

Think you know it, poet?
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Words and phrases whose definition contains when:   (2002 results)

ash, bat, bate, beat, bell, birth, blast, bligh, blush, bolt, book, brake, break, breathe, bulb, card, cast, caul, chad, chance, change, check, cheer, chip, choke, chord, chrome, clay, close, clutch, coast, cohn, cough, crack, craps, creak, cream, crisp, crock, cry, cubeb, cut, dash, day, daze, dead, death, doer, dower, draft, drag, draught, dress, drive, end, fall, feel, field, firm, first, fitch, flinch, flip, floor, flux, ford, freak, freeze, fret, fuse, g-force, gain, gasp, gauche, gay, gee, gel, get, gig, glare, glaze, glow, go, goal, gould, greet, groan, grunt, gulp, gum, hail, hang, head, heave, hell, herd, horn, hurt, ice, joke, joule, jude, juice, keep, key, kick, kill, kink, knot, lead, left, lethe, lift, light, line, live, loch, log, luff, mad, mail, match, matte, mean, mold, most, mould, mum, nod, nought, nudge, ohm, pack, pad, pant, pass, peat, pin, ping, pink, plague, play, plod, press, prime, pu, puff, pull, punk, quench, reed, rest, ride, right, roll, root, ruff, run, salt, scald, scarce, school, scrum, seal, shade, shift, shock, shoe, shot, shout, singe, sit, size, skid, skin, skunk, slack, slip, slog, slouch, smack, smell, smith, snap, snare, sneeze, snivel, snore, soil, sough, sound, sprain, spree, spring, squall, squelch, squirm, start, string, stroke, sun, sweet, swell, tail, take, tang, taste, tense, test, tongue, tramp, trim, trudge, trunk, twirl, twist, type, use, veil, volt, wean, whey, whoop, whoosh, will, wince, word, work, worm, wreck, writhe, yam, yaw, yawn, yell, zinc

