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Words whose definition contains form:   (1320 results)

ag, arc, arch, arched, bag, ball, base, bat, be, bead, bed, bend, bilge, bind, blende, blob, blurred, bolt, bop, boule, boulle, bound, braid, branch, bridge, bug, buhl, build, bulge, bump, bunch, cake, call, carve, cash, cast, cell, chalk, changed, cheek, chip, christ, cinch, clawed, cloud, coat, coign, coigne, coin, cole, crack, crank, crown, crust, cup, curl, curve, cut, dance, deal, fast, fe, filled, film, fizz, flake, flex, flick, flint, flute, foam, fork, formed, froth, fugue, full, funds, gauge, gel, germ, get, gin, glass, gloss, glyph, go, good, grain, groove, group, grow, guess, gum, h-bomb, head, hearts, heat, hill, how, hump, hung, ice, ill, jet, joss, judge, jut, kail, kale, kink, lace, league, least, lens, less, liked, line, lisp, mak, make, mass, meld, meth, mint, mold, more, most, mould, mound, mouth, ms, nan, net, niddm, old, paint, pair, pic, pill, pit, pitched, plan, pleach, plow, plume, pool, press, pulse, quartz, queue, quoin, read, ret, rib, ridge, rise, roll, rolled, root, rough, run, rung, rut, salt, say, scab, scheme, school, score, scram, scum, self, set, shape, shroud, skirt, smell, snake, snow, soul, spaced, spell, spin, splice, spoke, sprite, stamp, staph, stem, stool, strand, strike, strip, stuff, stump, swage, tab, take, team, theme, thick, three-d, thumb, tie, touch, tract, trained, trash, treat, trent, turn, twine, twist, vein, verse, versed, vice, voice, void, walk, wash, web, well, whist, wind, work, wreathe, write

3-d, 3d, aa, acid, actin, action, ada, address, adopt, affix, agate, aggroup, aided, airlike, altered, arise, asia, aspirin, assume, atlas, badly, balance, ballast, bandlet, basic, bayer, bebop, beetle, bennie, bicorn, bicorne, blackjack, blanket, blowfish, bodied, border, borecole, boron, boytrose, brigade, bromide, brother, bubble, buster, buttock, callus, cancroid, canfield, capsule, carpet, castile, cerriped, chainlike, chainsaw, changeless, cheering, chelate, chilly, chlorite, circle, citrate, clinker, closed-chain, closed-ring, clouded, cloudy, cockle, cohere, colewort, collage, color, colour, column, columned, combine, compact, compare, compel, complete, compose, compound, comprise, concrete, conflict, connive, consist, contour, converge, coquille, corral, couple, cover, covered, cudweed, cysteine, deckle, define, deform, dendroid, derive, design, destined, diarchy, digit, display, dissolved, distort, djinni, djinny, downfall, drawnwork, dripstone, dual, dummy, earthstar, eightvo, emerald, encrust, endless, enter, entwine, extrude, factor, faerie, faery, faintly, fairy, fardel, fellow, festoon, figure, filler, flogging, formal, formless, friedcake, frostweed, frostwort, fully, furcate, furrow, fusion, gantlet, gauntlet, genie, genre, gerund, globefish, go-slow, gooseneck, graceful, grantor, graphic, grassland, greenhood, gyro, hacker, haiku, hakka, handle, handsome, hanging, hardened, hasid, haydn, hejaz, highway, human, ideal, image, incrust, inflect, intrigue, iron, jadeite, jasper, jesus, jinnee, jinni, jogging, kaffir, kelpie, kelpy, kernite, kibble, klondike, kunzite, kyanite, l-dopa, larva, lashing, lather, launcher, lava, layer, leavened, leda, lipstick, lozenge, macro, mainframe, mangrove, marlowe, massif, microbe, mister, miter, mitre, model, molten, montage, moonshell, mortice, mortise, motile, movie, mr, mrs, music, native, neo, nephrite, nervure, noduled, nonstop, nova, novel, oblong, odor, odour, pablum, pamphlet, parterre, pattern, peptone, photo, picture, pitchblende, pitfall, plasma, plaster, pleading, plural, pm, poorly, powder, precast, preform, printout, process, profile, progress, pubis, puddle, puffer, pulsate, puttee, puttees, quarto, raster, ratlin, ratline, record, redact, reduce, renew, retread, rework, riffle, rigid, ripple, rondeau, rondel, rondo, roundel, roundish, ruffle, rugby, rugger, rundle, rutile, sakti, salaam, samba, sampling, savior, saviour, scallop, scanning, schizoid, scollop, sealant, sealer, sector, semblance, sepal, settle, shakti, shapeless, shingon, shogi, shorthand, shouldered, shouting, silex, silver, sima, sister, sit-in, sliver, sloping, slouchy, smallpox, smother, snaky, snooker, snowfall, sonnet, sounding, sparkle, sphagnum, spiral, spray-dry, spraying, squarish, stamper, steaming, stickball, stocky, strickle, striptease, struma, subside, sulfur, sulphur, summate, sumo, tablet, talus, tanka, tanning, teasing, tenon, thickset, tiller, toothpaste, transfer, transform, transformed, translate, transmute, treasure, tree-shaped, treelike, trefoil, tricorn, tricorne, tube-shaped, tubelike, tungsten, unbrace, unformed, unreal, uprise, upset, verbal, version, walking, water, wattle, whipping, wilton, witloof, wolfram, writing, wyatt

