, contraceptive pill, coordination, copy editing, corpus mamillare, cyber-terrorist, defective pleading, degeneration, dermatoglyphic, dichromic acid, digital display, divertimento, dramatisation, dramatization, electronic text, epistolary, ergodicity, evaporated, facial profiling, factor xiii, familiar spirit, fibrinopeptide, fluorapatite, footprint evidence, franz anton mesmer, franz joseph haydn, fulminic acid, genus cordyline, glenoid cavity, gluteus muscle, guild socialism, hakka dialect, haverhill fever, hebephrenia, hepatitis a, hepatitis b, heritiera, hermaphroditus, heroic meter, hollerith card, homomorphism, hypogastric vein, imagination, immaterial, impulse explosive, individuate, instantiation, interpretive dance, intradermal test, intussusception, invagination, irregularly, isles of langerhans, isomorphism, ixodes scapularis, labyrinthian, lechartelierite, letter telegram, liquid detergent, malignant pustule, mamillary body, mammillary body, mangrove family, manifestation, masdevallia, maxillary vein, mechanical press, menadione, mental imagery, meritocracy, metamorphosis, metaphysical, methamphetamine, miconazole, minimalism, modifiable, molar pregnancy, monasticism, monongahela, motion-picture show, neutralisation, neutralization, northern alliance, novelisation, novelization, nuclear fusion, optical fusion, order solenichthyes, orthochorea, parabolical, paraphrenia, participial, penicillin f, phylloquinone, phytonadione, pieris brassicae, plaster of paris, positivism, precipitation, proprietary, prosper meniere, pulverisation, pulverization, racemic acid, racial profiling, reaction engine, reductivism, reduplication, reincarnation, representable, representation, requisition form, responsibleness, revisionism, rhizoctinia, royal casino, sacral vertebra, san joaquin river, semiaquatic, septicemic plague, serious music, shipping pneumonia, sickle-cell disease, sir thomas wyat, sir thomas wyatt, slime bacteria, sociality, solomon islands, sorghum bicolor, southern spatterdock, south west africa, sovietism, spirillum fever, staphylococci, staphylococcus, stemmatology, subclavian vein, sumo wrestler, supraorbital vein, symbolic logic, symmetricalness, tabular matter, thalassaemia, thalassemia, theanthropism, thrombocytosis, titanic acid, tombigbee river, tontine insurance, transubstantiate, typhoid bacillus, typification, untranslatable, valence electron, vanadic acid, vasa efferentia, vena lienalis, versification, victimization, war secretary, xerodermia, zero-coupon bond

accusatorial, acer circinatum, acne vulgaris, active immunity, alpha-interferon, alpha-tocopheral, angiotensin i, animalization, anthropomorphism, arabian coffee, architectural style, armillariella, atopic eczema, beta-interferon, carl david anderson, cellular division, cervantes saavedra, chabad hasidism, chameleon tree frog, chattahoochee river, chorionic villus, class deuteromycetes, columbia river, committal to writing, common iliac vein, contract of adhesion, cooley's anaemia, cooley's anemia, cotyloid cavity, crossopterygian, cutaneous anthrax, dedifferentiate, delta hepatitis, deoxyephedrine, deuteromycetes, deuteromycota, electrostatic bond, electrovalent bond, eleventh cranial nerve, epistolatory, escape mechanism, everlasting flower, exemplification, exposure therapy, externalisation, externalization, extraterrestrial, fictionalisation, fictionalization, fluosilicic acid, friedrich anton mesmer, fungi imperfecti, gamma-interferon, genus cercospora, genus corticium, genus fusarium, genus heritiera, genus ozonium, genus sclerotium, genus terrietia, gliding bacteria, grammatical meaning, granulated sugar, granulation tissue, harmonic progression, haversian canal, hepatitis delta, hydatidiform mole, informational rna, inhalation anthrax, inquisitorial, interpretative dance, interpretive dancing, irresponsibleness, islands of langerhans, islets of langerhans, jesus of nazareth, landry's paralysis, latent diabetes, material resource, mesothelioma, middle temporal vein, miguel de cervantes, minamata disease, mineral resources, monetary resource, myxobacteria, myxobacterium, national socialist, navy secretary, nephrocalcinosis, nitrochloromethane, oligodendria, oral contraceptive, orchis spectabilis, osteoarthritis, passive immunity, pellicularia, perboric acid, phylum bryozoa, phylum pyrrophyta, piedmont type of glacier, pieris protodice, pityriasis alba, polymerisation, polymerization, potassium chloride, powder photography, propellant explosive, pseudovariola, puerperal fever, pulmonary anthrax, punitive damages, pycnodysostosis, quercus marilandica, radiant energy, reflex epilepsy, republicanism, responsibility, rhizophoraceae, rhizophora mangle, salmonella typhi, secretary of war, serialisation, serialization, serum hepatitis, spinal accessory, stoichiometry, style of architecture, subcutaneous test, tallapoosa river, telosporidia, tetartanopia, thermonuclear bomb, token economy, tomato concentrate, to a greater extent, to a lesser extent, to the highest degree, to the lowest degree, transmogrification, transubstantiation, triphosphoric acid, type of architecture, unmodifiable, variola major, variola minor, vena maxillaris, vena radialis, vena subclavia, vena supratrochlearis, western honey mesquite, west indian smallpox