abseil, abuse, abwatt, ackee, advance, ahead, airfoil, airlift, alloy, almost, al dente, amuck, anal, and gate, approach, arc lamp, arc light, arthur, assume, autumn, avert, background, backup, backward, baggage, barrel, baseline, bead fern, bear's foot, beeper, behind, believe, bitter, black death, black fox, black plague, bleachers, blewits, blind date, block out, blue wall, blusher, boer war, boggle, bolt-hole, bone ash, boxcars, brain death, brake light, brake shoe, breaker, break seal, brunhild, brunnhilde, brynhild, bullrush, bull pine, bulrush, bunyan, burnside, buster, buzzer, caaba, cackle, careful, cartoon, car bomb, cashew, cast off, cast on, cat's eye, certain, change-up, cheap shot, cheer up, childhood, cipher, claim form, climber, combust, confront, conscience, consult, contrast, control, cookie, coolidge, courgette, cowage, cracker, crampon, crampoon, crawler, crossbill, crossroads, crunchy, crusade, cube root, cut to, cymbal, cypher, cy pres, dado, daniel, date rape, dawson, day off, deceive, deepen, dehisce, demise, despond, dew worm, dextral, dido, digress, dissolve, divot, doomsday, doorbell, doorknob, doorsill, doorstep, downtime, drawee, drip loop, drizzle, dumdum, dying, e-mail, earthworm, eddy, eden, edgar, effect, email, error, escape, et al, even, exhale, explode, extend, factor, fall-board, fall board, falter, fateful, father, fatigues, fervid, fibrin, field pea, fig tree, fill-in, filling, fillmore, finish, first strike, fishnet, fishworm, flavor, flavour, fleawort, flick-knife, floodhead, fly ash, footfault, footslog, foulmart, foumart, freeze down, freeze out, free fall, free time, friction, frog kick, frustum, full moon, function, funk hole, gas bomb, gas shell, geastrum, gerund, giggle, gimbaled, gluten, goat grass, good and, grimace, grumble, guest night, gulf war, gumbo, gun dog, gurgle, half-moon, halfway, halloo, hammer, harry, hassock, haworth, hedge pink, hedging, henry, hero, hiccup, hightail, high tide, homestretch, horrid, hydra, hyphen, incense, inverse, io, item, jacksnipe, james iv, jay gould, judas, juiceless, jumble, jump ball, juncture, kaaba, karpov, kazoo, kelly, khmer rouge, knuckle, land mine, last day, lather, lava, lawrence, lead on, legume, lens cap, letdown, level, lever, license, ligate, lightbulb, light bulb, light pen, litotes, load line, loment, lonesome, lot's wife, lotion, luggage, margin, maroon, marsh gas, masted, metal, misplay, monsoon, muscle, muteness, nailrod, nectar, nicad, no-show, non pros, nutmeg, oakum, odor, odour, off-day, ointment, only, oral, or gate, outbid, own goal, pager, painter, panic, paper, pepper, phintias, planchette, plasma, plaster, plimsoll, polecat, pommel, popcorn, potluck, prime time, process, profess, pubescence, puddle, puffball, puncture, pupa, pyxis, quebec, rain stick, ram disk, rattle, rayleigh disk, recall, recoil, red elm, red worm, reedmace, reed mace, regress, rehnquist, relax, relief, relish, renege, repose, reserve, resign, resource, rest mass, resume, retire, revoke, revolt, rhubarb, rocket, roll up, roquette, rubbing, russia, sadness, saint jude, salute, sandhi, savor, savour, scarcely, scatter, schooldays, schooltime, school day, school year, scissors, screen font, scrummage, send in, serpent, shame plant, shiny, shoetree, shooting, shower, shrivel, shut up, sideburn, silence, silent, sitter, sixfold, skipjack, slag code, slapstick, smoke bomb, snake eyes, snapper, sneezewort, sniffle, snuffle, soapwort, solace, solder, solstice, soman, sour, sourness, space bar, spackle, spare time, speech day, spinner, spongelike, sponge bag, spongy, spray can, square root, squeaker, squelcher, st. jude, stager, stampede, stand-in, standby, startle, star fruit, steel drum, stench bomb, stiffen, stink bomb, stonewall, stoplight, straighten, stress test, stridor, strong-arm, stupor, subside, surface, surprise, sweetness, sweet oil, swelling, take care, tartness, tax form, tee hinge, tenno, the pits, threaten, threshold, throw stick, time off, timing, tinning, tollbar, tollgate, tongue-tie, touch-me-not, translate, trumping, twilight, tyler, t hinge, untrue, upgrade, upstage, uptime, vacate, valiance, valor, valour, vanish, virga, wainscot, warlord, warming, wasteful, well-off, whiteout, white fir, white pine, white whale, whizbang, whizzbang, windsurf, wind harp, wingspread, wisely, work-in, work time, wrestle, wriggle, writing, x ray, yam bean, zero, zircon, zonk out