acquire, acrostic, actinoid, adelgid, adsorption, aeriform, alastrim, alien, alkali, allograph, allotrope, alzheimer's, alzheimers, ameba, amoeba, amorphous, anagrams, anderson, anklebone, annulet, aragon, arboresque, assembly, assisted, astragal, astrolabe, austenite, avatar, bandelet, bandelette, barnacle, benzedrine, blue-blindness, bodily, botryoid, brecciate, canasta, canonic, capital, capsulize, castilla, centriole, cerripede, cervantes, chalcanthite, chalybite, changeable, channelize, chiasm, chiasma, classical, columnar, columnlike, combining, complement, completely, compounding, concentrate, concretion, condition, conferva, conformance, connection, connexion, constellate, constitute, construction, container, conversion, converter, convertor, copyhold, cordyline, corolla, corporal, corporate, corporeal, counterpoint, creatin, creatine, crystalize, crystallize, crystallized, culminate, cupola, cyanite, cyberpunk, decompress, decussate, deism, demotic, demulcent, dendriform, dendroidal, designing, develop, dialog, dialogue, different, digitize, dimension, distinguish, dramatise, dramatize, durable, dyarchy, ebonics, editing, edition, effervesce, effigy, effloresce, elegant, ellipsoid, elliptic, embodied, embody, empirin, encircle, enlace, envisage, ergodic, erythrite, estimate, estriol, etymon, example, excavate, excrescence, exposure, expression, extrusion, familiar, fantasia, fastigiate, federal, fibrinase, finalize, finances, fine-looking, firedamp, flocculate, foliate, formation, fullerene, geminate, generic, gibbousness, gluteus, glycogen, good-looking, government, granulate, greenockite, gyroscope, haematite, halcion, halogen, heavyset, hematite, heroic, hexagram, hiddenite, hieratic, horsecar, however, humulin, idealize, ideate, ilmenite, imagery, imagine, imaging, immersion, impalement, incarnate, inclusive, infinite, inflected, inflection, inflexion, infolding, inhuman, intensive, interlace, intertwine, intrinsic, ionic, isolate, lamella, landholding, lifesaver, limerick, liquefied, liquified, lobefin, madrepore, madrigal, mandaean, manuscript, maoism, marquetry, massicot, mastodon, mastodont, mediate, memory, mestranol, methedrine, metycaine, miscreate, modified, monolith, monomer, mutable, mutation, myosin, myosis, nafcillin, nazism, nebulose, nebulous, nepheline, nephelite, nodular, nominal, nonverbal, novelize, nubian, nucleate, nucleus, octavo, organise, organize, overarch, ovolo, oxidized, palatine, particle, pegmatite, phlogopite, photograph, pindaric, pineal, placenta, poesy, poetry, polity, polymorph, prescription, presumption, prismatic, procedure, processor, prominence, protrusion, questionnaire, radical, ramify, re-create, recorded, redaction, redactor, redeemer, regiment, rehearsal, represent, republic, restructure, reviser, rewriter, rondelet, rottenstone, rubbishy, rubella, saponin, schematic, schematize, scrofula, separate, serenade, serpentine, seven-up, shareholding, shogunate, siderite, signature, singular, sixth-former, skeleton, sodalite, sodoku, solvation, spaghetti, sphalerite, spheroidal, spirilla, spirillum, stigmatic, stipulate, stratify, subdivide, summary, symbolise, symbolize, symmetry, syndicate, synthesise, synthesize, synthetic, t-junction, tabular, tabulate, tailorbird, taxiway, tetracaine, thalamus, theorize, tokenish, tombigbee, tontine, toothpowder, tornado, transducer, transduction, transference, translation, tremolite, trichina, tridymite, tripoli, typify, tyranny, umbellate, underlie, undissolved, undulate, uniform, unionize, variform, vasiform, viscera, weathercock, well-favored, well-favoured, wolframite, xenotime