acid precipitation, alphanumeric display, amlodipine besylate, anovulatory drug, atopic dermatitis, biblical aramaic, black english vernacular, borderline intelligence, central processing unit, chemical diabetes, chromatography column, clopidogrel bisulfate, coffea arabica, conditional relation, dark field illumination, dark ground illumination, dedifferentiated, dedifferentiation, deuteromycotina, diagonalisation, diagonalization, dihydrostreptomycin, double decomposition, emphysematous gangrene, emphysematous phlegmon, epidemic myalgia, exemplary damages, exteriorisation, exteriorization, external iliac vein, family rhizophoraceae, gamma hydroxybutyrate, gangrenous emphysema, genus cercosporella, genus rhizoctinia, grammatical construction, herpes encephalitis, imaginary number, infectious hepatitis, infectious polyneuritis, inferior vocal cord, inferior vocal fold, interior monologue, internal cerebral vein, internal iliac vein, internal jugular vein, interplanetary gas, interpretative dancing, iron manganese tungsten, irresponsibility, isocyanic acid, lepromatous leprosy, logical implication, madriporian coral, malignant hypertension, marxism-leninism, materialisation, materialization, mathematical logic, mechanical energy, mental representation, monongahela river, myotonic dystrophy, national socialism, nervus accessorius, new world leishmaniasis, nuclear terrorism, olfactory perception, olfactory sensation, oligodendroglia, oral contraceptive pill, pecuniary resource, phencyclidine hydrochloride, piperocaine hydrochloride, progressive vaccinia, prosopis glandulosa, psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid spondylitis, sickle-cell anaemia, sickle-cell anemia, southern cabbage butterfly, squamous cell carcinoma, subclass telosporidia, surface assimilation, thalassaemia major, thalassemia major, theory of indicators, trichinella spiralis, type ii diabetes, unipolar depression, vanadium pentoxide, vena supraorbitalis

angiohemophilia, ankylosing spondylitis, anxiety hysteria, authoritarianism, becker muscular dystrophy, classic hemochromatosis, clostridial myonecrosis, convertible security, crocanthemum canadensei, degenerative arthritis, degenerative joint disease, diabetes insipidus, diaphragmatic pleurisy, distal muscular dystrophy, distribution free statistic, epidemic roseola, extraterrestrial being, francois auguste rene rodin, genus armillariella, genus pellicularia, helianthemum canadense, hydrofluosilicic acid, information superhighway, internal representation, law of multiple proportions, logical positivism, lymphoblastic leukemia, magnetic bubble memory, methamphetamine hydrochloride, musculoskeletal system, neutralisation reaction, neutralization reaction, nonparametric statistic, nonparametric statistics, notophthalmus viridescens, nuclear fusion reaction, nuphar sagittifolium, orthotomus sutorius, paranoid schizophrenia, pseudocolus fusiformis, pure imaginary number, republic of namibia, scleroderma flavidium, secretary of the navy, theravada buddhism, totalitarianism, transactional immunity, vaccinia gangrenosa, vascular hemophilia, vena cerebrum internus

acetylsalicylic acid, alveolar rhabdosarcoma, american leishmaniasis, carbon dioxide acidosis, catatonic schizophrenia, disorganized schizophrenia, drepanocytic anaemia, drepanocytic anemia, embryonal rhabdosarcoma, epidemic pleurodynia, hebephrenic schizophrenia, herpes simplex encephalitis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, myotonia atrophica, paraphrenic schizophrenia, penicillin v potassium, pleomorphic rhabdosarcoma, plumeria acutifolia, pseudohypertrophic dystrophy, recombinant human insulin, respiratory acidosis, salmonella enteritidis, salmonella typhimurium, thoracic actinomycosis

abdominal actinomycosis, catatonic type schizophrenia, disorganized type schizophrenia, double decomposition reaction, essential thrombocytopenia, iron deficiency anaemia, iron deficiency anemia, leishmaniasis americana, mediterranean anaemia, mediterranean anemia, myotonic muscular dystrophy, nasopharyngeal leishmaniasis, paranoic type schizophrenia, superior thalamostriate vein

alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, brassica oleracea acephala, cervicofacial actinomycosis, embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, idiopathic hemochromatosis, lymphocytic choriomeningitis, mucocutaneous leishmaniasis, pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma, progressive emphysematous necrosis, staphylococcal enterotoxin b, subdivision deuteromycota

acute inclusion body encephalitis, digital communications technology, subdivision deuteromycotina

hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy

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