abdicate, abnormal, abortus, acceptor, accretion, achilles, acid rain, acknowledge, action plant, aerofoil, aerosol, agonist, anaglyph, anaphase, and circuit, and elsewhere, and others, angelus, angleworm, anonym, applecart, arbitrage, ascendance, ascendence, assuagement, assumption, assurance, astringence, atm, babinski, backup man, back channel, balata, balsam fir, bandwagon, basil mint, bean trefoil, bed jacket, belemnite, beluga, bitterness, black morel, black pepper, blighia, blunt trauma, bohr theory, booby trap, boomerang, bouncing bess, bouncing bet, bowling shoe, break of serve, brunanburh, buddhism, cabbage palm, cabbage tree, call waiting, captain bligh, carefreeness, carelessly, cashew nut, cashew tree, cash machine, changeable, chasuble, chatoyant, christmas tree, circumstance, clarity, click beetle, closing time, cloudiness, cloudlessness, cloud cover, clytemnestra, cocoanut, coconut, come to life, company, complacence, condition, congruent, constricted, corner kick, counterpoint, counterstain, crack of doom, craftily, crazily, crazy bone, crucifix, cunaxa, cut away, dalton's law, damselfly, data rate, dead center, dead centre, decision, deflagrate, deletion, deposit, depression, deputy, devastate, de rigueur, difference, diffident, diffraction, discount rate, dismally, dismember, dissilience, dolefully, dominance, doorhandle, dormition, double door, draw the line, emollient, engagement, enjoyment, entasis, equinox, escape cock, escape valve, excision, excitement, eye contact, factoring, factor i, fall of man, fast time scale, father-god, fatherhood, fertile phase, fifth crusade, finder's fee, finger hole, firedamp, fire sale, fishing net, fishing worm, fluorescein, flying start, fool's parsley, foolishly, forthcoming, fulgurant, funny bone, gallantry, gamboge tree, gerald ford, gestation, glaze over, glycogen, golden age, grace kelly, grade crossing, greek fire, green pepper, gresham's law, gumbo soil, gun barrel, guomindang, handiness, happiness, hell to pay, highwater, high season, high water, hit the dirt, hognose snake, honeypot, hopefulness, hopelessness, humble plant, hydromel, ibidem, indian, interrupt, inversion, in advance, in service, jack-in-the-box, john tyler, judgement day, judgment day, jumpiness, kendall test, khomeini, king's counsel, knuckle joint, kuomintang, lamplighter, landing gear, laocoon, last judgement, last judgment, leisure wear, lens cover, lens implant, letter bomb, lieutenant, life cycle, lightsomeness, limiting, lippizan, liquefy, liquify, littleneck, live-and-die, load-shedding, logic bomb, machilid, mandamus, martensite, mary i, mccauley, meiosis, memory, mesantoin, meteor, mevacor, middling, midsummer, mifepristone, mikado, misdating, mistiming, moderate, mortgagee, mortgagor, morula, mountain pine, murphy bed, mutton chop, naughtily, nervousness, newspaper, nightcrawler, nightwalker, nilpotent, niqaabi, nom de guerre, nonfeasance, occlusion, off-season, off-speed pitch, only if, only when, on the spot, operate, order form, orpheus, or circuit, overbid, overcall, overcast, overrule, oxbow lake, package bomb, palpation, pangaea, pangea, paper round, paper route, parasail, parcel bomb, paul bunyan, peacekeeping, peak season, peanut worm, pension fund, pentothal, persimmon, phaethon, phallic phase, phallic stage, philemon, plimsoll line, plimsoll mark, poker chip, poppy day, possumwood, powderize, pregnancy, pretty much, price gouging, prickly ash, prime of life, proboscis, proportion, protest march, pseudonym, psyllium, puberty, puff adder, pythias, quarrelsome, quarter day, queen's counsel, queen regent, question time, rain-in-the-face, raise the roof, raspberry, rattler, rattlesnake, reaction, realism, real ira, recessive, reconvene, redemption, red alert, refraction, regency, register, relief valve, reliever, remainder, remotely, restiveness, retrial, retrofit, rewire, rhubarb plant, ribosome, river lethe, rock salmon, roller blade, roman pace, rooibos, rubicon, running pop, running start, rush hour, safety valve, saint lawrence, salivate, saltiness, sand viper, saponin, saracen, scintillate, scopes trial, screen saver, sealing wax, sea raven, second reich, self-locking, selflessly, seraphic, service line, setterwort, sheepshearing, shooting star, shortleaf pine, side-whiskers, signora, silver fox, silver pine, single-lane, sinistral, sitting bull, slow time scale, smoke grenade, smooth earthball, solacement, solenoid, solution, soreness, spallation, spinnaker, sporting dog, squelch circuit, st. lawrence, stereo, stinking yew, stop order, stovepiping, straight razor, stretch reflex, stud finder, submarine, substitute, syllabic, symmetry, synchrony, synthetic, take office, tantalus, tea-strainer, tea napkin, telophase, temperament, tenderness, testament, testudo, tetany, thaddaeus, thermoset, throwing stick, toilet bag, tonocard, torpedo, torrey tree, trip wire, trojan horse, true puffball, tuning fork, valiancy, vapor lock, vapour lock, vocative, volt-ampere, waterline, watermark, water line, watt second, weatherly, weatherstrip, wedding night, weymouth pine, wheeziness, white pepper, widowhood, wiggler, william bligh, witness box, witness stand, wood pussy, zucchini