accidental, adaptation, adenosine, aerosolized, agglomerate, alliterate, amphibian, analysis, anastigmat, animalize, anomaly, apoenzyme, approximate, aragonite, arboreal, arboreous, arborescent, arboriform, astragalus, atomism, better-looking, bolivia, botryoidal, bryozoa, caesarism, canonical, capriccio, castroism, cataplasia, catenulate, centromere, cercospora, chattahoochee, chiropteran, chromaesthesia, chromesthesia, chrysoberyl, cicatrize, coalescence, coalition, colonial, columbia, columniform, combination, comfortingly, communism, comparative, composition, concatenate, confederate, conformity, conglobation, consolidate, conventional, convertible, correspondence, corticium, cylindrical, decompression, decussation, delineate, deliverer, deoxidise, deoxidize, despotism, dictatorship, digitalize, disembody, diversified, ecchymosis, ellipsoidal, embodiment, emolument, emulsify, encapsulate, ephemera, ephemeron, escapism, everlasting, fabrication, fictionalize, flagellation, foliolate, formalism, gelatinize, gibbosity, glycolysis, granulation, gregarious, hebephrenic, hindoostani, hindostani, hindustani, hyphenated, ictodosaur, idealise, idealism, immutable, implication, incarnation, incorporate, incorporeal, infinitive, infomercial, insubstantial, intersectant, intersecting, introversion, isomerase, jeremiad, kinetochore, labyrinthine, leninism, levodopa, linearize, macaroni, magnesium, marqueterie, material, matriarchate, matriarchy, metamorphic, metathesis, midazolam, mitomycin, monocracy, myxobacter, namibia, naziism, nitrocalcite, nodulated, non-circular, noncommital, operation, originate, orthopnea, oxacillin, ozonium, parabolic, participle, patriarchate, patriarchy, petrifaction, phencyclidine, piperocaine, plasminogen, polyzoa, precipitant, preposition, promethium, pronucleus, protuberance, protuberate, pyramiding, quietism, radiation, reconstitute, reduplicate, reformation, regenerate, regularly, reincarnate, republican, requisition, reticulate, retrogression, satyagraha, schizophrenic, sclerotium, semirigid, simulacrum, solenichthyes, spiritual, stalinism, substantiate, superhighway, superlative, symposium, synthetical, tabularise, tabularize, tabulation, tanganyika, technocracy, telocentric, terrietia, theravada, transformation, translatable, transmutation, transposition, triangulate, tribadism, tributyrin, tritanopia, trotskyism, unadapted, uncrystallized, unitary, unmodified, unsubstantial, unvarying, uraninite, variola, vasectomize, velleity, wahhabism, xeroderma, zoanthropy

abbreviation, absolutism, abstractionism, acetabulum, agglutination, allomerism, alveolitis, amphibiotic, anastigmatic, anomalousness, articulation, aspergillosis, association, ateleiosis, ateliosis, bipedalism, catatonia, cercosporella, coalescency, conglomeration, conglutination, constitutional, coordination, degeneration, divertimento, dramatisation, dramatization, epistolary, evaporated, fluorapatite, hebephrenia, heritiera, hermaphroditus, homomorphism, imagination, immaterial, individuate, instantiation, intussusception, invagination, irregularly, isomorphism, labyrinthian, lechartelierite, manifestation, masdevallia, menadione, meritocracy, metamorphosis, metaphysical, methamphetamine, miconazole, minimalism, modifiable, monasticism, monongahela, neutralisation, neutralization, novelisation, novelization, orthochorea, parabolical, paraphrenia, participial, phylloquinone, phytonadione, positivism, precipitation, proprietary, pulverisation, pulverization, reduplication, reincarnation, representable, representation, responsibleness, revisionism, rhizoctinia, semiaquatic, sociality, sovietism, staphylococci, staphylococcus, symmetricalness, thalassaemia, thalassemia, theanthropism, thrombocytosis, transubstantiate, typification, untranslatable, versification, victimization

accusatorial, alpha-interferon, animalization, anthropomorphism, armillariella, crossopterygian, deoxyephedrine, deuteromycetes, deuteromycota, epistolatory, exemplification, externalisation, externalization, extraterrestrial, fictionalisation, fictionalization, inquisitorial, irresponsibleness, mesothelioma, myxobacteria, myxobacterium, nephrocalcinosis, oligodendria, osteoarthritis, pellicularia, polymerisation, polymerization, pycnodysostosis, republicanism, responsibility, rhizophoraceae, serialisation, serialization, stoichiometry, telosporidia, transmogrification, transubstantiation, unmodifiable

dedifferentiation, deuteromycotina, diagonalization, dihydrostreptomycin, exteriorisation, exteriorization, irresponsibility, marxism-leninism, materialisation, materialization, oligodendroglia

angiohemophilia, authoritarianism, totalitarianism

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