abocclusion, abortion pill, acidity, adjudicate, aerosol bomb, aerosol can, allyl resin, all together, alteration, anaglyphy, angelus bell, animal starch, antagonist, apogean, apoplexy, application, arugula, ascendancy, ascendency, astatic coils, astringency, asynchrony, autolysis, autotomy, babinski sign, baby-sitter, babysitter, babysitting, baby buster, baby sitting, balanced budget, balance of trade, balm of gilead, balsam willow, banana peel, banana skin, bank holiday, baseball season, berlin airlift, bloody mary, blushing mushroom, bujumbura, bulimia, calefacient, calvin coolidge, capital gain, capital loss, carambola, cash dispenser, cerebral death, chalazion, change-of-pace, charter member, chemical bomb, chemisorption, chemosorption, chocolate liquor, cine-camera, circuit breaker, climbing iron, cloud-cuckoo-land, collaborate, color spectrum, common pepper, complacency, complementary, conic morel, consistency, consolation, control surface, cordarone, cracker bonbon, critical point, cy pres doctrine, day of judgement, day of judgment, decalescence, default judgement, default judgment, dejectedly, delinquency, departure tax, diaspora, diastole, dichroism, dinner napkin, diplopia, disappointment, disastrously, disgustedly, dishonestly, doubting thomas, drop-down menu, dumdum bullet, dysphemism, eastern white pine, elastomer, electric light, electric shock, embarrassing, embarrassment, endocentric, endotoxin, end of the world, equinoctial, evangelist, evasively, exocentric, expedient, factorisation, fibrinogen, fishpole bamboo, flaminius, fluoresceine, fluorescent dye, football season, full-of-the-moon, full employment, garden rocket, gastric lavage, gelatinize, generic drug, genus geastrum, gerald r. ford, gosan-chiku, greenhouse effect, happy hour, hasty defence, hasty defense, heroism, hockey season, horripilate, horseless carriage, hotei-chiku, hypertrophy, hysterically, identical, identity, immorally, immunogen, inertial mass, initiate, insouciance, intifada, intumescence, inward-moving, iridescent, isotropy, jelly fungus, jitteriness, jumping orchid, king protea, lactarius, laurentius, leopard lily, lesser hemlock, level crossing, library fine, life assurance, life insurance, lightheartedness, literary, littleneck clam, lovastatin, love-in-a-mist, luciferin, lysogeny, mandelbrot set, marburg disease, markup language, mary stuart, mary tudor, maternity, megacolon, mephenytoin, merry-go-round, metacenter, metacentre, metalworker, meteor stream, millard fillmore, minority, miranda rule, molly pitcher, moment of truth, musical chairs, nacreous cloud, negative pole, neuroleptic, nodal rhythm, nonsyllabic, north vietnam, obstructively, occluded front, offertory, olecranon, operculum, opportunely, orthopnea, outward-moving, overexert, overextend, oxygen debt, pair creation, pair formation, pair production, papier-mache, parenchyma, pentimento, percussion cap, phase of the moon, photocathode, piece of writing, pinus strobus, piper nigrum, pisha paysha, plantar reflex, plutonium, poisonous plant, polybotrya, ponderosa, porcupinefish, porcupine fish, positive pole, power failure, power outage, praesidium, precipitin, preclinical, prepuberty, president ford, presidium, prohibition, protestingly, puerperium, pyramid scheme, pyxidium, qualifying, raspberry bush, rationalize, recessive gene, reconstruction, red indian, red silver fir, registered bond, registered mail, registered post, reign of terror, rejuvenate, remembrance day, reporting weight, resulting trust, rite of passage, river blindness, rocket salad, roentgen ray, rule of cy pres, rumpelstiltskin, salinity, santiago, sapidity, satisfaction, scandalously, scintillation, sclerotium, security, sensitive fern, sensitive plant, session cookie, shipping fever, silver bromide, simple protein, sipunculid, slippery elm, snapping beetle, sneezeweed yarrow, south vietnam, spark arrester, speculation, spin the bottle, spirit level, stage manager, star sapphire, stinking cedar, stop-loss order, sugariness, summer solstice, superfetate, sweetness and light, synaesthesia, synchronism, synchronizing, synesthesia, synsemantic, taste perception, taste sensation, telegraph form, telegraph key, tetanilla, thermoplastic, thermosetting, the depression, thiopental, tocainide, transmission time, trichroism, tricuspid valve, true vocal cord, true vocal fold, ulmus rubra, unaffected, unconsciously, underemployed, understudy, ungrudgingly, unhappiness, unselfishly, usumbura, valorousness, venetian blind, vibrating reed, vinegarroon, vocative case, volcanic glass, water level, western white pine, william iii, william rehnquist, winter mushroom, winter solstice, yalu river

aboriginal, aborigine, academic year, accrual basis, acidulousness, acid hydrogen, acrylamide, actomyosin, agglutination, alleviation, amabilis fir, amiodarone, anabiosis, anachronism, anamorphism, anamorphosis, anastylosis, anisotropy, antibiotic, antipsychotic, apple of discord, application form, asynchronism, availableness, babinski reflex, balance of payments, basketball season, bitis arietans, blackberry-lily, boletus edulis, boletus pallidus, bombardier beetle, breach of warranty, calcium stearate, canada balsam, carbonic acid, change-of-pace ball, chester a. arthur, clitocybe nuda, commensalism, common opossum, consideration, contrast medium, crepitation rale, day of reckoning, decrepitation, desynchronizing, diodon hystrix, disassociate, discontentedly, disoriented, double leg circle, elastic device, electrical fuse, electromagnet, electronic mail, excommunicate, extended time scale, extinction angle, facilitation, factorization, feast of dormition, fertile period, fixed investment trust, full phase of the moon, garden of eden, genus blighia, gerald rudolph ford, glycogenesis, green monkey disease, gutta balata, harlem renaissance, heat of solution, holiday season, hydraulic system, impersonally, incandescent lamp, incoherently, inconsistently, inconsolable, information age, insecurity, interestingly, intermittent cramp, intumescency, irradiation, japanese red pine, joint resolution, judgement by default, judgment by default, jumping bristletail, karyolysis, kronecker delta, magnetic moment, mary mccauley, mary queen of scots, matrix inversion, mechanistically, medellin cartel, meibomian cyst, mesasamkranti, metal detector, meteor shower, modification, mother-of-pearl cloud, movie camera, naive realism, narrowhead morel, native australian, neuroleptic drug, non prosequitur, oedogonium, original sin, orites excelsa, orthochorea, osmotic pressure, overspecialize, pandiculation, paradoxically, peacekeeping mission, photovoltaic, piano action, plaster of paris, pleochroism, plutonium pit, plymouth colony, point of no return, polybotria, ponderosa pine, president arthur, president coolidge, president fillmore, president tyler, presymptomatic, probabilism, reasoning backward, rebound tenderness, remembrance sunday, resting potential, resurrection plant, richard iii, right of re-entry, rose of jericho, scaly polypore, self-complacency, self-satisfaction, sentential function, shipping pneumonia, shortleaf yellow pine, single supplement, solid solution, southwestern white pine, spackling compound, spanish psyllium, sphenoid fontanel, sphenoid fontanelle, spiny talinum, squirting cucumber, stinking bean trefoil, stinking hellebore, stress incontinence, superposable, synchroneity, synchronicity, synchronisation, synchronization, the great depression, thiocyanate, tracheostomy, tracheotomy, triceps brachii, ultimate frisbee, unashamedly, unreasonably, utility man, visible spectrum, volatile storage, western yellow pine, wild water lemon, william hubbs rehnquist, william of orange, withdrawal symptom, writ of mandamus, x-radiation, zea mays everta

abies amabilis, abies balsamea, accessibility, acidic hydrogen, acrocyanosis, aeolian harp, aeolian lyre, aerosol container, american white pine, amplitude distortion, anagyris foetida, anatoli karpov, angle of extinction, animated cartoon, antipsychotic drug, armillariella, arnica montana, assumption of mary, automated teller, automatic teller, availability, battle of brunanburh, battle of cunaxa, boletus mirabilis, chester alan arthur, clear and present danger, complementary color, contradictoriness, contrast material, crookes radiometer, damon and pythias, designated driver, desynchronisation, desynchronization, diametrically, downy manzanita, dramatic irony, elastic energy, electronic stylus, embryonic membrane, eruca sativa, exhibition season, exploding cucumber, ferdinand julius cohn, ferromagnetism, gaius flaminius, genus lactarius, genus polybotrya, government-in-exile, grace patricia kelly, heat of sublimation, helvella sulcata, hospitalization, hydrogen cyanide, hypocritically, illegitimately, immunizing agent, italian renaissance, japanese table pine, linear regression, local anaesthesia, local anesthesia, madagascar pepper, major tranquilizer, major tranquilliser, major tranquillizer, melodramatically, mercury fulminate, metastability, mimosa pudica, moment of a magnet, morchella conica, myotactic reflex, neuroleptic agent, non-volatile storage, nonvolatile storage, nuclear deterrence, olecranon process, onchocerciasis, opisthobranchia, pacific silver fir, paramagnetism, partial correlation, passive matrix display, pectoral sandpiper, penetrating trauma, pinus densiflora, pinus echinata, pinus monticola, pinus ponderosa, pinus strobiformis, plantago psyllium, plutonium trigger, poisson distribution, prohibition era, proportionality, protea cynaroides, pulmonary reserve, pyrophoric alloy, resorcinolphthalein, reversible process, ruholla khomeini, scintillation counter, security measures, security system, selective amnesia, semidiameter, sphenoidal fontanel, sphenoidal fontanelle, stereoscopic picture, sternocleidomastoid, theatrical season, thermoplastic resin, thermosetting resin, topicalization, transubstantiation, uninformatively, unscientifically, weapons plutonium, woolly manzanita, written material

achillea ptarmica, acid precipitation, aegilops triuncalis, aethusa cynapium, american indian, american persimmon, anterior fontanelle, antipsychotic agent, apyretic tetanus, ayatollah khomeini, belamcanda chinensis, boletus pulverulentus, calidris melanotos, california box elder, clitocybe inornata, curvilinear regression, delphinapterus leucas, diabetes mellitus, electromagnetism, electroretinogram, equilibrium constant, euterpe oleracea, fulminate of mercury, fulminating mercury, garcinia cambogia, garcinia hanburyi, gastroenterostomy, genus polybotria, going to jerusalem, gustatory perception, gustatory sensation, helleborus foetidus, hohenzollern empire, horizontal parallax, inaccessibility, inferior vocal cord, inferior vocal fold, intermittent tetanus, kinetic theory of heat, livistona australis, morchella angusticeps, mortgage-backed security, motion-picture camera, mustela putorius, negative magnetic pole, nondiscretionary trust, nonlinear distortion, olfactory perception, olfactory sensation, overflow incontinence, parabolic reflector, paraboloid reflector, passiflora foetida, peacekeeping operation, penetrating injury, permanganate of potash, phyllostachys aurea, polyporus squamosus, positive magnetic pole, postural hypotension, princess grace of monaco, professional relation, reconstruction period, regional anaesthesia, regional anesthesia, regression coefficient, salix pyrifolia, santiago de cuba, scleroderma bovista, security deposit, sternocleido mastoideus, superannuation fund, tactual exploration, therapeutic abortion, thiopental sodium, topical anaesthesia, topical anesthesia, typha latifolia, unavailability, western civilization, zirconium silicate

american labor party, australian aborigine, automated teller machine, automatic teller machine, calcium octadecanoate, catasetum macrocarpum, counterpreparation fire, didelphis virginiana, diospyros virginiana, fiduciary relation, genus armillariella, genus oedogonium, heat of solidification, holy day of obligation, inhalation anaesthetic, inhalation anesthetic, intravenous anesthetic, law of multiple proportions, letters of administration, marburg hemorrhagic fever, mary ludwig hays mccauley, metacarpophalangeal joint, musculus triceps brachii, north american indian, onoclea sensibilis, orthostatic hypotension, papal infallibility, peziza domicilina, potassium permanganate, primary solid solution, rectilinear regression, stereoscopic photograph, sternocleidomastoid muscle, subclass opisthobranchia, subordinating conjunction, thermosetting compositions, war of the spanish succession, xeroderma pigmentosum

anacardium occidentale, aspalathus cedcarbergensis, cerebrovascular accident, commiphora meccanensis, communist party of kampuchea, cortinarius mutabilis, ecballium elaterium, elastic potential energy, el nino southern oscillation, erythroblastosis fetalis, mastigoproctus giganteus, neolentinus ponderosus, physiological nystagmus, pycnanthemum virginianum, real irish republican army, right atrioventricular valve, roystonea oleracea, saponaria officinalis, second law of thermodynamics

anastatica hierochuntica, anatoli yevgenevich karpov, ayatollah ruholla khomeini, hemitripterus americanus, party of democratic kampuchea, selaginella lepidophylla, thiopentobarbital sodium

atrioventricular nodal rhythm, dissident irish republican army, eruca vesicaria sativa, inhalation general anaesthetic, inhalation general anesthetic, musculus sternocleidomastoideus

palestine liberation organization

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